3,001 Grass Blog comments in 2021 about Watching Grass Grow

26,563 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2022/01/01 16:41:56
LOL it always cracks me up to see the "competition" for last/first comments at the end/start of the year! Here's the year of WGG ... in 36 seconds! ;-)

26,562 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.8401°N 105.0027°W "Skylar" from 075.166.108.xxx (75-166-108-42.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2022/01/01 13:44:20
Happy new Year 2022! Let's make this year even better! Also, Holy crap! That's a lot of snow! It has snowed quite a lot here in Greeley too.

26,561 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "Gill Luke's mum" from 082.017.123.xxx (cpc95708-derb16-2-0-cust933.8-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2022/01/01 10:31:37
Wishing you and your family a happy new year and all the best for 2022. May this site live long and prosperous. Love the snow but not that temperature of -13 c

26,560 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Sussy clause" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2022/01/01 00:00:04
Have a very poggy christmas

26,559 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.5575°N 114.3307°W "Night Owl Keeney" from 047.216.044.xxx (47-216-44-64.lkhvcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2022/01/01 00:00:02
Imagine not getting the first comment of the year. What a pleb. get no scoped lol

26,558 - United States - Flagstaff Arizona 35.1795°N 111.6082°W "Mison" from 134.114.223.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2022/01/01 00:00:02
Imagine being the first comment of 2022, that would be funny I think

26,557 - Singapore - Singapore 1.3979°N 103.8729°E "No Name" from 116.015.194.xxx (bb116-15-194-125.singnet.com.sg) wrote at 2021/12/31 23:59:56
happy new year everyone!

26,556 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/31 23:17:51
Happy New Year to all WGG Fans!
And for the WSS (Watch Snow Shoveled) Fans, here's some time-lapse videos from this evening.

26,555 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 22:59:47
Have a happy New Years! Much love to everyone in the grass blog

26,554 - United States - Independence Ohio 41.377°N 81.6588°W "AJF15000" from 099.047.110.xxx (99-47-110-209.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 22:01:14
Happy new year Mr Grass! Have a good 2022

26,553 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.4122°N 112.0287°W "Anonymous" from 075.167.212.xxx (75-167-212-202.phnx.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 21:32:55
Have a happy new year, to all the grass watchers!

26,552 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 21:29:09
Woooo, look at all that snow! Hope Mr G and all the grass fans are having a Happy New Year's Eve!

26,551 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Anonymous" from 172.058.017.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/31 20:46:08
I once tried to be like Mr. Grass to impress a guy and it worked.

26,550 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/31 19:51:56
Watching snow grow.

26,549 - United States - Middletown Ohio 39.5082°N 84.3987°W "Anonymous" from 174.098.163.xxx (cpe-174-98-163-179.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/31 17:46:30
Love the snow so much, even if we cannot see the grass.

26,548 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 16:18:26
Have a lovely new years eve Mr grass, thank you for this wonderful year of grass :)

26,547 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/31 16:14:08
Lovely snow, I wish I was there.

26,546 - Canada - Montreal Quebec 45.5063°N 73.5794°W "Anonymous" from 167.114.101.xxx (ns509813.ip-167-114-101.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 15:51:49
yay it snowed

26,545 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.674°N 73.9701°W "Anonymous" from 184.075.121.xxx (rrcs-184-75-121-198.nyc.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/31 15:45:49

26,544 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/31 13:52:51
It is snowing! Finally some snow to close The year.

26,543 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "MrKarkus" from 098.035.028.xxx (c-98-35-28-206.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 11:58:29
Can I get last comment for this year?

26,542 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 09:37:00
Thanks Mr. G for the update! That smoke is way too close for comfort! SO glad you all are safe! I'm extremely saddened for all those who lost their homes in the wildfires last night! If there are any donation sites, please share them with us.

26,541 - United States - Kodiak Station Alaska 57.6036°N 153.3751°W "Anonymous" from 065.074.083.xxx (248-83-74-65.gci.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 05:29:11
Glad to hear you weren't evacuated due to the fires.

26,540 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.5575°N 114.3307°W "Night Owl Keeney" from 047.216.044.xxx (47-216-44-64.lkhvcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/31 01:56:53
What a lovely evening we are having

26,539 - United States - Elkhart Indiana 41.7088°N 85.976°W "Anonymous" from 071.228.039.xxx (c-71-228-39-156.hsd1.in.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/30 22:01:25
have a happy new years Mr grass! and everyone else

26,538 - United Kingdom - St Albans Hertfordshire 51.8379°N 0.4399°W "Cragnathar" from 176.026.123.xxx (b01a7bf1.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2021/12/30 21:18:00
Hello I really enjoy your website. I hope soon in the future you expand your lawn to increase the joy of grass growing! Have a happy new year, I can't wait for the fast growing grass in the summer! :___)

26,537 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/30 16:36:59
Just seeing the national news, Hoping Mr Grass and family aren't in harm's way!!! :( Wildfires and heavy wind are no joke.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:45 - Yea, the fires are REALLY bad ... but they are fortunately South (just a few miles) of us with the winds blowing directly to the East. The Webcam faces North, so all looks "normal" that direction. Here's what it looked like from my backyard earlier this afternoon - the picture doesn't really do it justice.

26,536 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/30 15:54:05
we love your grass

26,535 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/30 14:57:29
Finally some snow, to bad that is for the next year :(. Anyways, Happy New Year Mr. Grass and everybody that visit this website.

26,534 - United States - Ontario California 34.0765°N 117.628°W "Anonymous" from 172.058.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/30 10:26:19
Will you be celebrating New Years Mr. Grass?
Mr. Grass replies at 12:52 - Might have a few people over ... but it's super-windy today ... and it will get super-code starting tomorrow ... with snow on the way!

26,533 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Hype" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/30 00:11:44
Cant wait for the new year!!

26,532 - United States - Ontario California 34.0765°N 117.628°W "Grass Enthusaist" from 172.058.027.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/29 20:55:54
Your lawn is looking beautiful as always Mr Grass

26,531 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "inevitable" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/29 16:39:22
grass pog grass pog

26,530 - Italy - Brescia Provincia di Brescia 45.5337°N 10.2191°E "Panettondoro" from 095.232.095.xxx (host-95-232-95-221.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/12/28 08:05:22
Glorious, i've been looking at this for five hours now

26,529 - United States - Rimersburg Pennsylvania 41.04°N 79.4935°W "Trash Bin" from 040.142.220.xxx (h30.220.142.40.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) wrote at 2021/12/27 13:11:20
No snow? My disappointment is immeasurable.

26,528 - United States - Niagara Falls New York 43.093°N 78.9635°W "Anonymous" from 098.001.081.xxx (mta-98-1-81-92.nycap.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/27 09:39:50
Whoever made this is a dumb moron

26,527 - Netherlands - Voorhout South Holland 52.2253°N 4.4961°E "Anonymous" from 217.101.107.xxx (217-101-107-249.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) wrote at 2021/12/27 05:18:52
The best site ever.

26,526 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "n10cities" from 137.239.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/26 15:54:38
I miss the old days with the controllable lights. Was always a highlight of my year.
Mr. Grass replies at 21:01 - I miss 'em too ... although you "relive the glory" at Control-Christmas-Lights.com which shows how much more was in the front-yard than the current setup ... which comes down real quick as seen this afternoon's time-lapse.

26,525 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Grass lover" from 172.058.017.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/26 12:46:48
Grass blog hype

26,524 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.5575°N 114.3307°W "pogchamp" from 066.185.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/26 11:39:32
poggers mate

26,523 - United States - Hoffman Minnesota 45.8147°N 95.8079°W "Q" from 206.183.189.xxx (206-183-189-128.runestone.stellarllc.net) wrote at 2021/12/26 09:43:21
Do you like grass or is it like a man or a sponge lol or maybe a sponge or a knife lol I think I know what he keeps talking to him and I think I got a good job and

26,522 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-Trent 53.0897°N 2.2678°W "greg bigballs" from 002.122.033.xxx (027a2191.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2021/12/26 07:25:37

26,521 - United States - Terre Haute Indiana 39.4057°N 87.4026°W "Anonymous" from 174.097.247.xxx (cpe-174-97-247-132.ma.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/25 17:44:54
merry christmas grass viewers :)

26,520 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/25 17:15:10
Merry Christmas to Mr Grass and family!

26,519 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/25 13:17:17
No white christmas this year :(

26,518 - United States - City N/A Michigan 42.7769°N 82.5437°W "Cypher" from 098.209.215.xxx (c-98-209-215-233.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/25 11:54:25
merry christmas!!!!!!

26,517 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/24 19:47:16
Merry Christmas to everybody and wonderful night!

26,516 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.183.xxx (24-121-183-55.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/23 22:25:26
grow grass grow

26,515 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/23 21:17:50
Oooooh. I hear you may have snow for Christmas! Yay! I hope so!

26,514 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.144.065.xxx (host86-144-65-230.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/12/23 12:55:37
a very happy christmas and best wishes for the new year to mr g and all grass watchers

26,513 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/22 18:11:02
I wonder if is going to snow before the new year.

26,512 - United States - City N/A Virginia 37.4638°N 77.398°W "eclipse" from 104.225.177.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/22 09:34:00
guys the among us stain in the road is gone :(

26,511 - Slovakia - Kosice 48.7771°N 21.2116°E "Anonymous" from 088.212.037.xxx (nat-88-212-37-26.antik.sk) wrote at 2021/12/22 01:42:53
your page looks like something from before geocities was even a thing consider making it look good

26,510 - United States - Lumberton Texas 30.2781°N 94.2167°W "midi" from 066.025.251.xxx (cpe-66-25-251-144.gt.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/21 22:18:58
man i wish it would snow and frost where i live lol

26,509 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.195°N 0.3175°E "alan eason" from 086.129.145.xxx (host86-129-145-3.range86-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/12/21 08:51:59
have you got any video of your christmas lights after dark please
Mr. Grass replies at 07:21 - Here's a couple hours from last night ... plus a time-lapse of the full moon casting shadows on the front lawn.

26,508 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "eclipse" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/21 07:29:21
there's an among us water stain in the road.

26,507 - Italy - Limbiate Monza Brianza 45.5981°N 9.1175°E "paolo" from 195.043.177.xxx ( wrote at 2021/12/21 03:18:28
minchia raga state messi male

26,506 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.8401°N 105.0027°W "Skylar" from 097.118.112.xxx (97-118-112-233.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/12/18 12:26:20
This website gets more and more golden every time I watch it

26,505 - Venezuela - Barquisimeto Lara 10.0726°N 69.3207°W "nice grass" from 186.093.150.xxx (186-93-150-211.genericrev.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/12/17 14:48:17
People say i need to touch grass because i can watch it here!!!!!!

26,504 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/17 08:41:15
how cool would it be if we had so many people join of Christmas eve on 8pm Central

26,503 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-21.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/16 18:25:13
which vsauce video mentions this grass website?

26,502 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/16 13:05:29
Same, I've been subbed since the Vsauce Video showing the website

26,501 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "Anonymous" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/16 10:16:26
i subscribed to your youtube channel

26,500 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6751°N 111.8166°W "SHOGUN8" from 205.127.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/16 09:51:16
Have a merry Christmas everyone!!! And a happy new year!!

26,499 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-180-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/16 08:12:54
that grass be making me act up

26,498 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "eclipse" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/16 05:53:13
grass finna make me act irrationally

26,497 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/15 15:13:19
UPS delivers to Mr. Grass - unfortunately, I didn't get the BIG package! ;-)

26,496 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Phil" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/15 15:03:48
wow beautiful sun set

26,495 - Brazil - Poços de Caldas Minas Gerais 21.7918°S 46.5361°W "Maloqueiro Noel" from 177.092.201.xxx (201-92-177-240.andradas-net.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/15 13:32:38
Mando um Abra______o a todos do servidor do Farina e Apollo 11 que entrarem aqui nesse lindo site, mais velho que eu, que por incr______vel que pare______a fez parte da minha vida e nunca irei esquece-lo.

26,494 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/15 13:11:01
Mr. Grass went for a walk this morning and here's a 180° Pano looking to the West at 7:12AM. The weather forecast was for very strong winds ... and those clouds quickly moved to fill the sky as they rapidly got dark. We continued our loop walk as the clouds rapidly grew. At about 7:35, I commented about how the clouds were moving so fast overhead and getting darker. Simultaneously, we could see the some patchy fragments of a rainbow ... which quickly grew in the next couple of minutes to become a double rainbow ... and a Bald Eagle flew right "through" it ... I just missed capturing it with the camera. Then in less than a minute, the winds went from 0-50MPH gusts with pelting rain - I don't think I've ever seen weather change so fast!
grass pictures

grass pictures

26,493 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-21.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/15 13:05:08
yoooo even more grass

26,492 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "your mom" from 216.100.093.xxx (user193x195.sausd.us) wrote at 2021/12/15 10:44:23
wooooo! A CAR?!

26,491 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/12/15 10:44:00
grass grass grass grass

26,490 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "midkiff midkiff" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/15 09:46:18
hey phoenix bro ur cute -midkiff

26,489 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-169-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/15 09:35:59
that grass be growin ong

26,488 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "eclipse" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/15 06:17:23
what has my life become, where I sit and watch grass grow all day?

26,487 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "James" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-170-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/15 06:13:26
Goooooooooooooood MORNING fellow grass watchers

26,486 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/14 16:11:06
Almost 3k comments in 2021, 2021 will be the third year with most comments just behind 2019 and 2018.

26,485 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "eclipse" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/14 06:41:00
how is your lawn so well kept???

26,484 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "eclipse" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/14 06:01:16
s***** how there's no snow :/

26,483 - United States - City N/A Virginia 37.4638°N 77.398°W "Nahuel" from 104.225.177.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/14 06:00:07
Yo this grass look kinda crispy. I wanna eat it

26,482 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/13 22:51:56
A rare occurrence today at WGG as a Street Sweeper goes by ... several times!

