Picture & Video Highlights from Watching Grass Grow

watch grass grow logo

NOTE: I don't update this page anymore - latest developments/pictures/videos on the Grass Blog.

Here are a few snapshots from the growing grass webcam along with some time-lapse videos: I also have some pictures and video from another webcam watching a house being built and wildlife there.

First mow of the season with new HD cam - it started on the first pull!

toro lawn mower

toro lawn mower first pull

Mr. Grass mowing the lawn - it grows too fast!

lawn mowing

This dog really likes the sprinklers

sprinkler dog

These kids have fun with 'em too

sprinkler kids

Uhaul comes by the Hulk'in Lemonade Stand


"Hulk" with his buddy the Pirate Skeleton - ARRRRR!

hulk skeleton

I tossed a few things out there when the webcam was really popular

snowman grass mailbox

And here is what that looked like at night

grass at night

Mailman pops up again after I added an American Flag

american flag

A Van almost hit my convertible!

van almost hit car

More "adult" drinks for a progressive dinner we hosted

martini glass webcam

Still picture from the side of that 1,000 Gallon Martini Glass

martini glass

Hottie drives up with a Porche Convertible


Here's my convertible - Oldsmobile Delta 88


And yes, it sometimes snows on the grass

snow on grass

This is actually rain when the sun is shining - see the video

rain with sun

Wednesday is trash day

taking out garbage

And the Garbage trucks shows up later that morning

garbage truck

Closeup - more garbage pictures

garbage truck claw

I hope they took all the BUGS with 'em!

bug webcam

Sometimes visitors run over the grass - better backup job here

garbage knockover

Neighborhood perp knocks my trash over - watch video of it

garbage knockover

Mailtruck breaks down - video of 2nd mail truck coming by and then a tow truck

mailtruck stuck

Media reporting on Watching Grass Grow

breaking news