26,481 - United States - Agawam Massachusetts 42.0681°N 72.6256°W "eclipse" from 073.068.161.xxx (c-73-68-161-145.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/13 17:54:58
evil grass be like I dont grow

26,480 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/13 17:34:00
The neighboor put some decoration christmas too!

26,479 - United States - Austin Texas 30.4548°N 97.7664°W "Anonymous" from 070.113.052.xxx (cpe-70-113-52-114.austin.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/13 15:55:14
I love it, Mr. Grass is a genius

26,478 - Germany - Wilhelmshaven Lower Saxony 53.5241°N 8.0867°E "U.S.S-H.U.N.K" from 077.021.109.xxx (ip4d156d49.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/12/13 15:46:46
wow, its the mail man or women.

26,477 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/13 14:06:27
Today the temperature reached it 91,4°F here where I live, you don't have any idea how I wish to be near Mr. Grass to enjoy this weather.

26,476 - United States - Cape Girardeau Missouri 37.3175°N 89.5459°W "e" from 064.082.204.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 14:01:40
ello eeeeee

26,475 - United States - Cape Girardeau Missouri 37.3175°N 89.5459°W "ferb" from 064.082.204.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 12:35:27
YEs I aM, alWaYs

26,474 - United States - Cape Girardeau Missouri 37.3175°N 89.5459°W "Anonymous" from 064.082.204.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 11:20:59

26,473 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "James" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/13 10:50:12
I just found this website, this is amazing!

26,472 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 08:01:30
yall got instagram?

26,471 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/12/13 07:56:47

26,470 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "Anonymous" from 097.064.062.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 06:46:32
grass is like men, tall

26,469 - United States - City N/A Virginia 37.4638°N 77.398°W "eclipse" from 104.225.177.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/13 06:45:44
when the grass is growing ___vine boom___

26,468 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 174.070.249.xxx (ip174-70-249-131.ct.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2021/12/12 19:51:48
d*** thats some nice grass

26,467 - United States - Wooster Ohio 40.8142°N 81.9387°W "yes" from 024.140.107.xxx (cable-107-46.sssnet.com) wrote at 2021/12/12 12:58:44
i love eating grass

26,466 - Albania - Delvine Delvinë District 39.9511°N 20.0978°E "Ergi" from 046.252.040.xxx (ptr.abcom.al) wrote at 2021/12/12 07:21:14
woah, grass!

26,465 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/11 15:00:21
There are any chances for snowing in the next few days?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:37 - Colder temps starting Wednesday, but doesn't look like any snow for at least another week!

26,464 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-21.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/11 13:39:02
woo look at the grass grow

26,463 - United Kingdom - Hackney 51.5384°N 0.039°W "Elliott Veares" from 212.159.114.xxx (jacqveares.plus.com) wrote at 2021/12/11 13:07:16
Alek, do you run any automation (Z-Wave, Zigbee, X10, etc...) internally from a normal every day perspective? I know you used to use X10 back in the day for the controllable lights. Ever miss those days or you glad you put it to bed?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:33 - Just a little bit of X10 to turn some lights on/off ...

26,462 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/11 07:54:26
Wow! The new garage doors are really nice!!!

26,461 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/10 13:53:57
i love all grass, i eat it like a burger most days. help...

26,460 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/10 13:17:55
I watch at school all the time lol

26,459 - United States - Batavia Illinois 41.8478°N 88.3075°W "Retroworks" from 192.149.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/10 09:34:22
Does anyone here watch this 24/7?

26,458 - United States - Grandview Missouri 38.8794°N 94.5174°W "weeds in your grass" from 070.094.080.xxx (cpe-70-94-80-52.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/10 09:13:29
is anyone her from belton

26,457 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/12/10 08:49:56
The grass is getting snowed on! WARM IT UP!!!!!

26,456 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/10 08:39:24
Darn, I missed the flurries!

26,455 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/10 08:16:52
this website isnt dumb :(

26,454 - United States - Salisbury Maryland 38.3523°N 75.5386°W "Anonymous" from 050.200.047.xxx (50-200-47-2-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/10 07:54:42
Dumb Website

26,453 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "James" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/12/10 04:07:43
worg ssarg gnihctaW

26,452 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "Anonymous" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/09 13:36:54
theres a jumpscare if you wait long enough ;)

26,451 - United States - Erie Pennsylvania 42.1827°N 80.0649°W "Anonymous" from 066.211.206.xxx (66-211-206-79.mercyhurst.edu) wrote at 2021/12/09 10:39:15
watch this during psych cuz its honestly more entertaining

26,450 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/12/09 10:35:57

26,449 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/09 10:10:09
Like the Christmas house pics, Mr G! Someone got new garage doors I see!
Mr. Grass replies at 13:03 - Yep - check out the blog posts from mid-June/2021.
new garage door

26,448 - United States - Raleigh North Carolina 35.8538°N 78.686°W "jett" from 174.108.216.xxx (174-108-128-154.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/12/09 09:15:21
my name is jett ferro and i love weed and children

26,447 - United States - Wadsworth Ohio 41.039°N 81.7381°W "AJF15000" from 204.011.189.xxx (autodiscover.cvccworks.edu) wrote at 2021/12/09 07:50:20
I need to be more active, I keep leaving for weeks at a time and its no good.

26,446 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/09 07:23:32
Here's a "street-view" of the House lit up for Christmas as a car drives by in the long exposure.

christmas lights

christmas house pictures

26,445 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/12/09 06:35:07
this my favorite web site. the christmas things look great where are the lights tho

26,444 - United States - Wadsworth Ohio 41.039°N 81.7381°W "AJF15000" from 204.011.189.xxx (autodiscover.cvccworks.edu) wrote at 2021/12/09 06:00:32
the christmas decorations look great! keep it up Mr Grass

26,443 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/12/08 10:34:24
how many days do you guys think it would take for him to finish decorating the lawn?

26,442 - Netherlands - Oosterhout North Brabant 51.6318°N 4.8441°E "Anonymous" from 083.082.088.xxx (83-82-88-13.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) wrote at 2021/12/08 10:08:28
I wonder if a robbery has been catched on here

26,441 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/07 21:29:37
Waiting for the snow! I bet the skiers and snowboarders in CO have been bummin lately!

26,440 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "dissatisfied customer" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/07 13:38:30
seems counterproductive to limit our grass-viewing time, mr grass.

26,439 - Spain - Cogollos de Guadix Granada 37.2252°N 3.1609°W "Anonymous" from 079.154.144.xxx (1.red-79-154-144.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2021/12/07 12:45:42
hi mrgrass

26,438 - United States - Lafayette Louisiana 30.1597°N 92.0258°W "Doctor Napkins" from 074.080.016.xxx (mail.stmcougars.com) wrote at 2021/12/07 10:30:51
who up wonking they willy rn

26,437 - United States - Arlington Virginia 38.8574°N 77.1°W "Anonymous" from 158.059.146.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/07 09:46:36
When the children are crying but the chips are for dying :D

26,436 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-170-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/12/07 09:35:36
I like my steak cooked to a crisp and In and Out and five guys taste the same to me

26,435 - United States - Marion Arkansas 35.2086°N 90.197°W "observationalist" from 165.029.143.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/07 09:06:59
i still think about the "i didnt know they had grass in america" comment

26,434 - Netherlands - Weert Limburg 51.2592°N 5.6784°E "Anonymous" from 213.125.041.xxx (D57D29F2.static.ziggozakelijk.nl) wrote at 2021/12/07 01:49:49
this is so exiting!!

26,433 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.6362°N 112.0908°W "Anonymous" from 071.223.117.xxx (71-223-117-60.phnx.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/12/06 17:36:32
gras is yumy

26,432 - Russia - Moscow 55.7527°N 37.6172°E "Anonymous" from 091.235.244.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/06 15:30:54
when will the next mowing be, it is very interesting
Mr. Grass replies at 23:38 - That won't be for about another six months. In the meantimes, we'll have some "Watch Snow Shoveling" ... if it ever snows!

26,431 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/06 13:22:23
I eat grass while watching the grass.

26,430 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9064°N 93.2406°W "leo :___" from 205.215.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/06 13:09:34
I smoke the grass while watching the grass

26,429 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "Grass eater" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/06 13:08:59
Grass is delicious!

26,428 - United States - Rusk Texas 31.8136°N 95.0965°W "Josh EZ" from 208.180.062.xxx (208-180-62-22.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/12/06 10:37:53
Christmas decorations are looking a little sad this year

26,427 - United States - Woodside New York 40.7465°N 73.909°W "Anonymous" from 072.226.080.xxx (cpe-72-226-80-10.nyc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/12/06 08:46:04
Grass is yummy

26,426 - United States - North East Pennsylvania 42.2008°N 79.8332°W "loki" from 064.083.145.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/06 07:54:08
i love grass

26,425 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Katherine --Boise, Idaho" from 156.146.049.xxx (unn-156-146-49-134.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/12/05 18:26:59
So crazy! Just saw a reindeer pulling a "sled"--a hay ride?! Didn't think I would see anything special, and there it went by just as I peeked at the grass growing!
Mr. Grass replies at 23:23 - You did NOT imagine that ... although it was actually two horses rather than reindeer. Our Neighborhood has an annual Christmas shin-dig ... so the Sleigh was making laps.

26,424 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/05 09:01:57
Still no snow, I want to see that grass cover in snow.

26,423 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-38.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/04 21:12:30
grass grass grass

26,422 - United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.1172°N 115.0528°W "borzoi" from 169.241.065.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/04 15:26:05
watching this in a debate tournament would rather talk about grass than p**itics

26,421 - Canada - City N/A 43.6319°N 79.3716°W "Wes" from 174.001.068.xxx (S0106e0dbd1c8a8d2.vw.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/12/04 15:17:18
I love grass and i loveeeee this website! woo hoo!

26,420 - United States - Alliance Nebraska 42.1149°N 102.888°W "Captain Double Quarter Pounder" from 162.246.150.xxx (162-246-150-129.dynamic.allophone.net) wrote at 2021/12/03 16:11:36
5 years strong of me watching grass grow. Poggers

26,419 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/03 15:44:02
OMG, I saw Mr. Grass putting the christmas decorations! Glad to be part of this awesome moment.

26,418 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Anonymous" from 216.100.093.xxx (user193x202.sausd.us) wrote at 2021/12/03 15:32:20
wsp i love this show

26,417 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-38.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/03 15:12:41
yayyy cant wait for the decorations

26,416 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/03 14:54:02
New christmas decorations this year? Glad to see it!

26,415 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/12/03 13:55:54
Yea, fired up the lawn mower for the last time and will be setting up a few Christmas Decorations.

26,414 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/03 13:45:36
Today Mr. Grass will put the christmas decorations!

26,413 - United States - Vacaville California 38.3862°N 121.991°W "Brady" from 063.199.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/03 12:31:46
Bro I got to see him mowing the lawn that was very awesome

26,412 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Phil" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/03 09:30:38
wow so serious... also MMMMMMMM grass

26,411 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (ckm01.rsdmo.org) wrote at 2021/12/03 06:04:11
Mr.Grass, so with that camera being on 24/7 (this is most likely yes) and it live streaming to us, does it spike up or effect the electric bill in any way or is it like legal within your area if you don't have to deal with the HOA or do you have it (somehow) as a tax write off?

26,410 - Philippines - Mandaluyong City Metro Manila 14.5834°N 121.0367°E "i forgort" from 112.201.170.xxx (112.201.170.xxx.pldt.net) wrote at 2021/12/03 01:22:00

26,409 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.116.117.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/02 18:42:50
here in chile grass is spelled "pasto"

26,408 - United States - Bothell Washington 47.7946°N 122.2193°W "Anonymous" from 050.035.090.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/02 18:29:29
derp more GRASS

26,407 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-41.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/12/02 18:18:21
yay more grass you love to see it

26,406 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6487°N 111.9682°W "Happy boi" from 073.098.136.xxx (c-73-98-136-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/12/02 16:58:31
Happy Christmas everyone! Stay grassy!

26,405 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Phil" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/02 10:00:05
mmmm grass

26,404 - Philippines - Mandaluyong City Metro Manila 14.5834°N 121.0367°E "h*****" from 112.201.170.xxx (112.201.170.xxx.pldt.net) wrote at 2021/12/02 05:46:23
when its christmas/new year, i want to u to put some decorations on the grass :-)

26,403 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/01 14:49:13
It's not about the grass, it's about the firendship.

26,402 - United States - Parker Colorado 39.4895°N 104.8447°W "Zhong Xina" from 066.085.041.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/01 14:36:52
Great Leader is so great! -CCP

26,401 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4322°N 111.9343°W "Anonymous" from 129.219.021.xxx (129-219-21-207.nat.asu.edu) wrote at 2021/12/01 12:21:56
epic gamer moment

26,400 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "mr round up" from 064.008.144.xxx (rhslibrary.elkriver.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2021/12/01 08:03:45

26,399 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 089.187.177.xxx (unn-89-187-177-73.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/12/01 07:31:11
My school blocked this site because I went on it every day ...

26,398 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/12/01 07:16:11
I remember when I first found this website from a Vsauce D!NG (Do online now guys) video and now constantly coming back to it*** still the same site in it's Had Day and Glory and it makes me feel good Been deling with a lot of school work and haven't gotten too much free time for things like this

26,397 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/12/01 05:43:50
Come on, we want white christmas this year. I never wanna know a day that's over 40 degrees. I'd rather have it 30, 20 then 5. Let It Freeze!

26,396 - Australia - Tahmoor New South Wales 34.222°S 150.5906°E "Mothman" from 103.095.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/30 17:42:00

26,395 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Phil" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/30 15:01:51
mmmmm grass. i love grass

26,394 - United States - Rusk Texas 31.8136°N 95.0965°W "FAT FREAKING BISCUIT" from 208.180.062.xxx (208-180-62-22.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/11/30 13:23:33
Has there ever been a time when you felt like the grass would not grow

26,393 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Grass Is Great!" from 216.017.242.xxx (ip-216-17-242-10.rev.frii.com) wrote at 2021/11/30 10:18:45
It gets dark around 4:00 to 5:00

26,392 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/30 10:12:28
When does it get dark out?

26,391 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "Anonymous cat" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/30 09:46:15

26,390 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/30 09:27:00
mmmmm grass

26,389 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/30 05:29:55
Waiting to see the snow this year.
Mr. Grass replies at 11:01 - We've already set a record for latest first snowfall ... and there is STILL no snow in the long-range forecast!

26,388 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/29 13:50:01
Grass grass grass grass!

26,387 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 194.080.145.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/29 07:15:10
Grass is better than Kamisato Ayaka (jk)

26,386 - Brazil - Taubate Sao Paulo 23.0716°S 45.4974°W "glenda" from 189.004.216.xxx (bd04d880.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/29 06:18:04

26,385 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-102.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/28 13:02:46
waiting for christmas decorations now please

26,384 - United States - Portland Maine 43.6842°N 70.2816°W "David Spector" from 098.002.238.xxx (mta-98-2-238-89.maine.rr.com) wrote at 2021/11/28 06:31:35
If you want really luscious deep green grass, don't cut it so short. When it is cut short, it can only barely survive. This is could be indicated by brown spots, which would be dead grass. Adjust the mover to leave longer grass and see the amazing result. Less watering, too, since longer grass can hold more water. Thanks for your videos, which are unique.

26,383 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/26 19:50:15
What a great turkey photo, Mr. G! Looks like you had an awesome day.

26,382 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "Gill" from 082.017.123.xxx (cpc95708-derb16-2-0-cust933.8-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/11/26 15:27:23
Thank you for the turkey picture. Did the dog enjoy it?
Mr. Grass replies at 20:18 - The dog only got to look ... but she did get fed (regular dog food) right after this picture was taken.

26,381 - Australia - Hunters Hill New South Wales 33.8223°S 151.1312°E "jimbo" from 124.158.017.xxx (moriah.nsw.edu.au) wrote at 2021/11/25 20:15:49
loving the grass

26,380 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Lrauieo" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/11/25 17:32:53
Heya Mr Grass, hope youre having a great thanksgiving, thank you for all your content!

26,379 - United States - Springfield Missouri 37.168°N 93.3039°W "Dan 26k" from 173.026.034.xxx (173-26-34-193.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/11/25 17:04:47
Hello Mr. Grass, I hope you and your family is having a very good thanksgiving

26,378 - United States - Douglassville Pennsylvania 40.2709°N 75.7397°W "Stuart" from 067.214.012.xxx (h246.12.214.67.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) wrote at 2021/11/25 15:29:45
Hey mr. grass, i am back, happy thanksgiving to you and your family!

26,377 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/25 15:24:37
15:20 PM Some folks arrived with pies!

26,376 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/11/25 14:49:16
The turkey is looking mighty tasty!
turkey 5

26,375 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/25 13:24:01
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Mr G!!!

26,374 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "Gill Luke mum" from 082.017.123.xxx (cpc95708-derb16-2-0-cust933.8-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/11/25 13:11:37
Happy Thanksgiving Mr Grass and your family. That's one big turkey you have in the oven, can't wait to see it cooked and carved. Enjoy your feast.

26,373 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/25 12:00:42
This kind of holiday makes me wish to live in the USA, just to eat turkey and chill with my family. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to Mr. Grass and everybody who visit this website.

26,372 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/11/25 11:18:53
Happy Thanksgiving to WGG Fans. The 21 pound turkey is in the oven! ;-)
Turkey 1

Turkey 1

26,371 - United States - Jamestown New York 42.093°N 79.244°W "Anonymous" from 172.100.141.xxx (cpe-172-100-141-234.stny.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/11/25 10:27:56

26,370 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-94.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/25 07:41:56
happy thanksgiving day mr g and all who celebrate it

26,369 - Poland - Warsaw Mazovia 52.252°N 21.0179°E "Erciu" from 079.184.199.xxx ( wrote at 2021/11/24 16:00:48
this is a certified hood classic

26,368 - United States - Tewksbury Massachusetts 42.6028°N 71.2319°W "ergsrthsrthser5tyhsergsergsefrg" from 100.000.018.xxx (pool-100-0-18-201.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/11/24 14:23:18
man i LOVE this blog

26,367 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "DARYYYYYYYYYYY" from 064.008.144.xxx (zhsmslibrary.elkriver.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2021/11/24 12:49:32
HAHAHAHAHA I click to watch and you left through the garage and went somewhere lol right when I click on the website LOL

26,366 - Canada - Calgary Alberta 51.0406°N 114.0764°W "cheesy_toenail" from 192.139.027.xxx (host23.cbe.ab.ca) wrote at 2021/11/24 08:48:22
gRASSSSSSS______ I love grassss

26,365 - United States - High Point North Carolina 36.002°N 80.0004°W "syphax08" from 071.071.117.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/23 17:47:53
This is better than most content on youtube.

26,364 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/23 09:25:02
grass!!! hahha!!! grass!!

26,363 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 185.218.127.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/23 03:28:47
I spent more time here than a reasonable person probably would

26,362 - United States - Bakersfield California 35.2976°N 119.0484°W "starfruit50" from 174.135.127.xxx (174-135-127-152.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/22 12:47:48
this is real entertainment

26,361 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/22 10:28:19
yeet the grass

26,360 - United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.6247°N 0.7447°W "poopy" from 109.152.042.xxx (host109-152-42-222.range109-152.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/22 09:33:09

26,359 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6751°N 111.8166°W "Grass Man Fan" from 205.127.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/22 09:16:21
Hey Mr Grass what is your favorite time of the year?
Mr. Grass replies at 09:57 - Anytime the Grass is Growing! ;-)

26,358 - Russia - Yakutsk Sakha 62.0313°N 129.7325°E "m_06" from 213.129.040.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/22 09:15:53
that's a grass!

26,357 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-173-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/22 08:52:48
absolute bums get a job imbeciles how do you have this much time on your hands

26,356 - United States - Glenside Pennsylvania 40.1101°N 75.1567°W "Anonymous" from 216.162.093.xxx (p053.216_162_93.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/11/22 08:18:58
yay. i love grass

26,355 - United States - Douglassville Pennsylvania 40.2709°N 75.7397°W "Stuart" from 067.214.012.xxx (h246.12.214.67.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) wrote at 2021/11/21 16:05:04
The nice vibe this website gives me is unexplainable, I will always come back to this beautiful thing, in fact i may be back on thanksgiving! see ya then!! ___=)

26,354 - United States - Ambler Pennsylvania 40.1809°N 75.2156°W "Anonymous" from 098.114.141.xxx (pool-98-114-141-2.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/11/21 11:14:58
yummy grass

26,353 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "Gill Luke's mum" from 082.017.123.xxx (cpc95708-derb16-2-0-cust933.8-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/11/21 10:36:52
Hey mr grass, it's been a long time since I last posted on here, hope you and your family are well and getting ready for Thanks Giving. Don't forget those all important turkey pictures this year, me and Alan E like to see them. Looking forward to seeing the Christmas decorations too!

26,352 - United States - Bozeman Montana 45.6684°N 111.2422°W "Anonymous" from 174.045.081.xxx (174-045-081-158.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/21 10:00:52
how long has grass been growing

26,351 - United States - Bozeman Montana 45.6684°N 111.2422°W "Anonymous" from 174.045.081.xxx (174-045-081-158.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/21 09:28:17
grow grass grow!

26,350 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/20 11:57:21
I wonder when Mr. Grass is going to put the christmass decorations.
Mr. Grass replies at 13:47 - Sometime after Thanksgiving ...

26,349 - United States - Sanford North Carolina 35.4666°N 79.1758°W "Anonymous" from 172.220.227.xxx (172-220-227-125.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/20 09:16:24
grow grow grow grow

26,348 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Grass enthusiast" from 172.058.017.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/20 00:53:28
With this comment we have finally surpassed more comments than 2020!!!

26,347 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-27.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/11/20 00:50:46
grow grass growww

26,346 - United States - Los Angeles California 34.0634°N 118.4667°W "grass boy233" from 098.153.191.xxx (rrcs-98-153-191-82.west.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2021/11/19 13:25:07
how tall is the grass currently

26,345 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/19 08:24:48
Have you ever had to park on the grass?

26,344 - United States - Stamford Connecticut 41.0641°N 73.548°W "CoalBuffers" from 064.251.053.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/18 11:53:51
How Many Acres Does Your House Sit On?

26,343 - United Kingdom - Corby Northamptonshire 52.5374°N 0.5825°W "he who shall sniff grass" from 002.031.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/18 11:02:24
but we want to sniff grass!

26,342 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/18 10:42:47
no you can not sniff me

26,341 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/18 08:40:38
let me sniff that grass

26,340 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3534°N 4.9087°E "i" from 192.040.057.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/18 06:14:08
only the grassiest comments for you mr grass

26,339 - India - New Delhi National Capital Territory of Delhi 28.6331°N 77.2207°E "joe" from 106.223.014.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/18 06:10:10
awesome, never saw anything more useful

26,338 - Belize - Belize City Belize District 17.502°N 88.1962°W "Anonymous" from 200.032.225.xxx (digi-ip-82.btl.net) wrote at 2021/11/18 05:32:28
I spent the last hour mowing the lawn with the cursor

26,337 - Australia - Bankstown New South Wales 33.9158°S 151.0348°E "jacob hastie" from 027.111.071.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/17 19:08:46
i love grass almost as much as i like men

26,336 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/17 15:34:15
Lots of people need their grass mowed. So much opportunity!

26,335 - United States - Washington District of Columbia 38.8606°N 76.9776°W "Anonymous" from 066.208.033.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/17 12:10:38
only person getting doxxed is you stanky head like get a job you are not beneficial to society

26,334 - United States - Stamford Connecticut 41.0641°N 73.548°W "CoalBuffers" from 064.251.053.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/17 12:03:51
This is a great way to get doxxed!

26,333 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/17 10:32:02
grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grassy

26,332 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/17 10:31:47
Is it really 29 degrees there now? It was 65 just yesterday! Wow!

26,331 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "ohio grass lover's #1 fan" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/17 10:16:10
ohio grass lover we live in the same state u wanna meet up?

26,330 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/17 10:02:39
Nah, it's always good to see christmas decoration even if there aren't many of them. Keep it up!

26,329 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-173-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/17 08:44:36
you bozos need a job

26,328 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/16 22:45:56
Hard to believe it's been 7 years since the big light displays ended. Wow, how time flies!

26,327 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/16 15:38:53
I guess Mr. Grass is talking about the past years, when he would put a lot of decorations on christmas. You can take a look on photos on the grass blog.
Mr. Grass replies at 19:24 - Start in 2014 and go backwards ...

26,326 - United Kingdom - Great Malvern Worcestershire 52.0958°N 2.3291°W "Anonymous" from 095.147.245.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/16 13:44:44
what was the christmas lights heyday?

26,325 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/16 11:19:02
Love to see that grass growing.

26,324 - United States - Raleigh North Carolina 35.8538°N 78.686°W "Anonymous" from 174.108.216.xxx (174-108-128-154.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/16 09:55:26
Hey Mr Grass, What fertilizer should i use for my grass without the gr?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:23 - Water the crap out of it! ;-)

26,323 - United States - Billerica Massachusetts 42.5511°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from 162.245.234.xxx (162-245-234-61.static.gointegrity.net) wrote at 2021/11/16 06:09:27
Is it just me or is the grass getting greener

26,322 - United States - Troy Missouri 39.0012°N 90.9624°W "Anonymous" from 207.160.026.xxx (securus.troy.k12.mo.us) wrote at 2021/11/16 05:54:07
Nice grass

26,321 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-74.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/15 14:14:45
thanks yes they were the days great times

26,320 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-74.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/15 13:20:02
hi mr grass will you be putting any christmas lights up this year ?
Mr. Grass replies at 13:57 - Yep ... although similar to the recent years rather than the Christmas heyday!

26,319 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/15 13:00:39
That is well loved grass.

26,318 - United States - Arbuckle California 39.0138°N 122.0274°W "Dante Muzzi. 6763 marine ave arbuckle CA" from 206.015.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/15 12:49:52
come find me

26,317 - Canada - City N/A 43.6319°N 79.3716°W "Anonymous" from 192.248.208.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/15 12:26:54
this is definitely grass

26,316 - Canada - Sydney Nova Scotia 46.131°N 60.1775°W "Anonymous" from 064.066.204.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/15 12:21:49
all i feel is pain knowing this grass remains untouched

26,315 - United States - Nampa Idaho 43.5441°N 116.5662°W "Anonymous" from 184.155.213.xxx (184-155-213-205.cpe.sparklight.net) wrote at 2021/11/15 08:32:33
I wish I had a lawnmower to mow grass :(

26,314 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/15 07:58:15
The grass could die soon :(

26,313 - United States - Oklahoma City Oklahoma 35.3274°N 97.5556°W "grassy grow" from 164.058.004.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/15 07:09:17
this grass is very growy today

26,312 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "t" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-230.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/11/15 06:43:35
P@rn is goood

26,311 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-231.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/11/15 06:34:24
What state is this in?

26,310 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "cheebo v2" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/14 19:02:15
this is the most amazing thing ive ever seen

26,309 - United States - Frisco Texas 33.1371°N 96.7488°W "Anonymous" from 107.204.020.xxx (107-204-20-132.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/11/14 18:50:09
I've been keeping up with this website for like 3ish years now and it's still the most interesting thing that happens at schol

26,308 - United States - Grand Prairie Texas 32.6609°N 97.0342°W "c*** monster" from 208.184.165.xxx (208.184.165.xxx.IPYX-143246-ZYO.zip.zayo.com) wrote at 2021/11/12 12:46:31
grass is cool bro

26,307 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/12 11:47:41
Not sure if this has been posted already, but I swear I saw it before. Anyways, if you set your Cursor to the very right side and then scroll, you can expand the page to the right to what seems endless until you move your mouse. Mr.Grass is this just how the site was coded or a glitch? Either way, I like it IMO
Mr. Grass replies at 11:51 - Grass goes on forever! ;-)

26,306 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-171-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/12 11:31:55
i know u cant be talking you troll go clip them ingrown toenails before you tell people online to go outside you garbanzo bean looking head

26,305 - United States - Arbuckle California 39.0138°N 122.0274°W "Anonymous" from 206.015.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/12 09:59:22
Yall are wierd band kids. Go outside losers.

26,304 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/12 08:35:49
Looks like a nice morning in Colorado. :)

26,303 - Australia - Mount Eliza Victoria 38.1904°S 145.0915°E "nope." from 120.158.189.xxx (cpe-120-158-189-241.vb07.vic.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/11/11 23:33:27
lol i think my classmates are addicted to this even i might be

26,302 - United States - Maple Grove Minnesota 45.0702°N 93.4556°W "mr round up" from 068.047.118.xxx (c-68-47-118-184.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/11 19:40:45
only the grassiest comments for you mr grass

26,301 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Cheebo" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/11 19:21:15
Guys i think grass might grow soon

26,300 - United States - Detroit Michigan 42.4248°N 83.1951°W "Grass lord" from 172.058.141.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/11 12:18:37
And it's cheaper:)

26,299 - United States - Dayton Ohio 39.6438°N 84.1743°W "the ohio grass lover" from 209.034.114.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/11 12:13:46
this is more informing than a school textbook

26,298 - United Kingdom - Tenbury Wells Worcestershire 52.3°N 2.5833°W "Anonymous" from 146.200.255.xxx ( wrote at 2021/11/11 10:47:56
anyone seen the grass grow yet?

26,297 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/11 10:46:13
Less drama and more grass.

26,296 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-171-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/11 07:32:05
yall fools need a job

26,295 - United States - Amherst Wisconsin 44.4231°N 89.3035°W "Anonymous" from 216.056.011.xxx (fw.amherst.k12.wi.us) wrote at 2021/11/11 07:13:04
i just saw a squirrel

26,294 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/11 06:24:34
26290 and 26292 are really weird considering this blog is usually really chill and these comments are really negative it just doesnt belong on this site. Ive watched this site since 2016 because I get bored in class to my knowledge most of us watch this because we're in class or in the office on a slow day. Id compare watching grass to watching the ISS livestream casually or lofi hip hop streams people who watch those are normal people so are we these guys who are going to an innocent website and trying to make it about them are the ones who need to get a life. its grass growing for loves sake. never stop running this site I love this place

26,293 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (ckr01.rsdmo.org) wrote at 2021/11/11 06:19:02
I mean at least Colorado has grass unlike most parts of Cali w/ the fires rn, but here in the Midwest, weather is a lie. It can 40 F in the morning and then 80 at night, and snow the next day and then 5 hours later be 60. Midwest doesn't care bout weather

26,292 - United States - Arbuckle California 39.0138°N 122.0274°W "Dante Muzzi" from 206.015.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 15:07:04
you fools weird bruh get a job or sum

26,291 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:53:15
Look, a car is parked in front of the house at 12:51 AM. That was the most excited thing on my day so far, thanks Mr. Grass!

26,290 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:32:23
bro i bet your a fat slob that just watches his view count on this website like mr grass come on man get some exercise also what name is mr grass like be more creative you slob. I bet you are a neckbeard that is on discord all day like for real do something pasty belly get up off that chair do something productive like a regular person but i guess you arent regular huh? Is this what you do after your wife left you and took the kids? Stop imagining the unrealistic roleplay of people watching this websites for laughs they do it because they feel bad for you #My2Cents

26,289 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.9038°N 104.9419°W "Anonymous" from 204.228.117.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:28:50
Grass Is LOvely Like MY Mummy UwU

26,288 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.9038°N 104.9419°W "Anonymous" from 204.228.117.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:28:08
grass is yummy

26,287 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:25:31
Mmm i love grass

26,286 - United States - Prineville Oregon 44.3041°N 120.8364°W "Anonymous" from 198.237.042.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 12:05:40
mr grass a scatpack has been visiting your house every night when you're at work. Your wife always greets him and is there until 3 am

26,285 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/11/10 10:39:53
Here's a time-lapse video of some leaf blowing from a couple of days ago.

26,284 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/10 10:31:09
grass? grass grass grass

26,283 - United States - Brunswick Ohio 41.2463°N 81.831°W "Warrcrime9182" from 204.011.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 10:16:54
We will miss you guys, have a good vacation though! And we will be here when you guys get back, deada** though, enjoy Hawaii, Hawaii is such a lucky place to go to during this time of year.

26,282 - United States - Raleigh North Carolina 35.8538°N 78.686°W "LUCCA NATALE" from 174.108.216.xxx (174-108-128-154.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/10 09:35:40
My name is lucca natale and I go to Thales Academy Rolesville please send me food

26,281 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-170-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/10 08:44:30
i hope weeds get in your grass and they strangle them

26,280 - United States - Arlington Virginia 38.8574°N 77.1°W "Anonymous" from 158.059.146.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/10 06:11:48
Good morning!

26,279 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5779°N 101.8552°W "Bored Grass Watchman" from 129.118.012.xxx (lib309788.ttu.edu) wrote at 2021/11/09 19:41:19
At 19:35, a dog did its business in your front yard (0.o). Also, I did see some wildlife earlier. I'm not sure if it was a family of squirrels or raccoons, but they were definitely in a hurry!

26,278 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/09 13:10:14
I love to read old comments from past years, It's kind sad but very nostalgic at the same time. So funny to see how the internet was different, glad to still have those comments and photos because its like a time capsule from the young days of the internet.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:59 - Thanks ... WGG is timeless! ;-)

26,277 - United States - Washington District of Columbia 38.8606°N 76.9776°W "Anonymous" from 066.208.033.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/09 12:32:47

26,276 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.9038°N 104.9419°W "Anonymous" from 204.228.117.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/09 11:17:29
i love grass

26,275 - United States - Adrian Michigan 41.8993°N 84.0402°W "Zoil" from 068.037.224.xxx (c-68-37-224-221.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/09 10:02:39

26,274 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/09 09:26:38
I also love grass!

26,273 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/09 09:03:50
I love grass!

26,272 - Canada - Whitby Ontario 43.8762°N 78.9261°W "Anonymous" from 072.138.052.xxx (unallocated-static.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/11/09 08:29:02
we live in a society

26,271 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-180-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/09 07:15:32
10 charcters

26,270 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 156.146.059.xxx (unn-156-146-59-27.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/11/08 22:40:02
all jokes aside, you will be missed (and why is this kinda sad?!?) lmaoooo peace out homies

26,269 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Happy Guy Dave." from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 21:43:23
It makes me very unhappy; I have terrible/sad news, but perhaps excellent news depending on your feelings for me. But I've chosen to take a vacation and fly to Hawaii for two months with Pool Man, Gramps, and the 'kiddos,' and I won't be back on the blog until next year. I'd like to thank everyone for their encouragement, including the haters who drove me to new heights. Good luck to everyone and I hope yall have a good year and xmas. Much love I will miss you guys, I considering you guys my second family ___3 Its time to move on......

26,268 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 21:42:24
What's crackalakin. As u kiddo's could probably tell i am very sad rn :((( This is because i will have to leave the blog for a while. 2022 is my hopeful return time. thx to the grass man for letting me stay hip to the beat and thank you to pool man slide. the true OG. TO HAWAII I GO. Remember youngins stay hip to the beat and don't hate the playa, hate the game. PEACE!!!!!!!!!! #Hashtag #LASTHASHTAG #GRASSMAN #POOLMANSLIDE #OGS #WGGC #2022 #KIDDOS #THEKIDISNOTMYSON

26,267 - United States - Broken Arrow Oklahoma 36.0432°N 95.8072°W "Anonymous" from 184.187.244.xxx (ip184-187-244-128.ok.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/11/08 18:39:20
grass sure is neat!!

26,266 - United States - Brainerd Minnesota 46.3521°N 94.1046°W "Anonymous" from 064.090.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 12:06:25
I love grass!

26,265 - United States - San Francisco California 37.7797°N 122.4159°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 024.104.040.xxx (24-104-40-243-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/08 11:18:22
Has the grass gotten grassier over the years?

26,264 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 10:15:59
Everybody let's try to hit 27,000 comments by 2022

26,263 - United States - Brunswick Ohio 41.2463°N 81.831°W "Glasses cause me pain" from 204.011.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 09:02:21
My favorite activity at school, watching grass and thinking when I am bored (unironic)

26,262 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/08 07:56:11
I love grass!

26,261 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (zeslibrary.elkriver.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2021/11/08 07:28:42
the grass is looking kinda leafy might have to rake.....
Mr. Grass replies at 07:57 - I actually plan to go out there in the next couple of days with the leaf blower!

26,260 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "lost and scared" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/08 05:41:36
who even am i

26,259 - United States - Spring Grove Pennsylvania 39.8545°N 76.8813°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.103.xxx (c-73-130-103-209.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/07 20:56:57
Where's Mr Round Up when you need him?

26,258 - Canada - Brantford Ontario 43.1684°N 80.268°W "chuu" from 099.253.121.xxx (cpe105611c03856-cm105611c03854.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:52:48
grown ass men using slurs on a grass growing website.. goodbye get a job

26,257 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 066.094.122.xxx (vmi684731.contaboserver.net) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:41:26
Holy sh___it what just happened!! Man's just burn! Someone the fire fighters! Go Dave holy sh___it #TEAMDAVE Dave v The World

26,256 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:40:21

26,255 - Canada - Brantford Ontario 43.1684°N 80.268°W "chuu" from 099.253.121.xxx (cpe105611c03856-cm105611c03854.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:21:37
stan loona

26,254 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRANNYONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:08:26
Sup Youngin's, Back in my day if i said half of this sh___t i would have been beaten with the cane. well it's time to teach yall a lesson on A______ Whoopin. Gramps has dedictaed his time to come on a be who he is. but, this collab thing going around deserves the cane. #RedMark #GetGoodKid #CaneTime and to dave we here at the gram's support u and ur mental health and that's y i shall give the cane to OTHERS who need to learn manners. #A______WhoopinTime

26,253 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Unhappy Dave" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/07 18:02:00
I know it's been a while since my previous message, but I've had to take a few days off from the blog since the toxicity, hate, and r______ is just too much for me to stomach. I've also spent time speaking with friends, family, and life coaches. But I feel wonderful, and I'm trying to ignore the haters and appreciate what I have. However, I am enraged by one comment in particular, and I will address it in my NEXT message, which will take a while as Grass Man is still venting his rage on me. Someone should call the cops since I'm living in his head for free. The comment I'm referring to is the one about Australia's 'zone banning.' Because I don't have enough words in this-next comment, I'll throw in my "grassy two cents on the matter. Trust me its not gonna be pretty.

26,252 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-37.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/11/07 16:42:28
Lets gooo grass

26,251 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "ISHOWSp**D" from 204.137.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/07 11:15:44
Lemme eat that dootie booty. I'm 19.

26,250 - Brazil - City N/A 22.8305°S 43.2192°W "Anonymous" from 179.251.199.xxx (186.199.251.xxx.isp.timbrasil.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/06 15:25:10
The best thing ever

26,249 - United Kingdom - Dolgarrog Conwy 53.2167°N 3.8333°W "Anonymous" from 086.149.232.xxx (host86-149-232-38.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/11/06 13:12:18
I'm Torn on how entertaining this is, however it's providing more entertainment than a Monarchy.

26,248 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 192.063.104.xxx (192-063-104-251.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/11/06 13:07:38
Those two dogs walked by ferociously.

26,247 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Mr. Round Up" from 064.008.144.xxx (rhslibrary.elkriver.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2021/11/05 12:52:53
hey mr grass its mr round up here just wondering if you need to collab for summer next year to get rid of the weeds

26,246 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/05 12:11:11
"grass noises"

26,245 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/05 11:46:53
grass grass grass grass grass. grass grass grass

26,244 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "mk ultra grass enthuiasts" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/05 10:15:46
love using this for my diy MK-Ultra experiments. they all think theyre grass

26,243 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/05 09:54:01
grass grass grass

26,242 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6751°N 111.8166°W "Grass Muncher" from 205.127.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/05 08:29:06
Can I eat your grass please, Your grass looks Delicious

26,241 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/05 08:26:53
That mailbox on the left looks like it's facing towards their house.

26,240 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/05 08:07:22
Everybody let's try to hit 27,000 comments by 2022.

26,239 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.130.xxx (191-113-130-148.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/11/05 05:50:32
que tan temprano se levanta esa persona para dejar el diario ?

26,238 - Australia - Richmond Victoria 37.8168°S 145.0004°E "Anonymous" from 203.045.124.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 23:55:48
Is it Bunnings grass?

26,237 - United States - Skiatook Oklahoma 36.3725°N 96.0117°W "Catt" from 104.036.154.xxx (host11-41.cccexpress.com) wrote at 2021/11/04 23:36:17
Hey hashtag man, I never said I was a fan, I was saying that the situation was funny, and that you pretending to be multiple people was humorous. Not sure if that makes me a "fan," but oh well.

26,236 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/04 15:52:55
Waiting to see snow falling :)

26,235 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 15:33:02
mmmm grass

26,234 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "tommy" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 14:29:14

26,233 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/04 12:06:01
grass grass grass grass grass? grass grass grass

26,232 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/04 11:07:48
Here we go to the 27,000 comment before 2022.

26,231 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 10:23:22
Everybody let's try to hit 27,000 comments by 2022.

26,230 - United States - Buffalo New York 42.8864°N 78.8784°W "Anonymous" from 198.098.051.xxx (NewYorkTor13.us) wrote at 2021/11/04 09:17:26
mr grass just zoneban australia it may seem like a radical solution but its the only one that will work, theyre too stupid to use vpns anyway

26,229 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/04 07:58:23
That grass must be so cold :'(

26,228 - United States - Chariton Iowa 41.0248°N 93.3132°W "Anonymous" from 207.028.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 07:23:51
what does the fox say

26,227 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Average Joe" from 154.028.188.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 06:54:31
Its 5:50AM ITS WAY TO ERARLY for this sh___t, and how is Romania a 'irrelevant' country? Yall need to get off this and get some school in ya, young blood. Alright i gotta leave for work soon, i haven't even had my morning coffee, way to early and tired to even start to comprehend, the sh___it that you youngins be saying. Have a good day yall. PS after this i think i need a double shot!

26,226 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Yeti" from 156.146.059.xxx (unn-156-146-59-12.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/11/04 06:45:44
Anit no way, a message from Romania?!?!? That has to be the most irrelevant country to exist. Leave my boy Alek alone mans done nothing wrong and if even he did (which he didnt. The aussies dont matter anyway lol! Alek head up man, you own the blog you can do what u want!!! And cant wait to see the xmas set up, fr.

26,225 - Romania - Bucharest Bucuresti 44.4176°N 26.1708°E "Outside Viewer" from 193.176.084.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/04 06:42:13
I dont understand what went wrong, this blog is lost and needs to learn a thing or to. This situation has been blown out of proportion however in saying that, i understand and feel bad for David and IF the ACCUSATIONS are true its not okayt. Ps someone get there grandad off the net ____________. Hope yall get work this situation out because it is ruing the blog and cam for alot of us.

26,224 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 156.146.059.xxx (unn-156-146-59-15.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/11/04 06:38:01
100___ accusation? accusation my a**! We want justice(referring to Alek's comment messages below)

26,223 - Spain - Valencia 39.4705°N 0.3765°W "SpanierGrass34" from 212.145.234.xxx (static-adsl-b-11-126.ipcom.comunitel.net) wrote at 2021/11/04 03:26:12
Frecuently, your garden looks better. Now I can see some foliage. By the way, I'm a true fan so I will wait for you to pick it up. GL :______D AT: SpainerGrass34

26,222 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Gramps Life Coach." from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 22:41:45
Just adding on to what gramps said, he can get excited but he's not saying fan as in a good thing, hes thanking you for supporting our fight. When he said 'fun' there is truly nothing fun or funny about this issue. But we do appreciate the support ands good to see that others have our back in the fight

26,221 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 22:38:10
What's crackalakin kiddo's. Great to see everyone and I'd like to say a big thank you to our fan "Catt" from America. Great to see a young kiddo enjoying the fun we aim to bring but im sorry homie but the fun is just getting started :) beofre i head off I'd like to say a huge what's crackalakin to grass man and i hope your doing well :) Anyways homies, #GrannyOnTheGram is a bit annoyed so I gotta bannana split before i lose a "finger". laters kiddo's and "Catt" #Granny #Catt #Fandom #Excited #Grass

26,220 - United States - New Bethlehem Pennsylvania 40.9999°N 79.3527°W "Trash Bin" from 075.117.140.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 20:32:22
What happens when winter comes, and the grass is covered by snow?

26,219 - Australia - Bankstown New South Wales 33.9158°S 151.0348°E "jacob hastie" from 027.111.071.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 19:56:14
hello, everybody, just a follow up of my last comment on the 9th of August 2021 I have now divorced my 3rd wife and my grass watching days are now once more alive, HELLO FREEDOM!

26,218 - Australia - Bankstown New South Wales 33.9158°S 151.0348°E "Kroose" from 027.111.071.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 19:51:32
Krausie like green b****

26,217 - United Kingdom - Eastbourne East Sussex 50.7883°N 0.2817°E "bigballs" from 176.254.125.xxx (b0fe7d2c.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2021/11/03 14:07:53
you,re stream stoped the time is not moving

26,216 - United States - Tulsa Oklahoma 36.0954°N 95.9223°W "Catt" from 098.184.086.xxx (COX-98-184-86-18-static.coxinet.net) wrote at 2021/11/03 13:26:14
I gotta say, this whole thing with David and those other characters is hilarious. I actually cannot tell if it is ironically done or if they actually think they are fooling people. Regardless, it is funny, but it should end soon if it has not already. Anyway, keep up the good work Mr. Grass. :)

26,215 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 13:05:32
I just took a ACT time for grass

26,214 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/03 12:30:32
When people of the USA start putting the Christmas Decoration? It's is considered a blasphemy to put it before Thanksgiving? Also, nice grass today.

26,213 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Mr. Round Up" from 064.008.144.xxx (rhslibrary.elkriver.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2021/11/03 08:43:21
they call me mr round up because I clean up the weedyness
Mr. Grass replies at 11:08 - That's pretty funny! ;-)

26,212 - United States - Hammonton New Jersey 39.638°N 74.7728°W "Anonymous" from 050.234.025.xxx (50-234-25-154-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/11/03 08:08:59
whats going on in the house across the street? i know they where pouring concrete a few days ago.
Mr. Grass replies at 11:07 - The concrete has to "cure" ... plus it's covered with tarps to protect from the rainy weather. Should come off soon.

26,211 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/03 07:43:23
I love grass!

26,210 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/03 06:16:46
DONATE TO #TEAMSEAS I personally donated ___100 to team seas and I want someone to up me

26,209 - Australia - Bellbowrie Queensland 27.5621°S 152.8793°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 101.177.170.xxx (cpe-101-177-170-70.qb02.qld.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/11/03 00:07:56
What's crackalakin Hom... uh oh, u kiddos have done it now. you got granny involved #UHOH #FIREPOWER #FIGHTNIGHT

26,208 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRANNYONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 21:54:23
Well Well Well, The kiddos said Gramps needs some help, time i get the cane out and teach you all an old fashion lesson #A______WhoopinDay

26,207 - Germany - Varel Lower Saxony 53.392°N 8.1302°E "U.S.S-H.U.N.K" from 077.021.029.xxx (ip4d151d04.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/11/02 21:37:37

26,206 - Australia - Brisbane Queensland 27.4677°S 153.0312°E "Ex Fan" from 001.128.104.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 21:11:33
If this is true, I'm done fr. Very disappointed grass man

26,205 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 20:55:57
TBOB the answer isnt as straight forward as you think. Grass man is trying his best to keep this under the radar by raising our time between messages by 50+ mins and making it so 99.99% of our messages just flagged or deemed inappropriate, using the location and information provided we have made contact with other members of the blog and found all of us are having the same issue. Grass has also made alt accounts or second account to directly insult us because he cant on his main.
Mr. Grass says that accusation is a 100% wrong.
There is a bigger issue and you don't understand the bigger picture. This is so much more than 'drama'.

26,204 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "DAVID OF DAVID THE 3RD" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 20:13:55
___Sp**IERS ALERT___ But my friend pointed out that this is similar the ending fight scene in avengers endgame (2019) where everyone is coming out of portals teaming up to take out thanos! We are all coming together rn to take it to him! JUSTICE WILL BE SEVRED

26,203 - United States - New Bethlehem Pennsylvania 40.9999°N 79.3527°W "Trash Bin" from 075.117.140.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 18:23:17
Hey Mr. Grass, what state do you live in? Our time zones are an hour apart, and I'm curious.

26,202 - United States - New Bethlehem Pennsylvania 40.9999°N 79.3527°W "Trash Bin" from 075.117.140.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 17:49:55
The grass is growing nicely

26,201 - Colombia - City N/A 4.5981°N 74.0799°W "Anonymous" from 191.102.095.xxx (azteca-comunicaciones.com) wrote at 2021/11/02 15:51:23
i see a man walking in the camera, im scared

26,200 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/02 11:22:03
Hey Mr. Grass, I always wonder what is that sign on your yard near that path of rocks. Can you say what is wrote on it? Thanks!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:43 - That's a Home Security Sign.

26,199 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/11/02 11:09:36
No drama. Someone's been bombing the blog with weedy comments lately. It's a shame because I think most people visit this site to have a little light hearted fun.

26,198 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "TBOB" from 208.052.048.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 10:52:32
someone explain the grass drama to me im lost so what did he say?

26,197 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.146.xxx (191-113-146-189.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/11/02 10:49:19
hola Sr.Grass cuando va a decorar su casa de navidad ? es que me perd______ la decoraci______n de Halloween y no me gustar______a perderme la de navidad pd: este es el mejor sitio web :D

26,196 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/11/02 10:48:40
grass grass

26,195 - Singapore - Singapore 1.3001°N 103.7864°E "A Viewer 1099" from 089.187.163.xxx (unn-89-187-163-163.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/11/02 05:35:47
Yo, Pool Man, Gramps ( i think) and david im sorry to hear. Normally Grass man is pretty good. this is unfortunate and i believe this is totally out of character from him

26,194 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "That Guy" from 154.028.188.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/02 05:32:54
Honest to god, i generally cant believe that this true. Like im all for a fun and dark jokes but racism is the line for me.

26,193 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 156.146.059.xxx (unn-156-146-59-18.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/11/02 05:31:15
Yo whats good fam , if what im reading/ seeing is true, that's actual f*ed fam. In school we have learnt about the aboriginal Austrians and the fight, racism and discrimination they go through. HAVE U NOT HEARD OF THIER NATIONAL SORRY DAY? I dont stand for racism and / or discrimination one bit. This is wrong and grass man u are going about this in the wrong way

26,192 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man Slide" from 001.123.047.xxx (cpe-1-223-47-190.bpi3-r-032.fli.sa.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2021/11/02 05:23:08
Good to see everyone still's here and the grass is still growing! Keen to see all the boys, og and new. Happy to see everyone is active and everyone in the WGG community is still going strong. Little concerning tbh, I got a message from Gramps to come back, and I was NOT impressed with my return. Scrolling down and reading all the comments and yes I saw the argument between Dave and table, then I also saw that he said he was a proud Aboriginal Man, then he said he was banned from typing for an extended periods of time, and Im not saying anything or accusing you or anything but if it's true, that's not on. It's not okay, and you will be held accountable.

26,191 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/01 22:26:50
What's Crackalakin Homie's. I'm sorry to hear that is happening david :( thats so not hip to the beat. i think an ap**ogy is called for. COME ON GRASS MAN. MY BOI NEEDS IT AND THE HOMIES ARE VERY UNSATISFYIED :( GET TO IT!!

26,190 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "David" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/01 22:23:26
Hey grass man, i have the potential to ruin not only your career but is well as your reputation after this little extended timeout after comments, unless an a formal ap**ogy is said i will release it. You have banned me from typing for a very long time...Looks like you blogged 41 seconds ago - take a break and try again after 22450 seconds like....? this happened last Friday its taken me 4 days to write this because I had to a break from this situation
Mr. Grass replies at 08:30 - Per the blog guidelines - "Quality is better than quantity when it comes to blog posting" - so while I appreciate your grassy comments, I don't want them to become weedy ... ;-)

26,189 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "Jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/11/01 22:00:37
on Wednesday I'm taking the ACT work keys test

26,188 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/01 14:37:17
Mr. Grass is on point, he already took off their halloween decorations.
Mr. Grass replies at 15:36 - Yep - took everything down this morning ... and then there was a brief mini-snow storm!
halloween takedown

26,187 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.195.xxx (mobile-107-77-195-142.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/11/01 12:00:48
Mr Grass you should come visit Cleveland one day!if you do come, you should come ride on the CVSR dome car!

26,186 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/11/01 11:56:39
Today was 87.8°F here where I live, i already miss the winter :')

26,185 - United States - Gladstone Oregon 45.3894°N 122.586°W "Anonymous" from 198.236.032.xxx (host-198-236-32-2.gladstone.k12.or.us) wrote at 2021/11/01 11:01:48
Yo best website

26,184 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/01 09:27:59
he ready for next year

26,183 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/11/01 08:03:20
Halloween is almost a year from now, what's with the decorations?

26,182 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "MR GRASIO" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/11/01 07:19:30
Yo Mr. grass do you have a kid?

26,181 - Germany - Wilhelmshaven Lower Saxony 53.5241°N 8.0867°E "U.S.S-H.U.N.K" from 077.021.108.xxx (ip4d156cf3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/11/01 05:04:51
i like how if you hover over the flag you can see your exact location and your ip got leaked too, oh well i think its fine since it keeps people from starting drama

26,180 - Germany - Wilhelmshaven Lower Saxony 53.5241°N 8.0867°E "U.S.S-H.U.N.K" from 077.021.108.xxx (ip4d156cf3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/11/01 04:01:08
a car driving by or someone walking buy or something, like he dosent live in nevada where there is ahouse in the middle of nowhere he lives at a street

26,179 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5338°N 19.762°E "Adam" from 217.028.146.xxx (m169.class146.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/11/01 03:23:44
this is just a front lawn what is supposed to be happening

26,178 - Germany - Wilhelmshaven Lower Saxony 53.5241°N 8.0867°E "U.S.S-H.U.N.K" from 077.021.108.xxx (ip4d156cf3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/11/01 01:31:45
can we talk about how nothing really f***ing happens like its like he lives in the middle of the sahara or a ghost town

26,177 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Anonymous" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/31 19:37:37
It's fascinating to look people going trick-or-treating when where you lived nobody celebrate halloween. Happy Halloween Mr. Gorilla.
Mr. Grass replies at 17:04 - For those that missed it, here's a time-lapse of the trick-or-treaters from last night.

26,176 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/31 18:28:52
Here's what it looks like to come trick-or-treating at Mr. Grass's house. The Production quality is so-so and will look much better when it is dark, but you get the basic idea.

26,175 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/10/31 18:14:25
I have to hug a pillow while watching this, because it is sooo scary!!!!!! i have had a fear of skelly's since i was a wee bubba. They are just to scary for me to handle!!!

26,174 - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh 10.8142°N 106.6438°E "Anonymous" from 112.197.032.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/31 18:09:01
Happy Halloween to yall

26,173 - United States - New York 40.7157°N 74°W "Dave UK" from 091.132.137.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/31 17:17:42
Happy Halloween from Dave UK Hope you and the family are well.

26,172 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/31 17:08:44
at my house we have had a few people already

26,171 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/31 16:48:30
I'm ready for the trick-or-treaters!
Definitely some supply-chain problems ... this what one of the 150-piece bags looks like - note the unequal distribution of candy, especially the good ones like Almond Joys, Reese's, Peanut M&M's, and Yorks. I opened another bag a week ago and have been performing "quality control checks" of the candy since then ... ;-)

halloween candy

26,170 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/31 16:24:44
Happy Halloween, Mr Grass & Family! It wouldn't be Halloween without a peek at your spooky cam!

26,169 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Concerned viewer" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/10/31 16:20:10
ahhhhhhh!! i am very spooked right now. I would suggest you dont show this to kids under the age of 18 because it could cause lasting damage, from being too scary!!!!!!

26,168 - Brazil - City N/A 22.8305°S 43.2192°W "Anonymous" from 045.190.253.xxx (186-253-190-45.g4netfibra.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/31 07:30:10
trick or treat

26,167 - Brazil - Duque de Caxias Rio de Janeiro 22.7882°S 43.327°W "Anonymous" from 187.095.040.xxx (40-95-187-18.dynamic.altaredecorporate.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/30 22:46:29
salveeee ___3

26,166 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/30 21:32:10
Were there trick or treaters tonight, or will that be tomorrow?
Mr. Grass replies at 20:19 - Halloween Night!

26,165 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/30 21:27:44
Hey Mr. Grass, Happy Halloween!

26,164 - United States - Katy Texas 29.8323°N 95.736°W "Anonymous" from 073.006.171.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/30 15:28:09

26,163 - United States - Spring Texas 30.1707°N 95.5019°W "Mr guy who likes cheese" from 216.227.241.xxx ( wrote at 2021/10/30 13:52:49

26,162 - United States - Fredonia New York 42.4325°N 79.3329°W "e0" from 141.238.187.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/30 11:03:42
neck for days

26,161 - Philippines - Davao City Province of Davao del Sur 7.0758°N 125.6139°E "Joaquin" from 049.151.128.xxx (dsl. wrote at 2021/10/30 01:19:48
wOH! i forgot its halloween! got scared a bit there!

26,160 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/29 19:47:03
I like this website because it has that early internet vibe that i miss so much. Keep it up, Mr Grass.

26,159 - United States - Danville California 37.8135°N 121.9658°W "ur mom" from 169.199.168.xxx (ws181.net168.srvusd.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/10/29 17:04:38
fun fact: grass is grass

26,158 - United States - New Braunfels Texas 29.7229°N 98.0742°W "Anonymous" from 069.147.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/29 13:12:01

26,157 - United States - King North Carolina 36.2942°N 80.3608°W "grass" from 152.026.178.xxx (zen-c3-3b1.rtp.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/10/29 10:54:40
grass grass

26,156 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/29 10:20:08
At 10:18 AM some folks stopped their walking routine to appreciate the "Creepy Guy".

26,155 - United States - Meridian Idaho 43.6502°N 116.4343°W "kid in school" from 174.047.095.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/29 10:03:07
I was watching grass grow in class and then trumpets started playing. It was so quiet everyone looked at me.

26,154 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/29 07:56:11
I love grass!

26,153 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/29 06:46:19
Good monring Mr Grass.

26,152 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Truth about Dave" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 22:16:44
The truth finally comes out, im a proud aboriginal man

26,151 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 20:36:24
Whats crackalakin My poor dental friend!!!!! Thats right kiddos BURN!!!!!!!!! TBH OMG LMAO U R SO TRASHHHHHHH!!! #Hashtag #GetRicketyRecked #URMUMSAHOE Anyways kiddos this anonyms thinks he is the true g*** we hoodsters call it. Well anonyms let me tell u that back in my day if I were to speak ill about the elderly I would be sent to the fields to round up the cows. So go round up ur mother and ur sister and be a good chap and go sip ur tea elsewhere. Im sorry WGG community that you have to view this harshness. However I believe that this is disrespectful to a T. anonyms can I ask did you sniff too much coal after working in the warehouse Cause the amount of s______t ur spewing is just #UNTRUE! Anyways loyal WGG fans I believe my time is up. Later Alligators and just remember if they seem tough they really r a cry baby and probably fake out after kicking the ball :) #FIFA #uneeddental #TeaDarling #SHOTSFIRED

26,150 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Chill Guy Dave" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 20:36:21
Considering the Jims mowing ip is 121.044.086.xxx and my particular ip is 131.242.030.xxx, your already wrong ahahha, but you being wrong doesn't surprise me considering your people use to buy people back in the day. Oh, how the tables have turned, see what I did there a bit of word play for ya. I learnt word play at school where I didn't get shot, and even if I did get shot I could get it fixed with Australia's FREE healthcare. I feel like I cant take you seriously when elected the annoying orange as your president, speaking of oranges you guys should probably eat more them considering your country's are full of walking, talking hippos. All facts aside props to your women of the country, must be hard giving birth to hippos, yes, I made 2 fat jokes- I made multiple fat jokes cause there's a lot of fat to make fun of. Tables you stfu now buddy.

26,149 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/28 20:31:09
Mr. Grass on the front yard with "Creepy Guy" along with the Skull Brothers - one is masking up for Covid! ;-)
halloween mr. grass creepy guy

26,148 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/28 15:47:52
I'm waiting for the snow.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:50 - You might see some late Halloween night after the trick-or-treaters! ;-)

26,147 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/10/28 15:38:11
Grass is so fun to watch. Like bro like you can watch from anywhere in the world. From schools, beds, houses, and in person. Like, bro grass is just the best.

26,146 - United States - Columbia South Carolina 34.1416°N 80.8886°W "Anonymous" from 204.116.214.xxx (occm-128.dhcp.grp1-rng3.tnmteg.blomand.net) wrote at 2021/10/28 13:33:37
who need they grassy ate

26,145 - Canada - Cranbrook British Columbia 49.5014°N 115.7734°W "John cena" from 064.114.199.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 11:54:15
Grass is gods best creation

26,144 - United States - Knox Pennsylvania 41.2267°N 79.5268°W "Trash Bin" from 206.180.121.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 10:27:46
I'm a Trash Bin ___Trash Bin

26,143 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/28 10:06:40
its spelled exciting, exiting would mean you are leaving the best website ever and that just cannot happen

26,142 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "GrassLover 69" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/28 09:09:34
another exiting day of watchng grass grow! - GrassLover 69

26,141 - United States - Knox Pennsylvania 41.2267°N 79.5268°W "Trash Bin" from 206.180.121.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 07:05:59
This is the most entertaining thing since watching paint dry!

26,140 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 06:41:50
i hate the british

26,139 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/28 05:50:35
cant wait until chill guy david/jims mowing/whatever the heck finds out about ip addresses and how all of his characters have the exact same ones

26,138 - United Kingdom - London England 51.5353°N 0.6658°W "Anonymous" from 178.062.063.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 03:47:12
Lmao Australia comments are legit invalid and yous sound like a bunch of social rejects stfu pusso fam, like do you even read what you say ahaha

26,137 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 165.232.189.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/28 03:44:57
Hello i love grass

26,136 - Australia - Reservoir Victoria 37.7152°S 145.0076°E "Anonymous" from 101.182.163.xxx (cpe-101-182-163-241.qb11.qld.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/10/28 03:43:23
Hey Jims mowing kys dude!

26,135 - Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.8591°S 151.2002°E "Jims Mowing" from 121.044.086.xxx (121-44-86-229.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2021/10/28 03:41:39
who gives a flying fxck

26,134 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 3.1484°N 101.6386°E "Anonymous" from 061.006.004.xxx (broadband.time.net.my) wrote at 2021/10/28 03:35:43
i just visited the website and the skulls scared me-

26,133 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Slightly Less Chill Guy Dave" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 22:33:27
Woahhhh shots fired!! Call 000 or 9*** cause shots have been fired. Ahah As you can see I love a good joke but the funniest joke is your overweight brain-dead Mum making you. Chill Guy Dave here and a warm welcome to everyone in the WGG community. As you maybe able to tell im here to respond to the comment under me said or comment number #26,132. Honestly, I feel bad for him cause he clearly doesn't have a dad, hence this cry to attention. This guy must be worth quite a bit cause hes a walking c***** ad! Cause if my kid looked like him or acted like him I would want to leave is well! Calling me a pu55y is funny, considering you haven't been in it since ya pushed ya out. Calling me a whimp is rich since your most likely a ranga that gets bullied at school, and is that desperate for attention comes on a grass blog to try and get some. up mine of course you would want to be up mine you G___ay f*

26,132 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Chill Guy Dave Hater :(" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 22:16:07
Hey Chill Guy Dave, stop being a WHIMP AND A MASSIVE PU______y. UP URS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RESPECT THE GRASS MORON!!!

26,131 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Viewer PART 2" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 22:10:42
The grass can light up a box of match sticks which is A MAJOR AND I MEAN MAJOR risk and not only a potential hazard but IS a HAZARD and even though I don't know you I enjoy for website and would be a great shame if your grass and house caught on fire and burnt down. I really hope you can see the danger that this deadly light brings and you have to way up the risk and reward., personally I believe the risk does NOT way out the good. So get rid of it now. :) and to people calling me a Karen or mummas boy, UP YOURS. Have a good day Grass man and please get rid of it now PART 2/2

26,130 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 22:04:44
Grass man good morning/mid-morning/brunch, lunch/early-afternoon, afternoon, late-afternoon, dinner time, late dinner, evening, night, late night, or early morning depending on when your reading this. When i looked on the blog today i got a jump scare, not from the Halloween decos, but from the red right on your grass (coming from one the decos on the top side of the grass), personally i thought your grass was on fire! I was like 'omg its on fire FIREEE FIREEE THERES A FIRE' which actually got me in trouble at work as I said that out loud. My boss was not a happy camper. Then I did research, since the light is so powerful and bright the heat from the light if left on for long periods of time can actually cause a fire to start and with your grass being so dead and dull the grass would lite up like a match stick PART 1/2 due to the character limit

26,129 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 21:53:14
What's crackalakin kiddo's in da room!!!!! WELCOME BACK MY MOST GANGSTA FREIND, MR POOL MAN SLIDE!!!!! also love the outro there, very gramps like if i do say so myself. Also i had no idea u had a cousin homie, he seems gangsta #Hashtag #Gangsta #Imstuckstepbro i would also like to adress the word "sp**ch" getting blurred. Not the best counting it's my favourite word. #Sp**chdeservesbetter pls fix this issue to become an hounerary member of the bois :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26,128 - United States - Fort Worth Texas 32.7825°N 97.2993°W "Anonymous" from 104.006.176.xxx (104-6-176-163.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/10/27 21:31:16
I can't believe I just got jumpscared by the grass webcam. I opened this for the first time in over a month and jumped back in my chair a little when I saw the little skeleton men.

26,127 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/27 18:25:59
That's a funny pic! Looks like Creepy Guy is watching the workers across the street.

26,126 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Cousin of Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 18:02:45
Hey buddy! No cap im actually the COUSIN of the Pool Man slide, we are both working day and night to set up the 'watching pool water evaporate' cam, live stream, website and a possible blog like system. Im not the only that has notice why is the word sp**ch _________ out? And i know it will be blurred out again so its S p** C H. What is inappropriate with that? how is that against the terms conditions and rules of the WGG rules of blog. Just asking a question, no hate! Keep the grass growing

26,125 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Slight Angry and still confused Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 17:55:06
Hello Grass Boy. Yes you have been demoted from grass man at this point in time. My last message which i was questioning about my comment number #26,123. In my comment #26,124 I said anyways***" me back however the word "hit" was _________ out like come on!! Its legit a figure of sp**ch!!! ITS A fing SAYING!! Like commmmmmmmeee onnn. I HUST DONT GET IT! how can I win? Im losing my mind. please can u dont something PLEASE can you HELP and/or FIX IT! trust me im not the only one!! ANyways love ya, and keep the grass growing

26,124 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Confused Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 17:46:39
Hey grass man! Just a little confused with something relating to the blog! My last comment i left comment #26,123 (and over 26k comments awesome millstone and congratulations) was held for being 'inappropriate' when there was nothing inappropriate with the message. The words "as" and the word "said" are both _________ out. I just dont get it, like how are the inappropriate and violate the WWG blog rules? Just a suggestion from an OG maybe turn down your profanity meter or whatever its called! Anyways*** me back when u can. Still have love for the WGG community is well as Gramps!

26,123 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 17:39:50
Man its been a good minute (this phrase is just a figure of sp**ch because its been a lot longer than a minute) I just felt the need to explain that cause from what ive read alot of people have been doing that! Anyways just checking in a**aid before its been a while but hey im still alive still setting up the 'watching pool water evaporate' and thought id touch base with the WWG community! Anyways pool man slide, sliding out - the last one was for my boy Gramps :) ahahaha. Keep it cool! and ill be back soon!!

26,122 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "poopoo" from 208.052.048.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 14:34:35
i love grass

26,121 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-46.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/10/27 14:15:19
On pace for 3000 comments this year :) But remember quality over quantityyyy

26,120 - United States - Philadelphia Pennsylvania 40.0417°N 75.021°W "Anonymous" from 108.016.204.xxx (pool-108-16-204-84.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/10/27 13:27:38
grass is swag

26,119 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 13:18:34
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

26,118 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.8769°N 93.2535°W "Anonymous" from 209.237.102.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 13:08:06
amungus sussy

26,117 - Canada - Cranbrook British Columbia 49.5014°N 115.7734°W "John cena" from 064.114.199.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 12:10:06
Grass is amazing

26,116 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/27 10:38:15
bro grass is sick as f***

26,115 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6751°N 111.8166°W "Dababy" from 205.127.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 09:32:14

26,114 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/27 08:26:36
Here's a wider-angle picture showing the concrete pouring has begun - they are going fast!
Concrete Pouring

26,113 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 07:25:01
i wonder if we broke the comment record this year...

26,112 - United States - Columbia South Carolina 34.022°N 81.0072°W "grassy" from 204.116.223.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 07:15:39
wsup yall its grassy from 2 years ago lol

26,111 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/27 07:09:21
Is that a lantern or something in front of the creepy guy?
Mr. Grass replies at 08:25 - Yea, a bit of light on Creepy Guy to light him up and cast some shadows.

26,110 - United States - Kenton Ohio 40.6426°N 83.6151°W "kyle" from 208.108.163.xxx (kentoncityschools.org) wrote at 2021/10/27 06:43:19
yo those little dudes j chillin on the lawn fr

26,109 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "Anonymous" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/27 05:23:12
anyone else just see that truck

26,108 - United States - Hemet California 33.7399°N 117.0151°W "Gene J." from 172.114.203.xxx (cpe-172-114-203-140.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/26 15:50:48
nice to see that the grass is still growing 16 years later. how crazy.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:52 - Thanks for being a long-time watcher ... just think how much the Grass has grown in total over 16 years! ;-)

26,107 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-45.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/10/26 14:03:35
whats happening across the road mr g
Mr. Grass replies at 17:25 - My neighbor is replacing their driveway - they should be pouring concrete Wednesday morning! ;-)

26,106 - United States - Columbia South Carolina 34.1416°N 80.8886°W "Anonymous" from 204.116.214.xxx (occm-128.dhcp.grp1-rng3.tnmteg.blomand.net) wrote at 2021/10/26 13:33:35
grass, yeah!

26,105 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "grass lover 69" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/26 11:40:50
another day watching grass grow, feeling good -Grass Lover 69

26,104 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/26 11:21:45
Ooooh. Looks like a perfect Fall day! I half expected to see snow today.

26,103 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/26 11:05:24
grassy and/or weedy comment

26,102 - United States - Griffith Indiana 41.5334°N 87.4219°W "Grasslover69" from 216.176.156.xxx (hispeed-2-195.netnitco.net) wrote at 2021/10/26 10:59:38
Grass is amazing I love grass

26,101 - United States - Brunswick Ohio 41.2463°N 81.831°W "Anonymous" from 204.011.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/26 10:45:50
Yeahhh lets gooo, we love grass

26,100 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/26 09:21:39
does anyone just say.... "grass"

26,099 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "a genius" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/26 08:51:44
Mr. Grass thinks he can just cut my grass-watching off with some sort of timer?? Well, jokes on him! I can just reload the page!!

26,098 - United States - City N/A Wyoming 42.8666°N 106.3131°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/26 08:11:42
Mr. Grass what are you doin; your grass is dying. :( This is big sad.

26,097 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/26 08:04:46
I love grass!

26,096 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/26 07:26:20
Gretting! How aer you, Grasman !! Hope yuo and your sharp friend freinds are the best, get a merry from country motherlande! Ha ha !!! I cannot find my MEDICINE!! Ha ha ! Somebody PLEASE help !

26,095 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6982°N 111.841°W "Anonymous" from 097.117.084.xxx (97-117-84-8.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/10/25 16:57:01
just chillin, mowin the grass with my cursor

26,094 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/25 16:53:45

26,093 - United States - Columbia South Carolina 34.1416°N 80.8886°W "Anonymous" from 204.116.214.xxx (occm-128.dhcp.grp1-rng3.tnmteg.blomand.net) wrote at 2021/10/25 13:30:42
Grass is awesome

26,092 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "Anonymous" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/25 12:28:38
watching while playing among us :flushed:

26,091 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-22.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/10/25 12:02:25
woooo grass

26,090 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-19-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/25 10:24:22
lookin spooky

26,089 - United States - Woodstock Georgia 34.126°N 84.5752°W "Grass" from 168.009.019.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/25 09:22:45
Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass

26,088 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "grass lover 69" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/25 08:49:10
bruh - grass lover69

26,087 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/25 07:57:31
I love grass!

26,086 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Impressed side line viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/24 19:58:45
Wow just wow, YOU KILLED HIM DAVE yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh GO DAVE HES OUR MAN IF HE CANT DO IT GRMAPS OR POOL MAN SLIDE CAN GOOOOOOOOOOO DAVE! Wont be hearing the "table" flop for a while!!! You want some gravy with that roast!!!! LIKE OMFG what am i witnessing!!1 feel like calling 000 or 9*** to report a wild fire and murder!!LIKE BOOOM that just happened! ps Theres 2/3 so THERES MOREEEEE!!!!!!

26,085 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "No so Chill Guy Dave" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/24 19:53:32
To even throw an accusation at me like that (again a figure of sp**ch, an accusation isnt a physical ob*ect that can be thrown). It is mind blowing (again my mind physically hasn't blown up cause if that was the case I wouldn't be typing this currently). LIKE ARE WE FOR REAL. Not only are you being outright fing disrespectful not only to me but is well as concerned parent?!?! To even think let alone say it aloud is absolutely popsorsit! And you know what, it all comes back to the parents, just cause your mum or mom as you tards say was an overweight drug addicted, beached whale like half women half bear lookin mammal! It really shows, you're a direct (but big reflection cause she is ma**ive) reflection of your mum (if you could even call her a women) 2/3

26,084 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/24 19:50:12
What's Crackalakin Home slices!!!!! Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's an irritable BD who likes picking on a chill hip to the beat guy. After my long hawaii break i decided to pop on as the kiddos call it and see how it is all going and i'm quite disgusted to see bullying on this platform #hotterthenyamumspanties #sm***hcriminal So tell me 'table' were you dropped too many times as a child to insult my homie Mr. Dave. well dave the homie's and me have your back against these wrong do ers. Anyways gotta go help the kiddos out with a banging slime video with Jake small holding a fidget spinner on his pe... anyways catch yall on the flip side #Hashtag #Peace #BrainDamage

26,083 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Chill Guy Dave :/" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/24 19:42:13
Well, well, well howdy everybody! How are yall going this fine day/night! Chilly guy back at it again! Over here in Australia we're approaching summer, so it's been rather hot, but you know I've been keeping things cool. Bahahaha. Sooooo anyways im leaving this comment to just address a comment that caught my eye earlier (not literally captured my eye, its actually a figure of sp**ch) I feel like I have to make these simpler and really break down and explains things because im dealing with a bunch of degenerate, illiterate, inbreed cu___ts. The comment in particular im referring to was left by 'table' from Orno Maine the comment was 'wow, cool guy david has the exact same ip address as concerned parent, i wonder if that just means he got kinda scared of the decorations lol' Words cant even describe what im thinking atm (at the moment) again have to make everything simple so their undersized human brain can comprehend and understand everything i say. PART 1/3

26,082 - India - Mumbai Maharashtra 19.0397°N 73.0141°E "Anonymous" from 114.079.178.xxx ( wrote at 2021/10/24 10:23:38
The Grass must grow for maintaining the balance of the Universe

26,081 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-46.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/10/24 00:26:16
so excited for halloween this year :)

26,080 - United States - Kyle Texas 30.0032°N 97.8397°W "Anonymous" from 066.069.193.xxx (cpe-66-69-193-50.austin.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/23 14:23:31
amazon prime truck go brrrrr

26,079 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-46.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/10/22 19:03:10
grow grass grow

26,078 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/22 08:56:49
i ate grass once, tasted like grass

26,077 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/22 07:57:13
I love grass!

26,076 - United States - Stockbridge Georgia 33.5637°N 84.2112°W "Ricky" from 075.131.011.xxx (075-131-011-150.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/10/22 00:59:27
thats some nice grass

26,075 - United States - Bethlehem Pennsylvania 40.6568°N 75.3912°W "Anonymous" from 070.044.141.xxx ( wrote at 2021/10/21 20:00:23
Hi hehehrjrbrohne ish neieh

26,074 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/21 15:44:12
I thought your house was one floor

26,073 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/21 14:00:55
Here's a view of the house from the street with Mr. Grass and Creepy Guy! ;-)
halloween house

26,072 - United States - City N/A Oregon 45.5245°N 122.6692°W "Anonymous" from 136.228.206.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 13:44:28
that grass looks tasty

26,071 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/21 13:13:52
I want to touch that grass

26,070 - United States - Eugene Oregon 44.0197°N 123.1008°W "Anonymous" from 158.165.007.xxx (nat-165.4j.lane.edu) wrote at 2021/10/21 12:09:25
i really like that the grass is growing. haha it's just like the grass i have but*** located somewhere else.

26,069 - United States - Danville California 37.8135°N 121.9658°W "ur mom" from 169.199.168.xxx (ws150.net168.srvusd.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/10/21 11:44:32
grass taste gud

26,068 - United States - Danville California 37.8135°N 121.9658°W "ur mom" from 169.199.168.xxx (ws150.net168.srvusd.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/10/21 11:38:41
i like eating grass

26,067 - United States - Brunswick Ohio 41.2463°N 81.831°W "Milkkk" from 204.011.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 11:35:50
What you guys doing for Halloween? Any interesting plans?

26,066 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Grandmama" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 11:13:11
the decorations scared me for a sec lol

26,065 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/21 10:19:46
yeah for some reason whenever i see a car go by i get hype for no reason

26,064 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Kuiper" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 08:55:34
This is oddly entertaining lol

26,063 - United States - Brunswick Ohio 41.2463°N 81.831°W "Toby" from 204.011.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 08:48:48
Lmao currently stuck in class, watching grass grow is ten times more entertaining. I will be watching until I get outta school later today

26,062 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/21 08:24:21
I love grass!

26,061 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/21 08:08:42
bro was that a dog

26,060 - United States - Chariton Iowa 41.0248°N 93.3132°W "Anonymous" from 207.028.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 07:05:05
please rply mr grass

26,059 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "hello" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/21 06:51:46
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello

26,058 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/21 06:26:47
wow, cool guy david has the exact same ip address as concerned parent, i wonder if that just means he got kinda scared of the decorations lol

26,057 - Spain - Valencia 39.4705°N 0.3765°W "Stickmimoso" from 212.145.234.xxx (static-adsl-b-11-126.ipcom.comunitel.net) wrote at 2021/10/21 02:45:40
Hey. I'm a really big fan from Spain!! Keep going!!

26,056 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Chill Guy Dave :)" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/20 22:13:03
Hey there everybody!! Hope you are having a grasstastic day!! ahhaha see what i did there ;). Anyways i cant help but notice you guys- could not mean to or not realising it however its clear that you guys are taking the p!ss outta me?!?! like come onnnnnn its all good BUTTTTT come on its not good enough. Taking the p!ss outta me?!?! Your dad must be proud- o wait what dad. get it cause your dad left you guys are c*** S! anyway moving foward yall can get farked :). Have a great day/night everybody ! Sending love

26,055 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/20 15:59:06
Any plans to add more halloween decorations?

26,054 - Poland - Warsaw Mazovia 52.2721°N 20.9866°E "p**ack" from 095.049.125.xxx (afev29.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) wrote at 2021/10/20 15:19:31
is there a way to turn off the "you've been watching for a while" thingy?

26,053 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.694°N 73.9901°W "silver" from 165.155.169.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/20 09:57:13
this is the best thing ever

26,052 - United States - Strafford Missouri 37.2797°N 93.1066°W "cool guy" from 204.185.031.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/20 09:42:16
this is so cool :thumbs_up:

26,051 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/20 07:45:27
yikes that spooked me

26,050 - Canada - City N/A 43.6319°N 79.3716°W "Anonymous" from 099.209.010.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/20 07:14:05
I have no words on this, just wow.

26,049 - Poland - Radom Mazovia 51.3989°N 21.1568°E "p**ack" from 079.110.207.xxx (cassie.static.korbank.pl) wrote at 2021/10/20 01:32:08
cheers from public library

26,048 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 19:30:20
Mr Grass ran a way more busy Halloween cam for years. This is way more stripped down. I don't understand what the problem is. No one if forcing kids to watch this. Honestly, there are scarier commercials on tv at this time of year.

26,047 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Chill Guy David ;)" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/19 18:52:54
Hey there buddy! Sending good vibes your way, however i cant help but notice you havent responded to the 'concerted parent/viewer' and im not saying its your fault in particular or that u did it on purpose buuuuutt i feel like that if someone leaves a message about there kids and there well being you should pull your finger out of glutes or your buttox and listen to this man! Im still sending good vibes and still praying for you and your family buttttt if hes a long term viewer and his kids grew up watching and loving this, i feel like you should take his concren more seroiusly, like commmmme onn, am i right?? Alitghty then glad we could come to an agreement on this topic at hand ahaha. Ight Peace out, safe stay Grass Man!!!

26,046 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.4236°N 79.9825°W "grasse" from 071.182.200.xxx (pool-71-182-200-135.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 18:32:43
shout out to the 12 people watching

26,045 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.4442°N 79.9557°W "Anonymous" from 128.237.082.xxx (cmu-secure-128-237-82-9.nat.cmu.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 11:01:10
futures grass

26,044 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.4442°N 79.9557°W "stnkyfartmaster" from 128.237.082.xxx (cmu-secure-128-237-82-6.nat.cmu.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 10:36:58
did yall see that dog walk by

26,043 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "your mom" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/19 09:11:45
grass is cool ngl

26,042 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 08:12:25
I LOVE grass!

26,041 - United States - Glen Burnie Maryland 39.1658°N 76.6382°W "Anonymous" from 068.134.177.xxx (pool-68-134-177-202.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/10/19 05:47:30
I love grass so much

26,040 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/18 20:01:58
grass is great and it will help me calm down after my older sister died today

26,039 - Canada - Brampton Ontario 43.68°N 79.7273°W "ALEXANDER" from 099.234.241.xxx (cpe989d5de430a6-cm989d5de430a4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/10/18 19:09:59
my wife loves grass!

26,038 - Finland - City N/A 60.1717°N 24.9349°E "ALEXANDER" from 087.095.117.xxx (87-95-117-136.bb.dnainternet.fi) wrote at 2021/10/18 18:44:36
my wife loves grass!

26,037 - United States - Greenwood South Carolina 34.224°N 82.1625°W "ALEXANDER" from 064.234.102.xxx (host-64-234-102-126.nctv.com) wrote at 2021/10/18 18:43:16
my wife loves grass!

26,036 - United States - Eatonton Georgia 33.3127°N 83.3628°W "Anonymous" from 075.105.119.xxx (75-105-119-39.cust.exede.net) wrote at 2021/10/18 16:53:48
i wonder if we can reach 30k by first snow?

26,035 - United Kingdom - Waterlooville Hampshire 50.8963°N 1.0463°W "Anonymous" from 082.015.250.xxx (cpc76258-cosh15-2-0-cust718.6-1.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/10/18 15:31:47
Just realised that Halloween is just really weird.

26,034 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/18 12:57:27
to green, or not to green. grass is the question.

26,033 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/18 10:16:19
Hey Mr. Grass, can you send a pic of the grass from the road.

26,032 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/18 08:01:01
I love grass!

26,031 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/18 07:43:46
"i didnt know america had grass"

26,030 - United States - Rusk Texas 31.8136°N 95.0965°W "FAT FREAKING BISCUIT" from 208.180.062.xxx (208-180-62-22.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/10/18 07:07:47
I like your halloween decorations

26,029 - Poland - Radom Mazovia 51.3989°N 21.1568°E "p**ack" from 079.110.207.xxx (cassie.static.korbank.pl) wrote at 2021/10/18 03:19:02
Just like in my countrie. i didnt know america had grass. cheers

26,028 - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh 10.8142°N 106.6438°E "Anonymous" from 014.186.062.xxx (static.vnpt.vn) wrote at 2021/10/17 21:05:44
My name is tr______ i like your web

26,027 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/17 20:59:20
Lots of weedy comments lately. Wow.

26,026 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Parent/Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/17 19:42:57
This is absolutely stupid and immature in my opinion, forcing children in an inappropriate and frightening environment I think you are exploiting the family-friendly and pleasant holiday Halloween as a cover for your sick mind games and scaring young children for your own amusement. I'm telling you, you must take action and take the necessary steps to remove and or take down theses 'decorations'. You have 24hrs to action or you will lose OG and long watching viewers PART 2/2.

26,025 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Parent/Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/17 19:37:21
Day, Grass Man. I'm not saying good morning today. You might be able to tell, but I have a really forceful tone since I am quite upset. I've had little to no sleep the last few nights. I'm a father of 2-3 children, and they frequently read the blog to improve their vocabulary and reading skills, as well as watch the 'grass cam' for entertainment and to help them relax after a long day, so I was surprised when I was woken up in the middle of the night by my children screaming in terror. This has now happened three times in a row. And after conducting background checks and conducting a investigation, I discovered the root of their nightmares. It's the spine-chilling, terrifying 'Halloween' decorations, you may have noticed the" in between Halloween because I feel it's attempting to scare children on purpose and perhaps maybe summoning the devil to scare them even more PART 1/2

26,024 - United States - Greenwood Indiana 39.5992°N 86.13°W "king herbert" from 068.050.108.xxx (c-68-50-108-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/17 13:00:27
king herbert watching grass

26,023 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/10/16 19:37:36

26,022 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Unnus Annus ___ Momento Mori" from 072.134.070.xxx (cpe-72-134-70-32.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/16 13:48:52

26,021 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Unnus Annus ___ Momento Mori" from 072.134.070.xxx (cpe-72-134-70-32.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/16 13:42:59
What is the song? XD LOL Please tell me.

26,020 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/15 12:03:54
The nightmare of all lawn keepers

26,019 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/15 11:48:43
MR G if you could have one wish what would it be?
Mr. Grass replies at 11:55 - That there be no weeds in my lawn!

26,018 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/10/15 09:06:44
sunny day today

26,017 - United States - Chariton Iowa 41.0248°N 93.3132°W "Anonymous" from 207.028.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/15 07:39:25
mr grass could probably sell grass cuttings

26,016 - Italy - Milan 45.4681°N 9.2011°E "Anonymous" from 159.149.008.xxx (cln-8-17.eduroam.unimi.it) wrote at 2021/10/15 05:00:00
Hello from the University of Milan, Italy

26,015 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/14 19:08:40
Looking forward to a little Halloween decor! I'm in no rush for the snow.

26,014 - United States - Noblesville Indiana 40.0565°N 86.0159°W "Anonymous" from 208.072.110.xxx (208-72-110-198.clients.ori.net) wrote at 2021/10/14 18:02:33
Mr. G can you give us a time for Halloween decorating.

26,013 - Romania - City N/A 45.9968°N 24.997°E "Anonymous" from 091.193.004.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 17:31:53

26,012 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3278°N 75.9953°W "Anonymous" from 073.130.250.xxx (c-73-130-250-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:40:03
Have you had any snow yet, Mr G? Looks like you had a close call the other day.
Mr. Grass replies at 13:13 - The temperatures are certainly getting cooler ... but no snow far and none forecast for at least a week as there is a warming trend. I'll put out some Halloween stuff by the weekend.

26,011 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:38:49

26,010 - United States - Pacoima California 34.2529°N 118.418°W "Anonymous" from 204.108.106.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:32:34
green ifs its some other color it's bad to or good I dunno

26,009 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:27:07
what is the best color of grass

26,008 - United States - Pacoima California 34.2529°N 118.418°W "Anonymous" from 204.108.106.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:22:41
yes i agree with that

26,007 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:15:29
it's grass if it's not nice it's not grass

26,006 - United States - Pacoima California 34.2529°N 118.418°W "Anonymous" from 204.108.106.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 12:11:05
hello this is nice

26,005 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 11:54:38
mister grass plant one grass seed for every comments

26,004 - United States - Muskegon Michigan 43.1963°N 86.2717°W "keithypoo" from 198.110.051.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/14 09:22:22
this is the most wonderful thing in all of humankind.

26,003 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "table" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/14 09:10:55
this website is pretty poggers if you ask me

26,002 - United States - Cleveland Ohio 41.3847°N 81.7982°W "AJF15000" from 075.118.230.xxx (d118-75-210-230.col.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2021/10/13 20:54:26
Wow 26000 comments! i cannot believe we hit another milestone!

26,001 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.3322°N 111.9942°W "Not Anonymous" from 098.167.194.xxx (ip98-167-194-30.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 18:18:35
Yay 26k comments

26,000 - United States - Eatonton Georgia 33.3127°N 83.3628°W "Anonymous" from 075.105.119.xxx (75-105-119-39.cust.exede.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 17:41:34
This weedy comment hit the 26k milestone congrats to the weedy commenter commenting on his own comment!

25,999 - United States - Eatonton Georgia 33.3127°N 83.3628°W "Anonymous" from 075.105.119.xxx (75-105-119-39.cust.exede.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 17:35:29
sqenish hehe

25,998 - United States - Eatonton Georgia 33.3127°N 83.3628°W "Anonymous" from 075.105.119.xxx (75-105-119-39.cust.exede.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 17:30:04
hahahhah e

25,997 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.3322°N 111.9942°W "Not Anonymous" from 098.167.194.xxx (ip98-167-194-30.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 16:27:19
No I will never stop

25,996 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "8" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 15:52:42
g stop it or I will break your I pad (____________________________________)

25,995 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 15:47:13
can someone please comment

25,994 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 15:18:49
Hello world

25,993 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 12:51:56
mmm... even more, grass plant more mister grass.

25,992 - United States - Tipton Indiana 40.2817°N 86.0433°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 12:45:08

25,991 - United States - Collegeville Pennsylvania 40.1922°N 75.4339°W "xXGrassLover99Xx" from 216.162.088.xxx (fortigate.spring-ford.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 11:58:29
I have never, in my 60 years of life, seen a more enthralling lawn. I wish to feel how the grass feels on my toes and smell the amazing scent of the lawn after I treated her to a lovely cut. You sir, should be proud of the beauty of a lawn you keep. I hope to see your beautiful grass for many more years to come.

25,990 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Mort the undertaker" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 10:57:39
its been so long sense i have visited this web site. Its so good to be back.

25,989 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5972°N 105.001°W "Sir Boonga Boonga" from 167.086.003.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 09:51:51
haves bean watch'n for 5 hours

25,988 - United States - Wausau Wisconsin 44.951°N 89.5335°W "Big Jim" from 198.150.022.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 08:57:49
Imagine Not Being American America America America America America AMERCA AMERCA

25,987 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 195.224.222.xxx (se0-xfs-d19-HE2.derek04.cust.rtr.xara.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 07:54:17
imagine being americanType in your grassy comment here ...

25,986 - United States - Chariton Iowa 41.0248°N 93.3132°W "Anonymous" from 207.028.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/13 07:41:10
michel jaques are you chinese, sucking my knees come sit by me

25,985 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 195.224.222.xxx (se0-xfs-d19-HE2.derek04.cust.rtr.xara.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 07:24:47
hi im mwllon and i love grass and melons

25,984 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3787°N 4.7941°E "Anonymous" from 145.102.245.xxx (UNASSIGNED) wrote at 2021/10/13 02:52:40
cheese cheese

25,983 - United Kingdom - Waterlooville Hampshire 50.8963°N 1.0463°W "Horse Machine" from 082.015.250.xxx (cpc76258-cosh15-2-0-cust718.6-1.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/10/13 00:18:03
According to ancient history books, if Mr Grass didn't mow, this historic patch of grass would in fact mature into a fully fledged corn field.

25,982 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "THE REAL AND ONLY Pool Man Slide" from 203.054.222.xxx (dep3414241.lnk.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/10/12 23:24:18
Grow a pair of b**** and grow up. Its a public sight and is no place to rant about a name, a username is not yours and yours alone. Stop acting like a child

25,981 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "THE REAL AND ONLY Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 19:18:32
s*** is about to go down. I am absolutely fing fuming rn. I cant even put my anger into words atm (at the moment). During my much needed absent/break someone baboon from the USA has been claiming to be. This imposter is currently sitting behind his screen and is a threat to us all. On the 11/10/2021 this man has left a comment saying 'anyone else watch the grass on this fine morning?' under the username 'pool man slide'. This man thinks hes safe but Liam from 208.108.195.xxx Athens Ohio 39.3184______N 82.1012______W is not safe. We know who u are, i believe that theses actions should come with consequences. This fing failed abortion think he can steal my identity and tarnish my reputation on this blog paged.

25,980 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 19:08:01
What's crackalakin homie's in the hood!!!!!!!!!! been a while since i have written such a hip to the beat comment. it has come to my gangsta attention that imposter is sus and among us!!!!! an american is claiming to be the real pool man slide who i have the privlage of knowing. on the 11/10/2021 this imposter posted "anyone else watch the grass on this fine morning?". this is a travesty that this nay sayer who is hotter than an PS4 running cyberpunk 2099. to whoever is imposing as my boi. pls. F off!!!!!!

25,979 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 15:03:51
Gracias grass :)

25,978 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5972°N 105.001°W "Anonymous" from 167.086.003.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 12:04:05
oooohhhhhh he's doin it
Mr. Grass replies at 15:03 - For those that missed it, here's a time-lapse of the last lawn mowing of the season.

25,977 - United States - Roaring Spring Pennsylvania 40.3277°N 78.3928°W "Anonymous" from 072.028.193.xxx (static-72-28-193-186.mdde.cpe.atlanticbb.net) wrote at 2021/10/12 11:55:46
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

25,976 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5972°N 105.001°W "Anonymous" from 167.086.003.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 11:50:54
this will be the most exciting thing in my life

25,975 - United States - Roaring Spring Pennsylvania 40.3277°N 78.3928°W "Anonymous" from 072.028.193.xxx (static-72-28-193-186.mdde.cpe.atlanticbb.net) wrote at 2021/10/12 11:47:40

25,974 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5972°N 105.001°W "Anonymous" from 167.086.003.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 11:45:30
has he already done it

25,973 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/10/12 11:08:47
Looking great! cant wait to see the lawn get mowed!!

25,972 - United States - Macomb Michigan 42.6758°N 82.9121°W "Anonymous" from 064.088.019.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 10:54:38
This is the most exhilarating thing I have ever seen.

25,971 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/10/12 10:00:00
Getting ready to do the last lawn mowing of the season in two hours at high Noon!
ready to mow lawn

25,970 - United States - Roaring Spring Pennsylvania 40.3277°N 78.3928°W "Anonymous" from 072.028.193.xxx (static-72-28-193-186.mdde.cpe.atlanticbb.net) wrote at 2021/10/12 09:45:54
Hahahah say grass without the gr ahhahahahahahaahhahhahah

25,969 - United States - Springfield Illinois 39.8304°N 89.6498°W "Anonymous" from 216.125.033.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/12 09:27:14
Hey you ni

25,968 - United States - Denmark Wisconsin 44.3594°N 87.827°W "Anonymous" from 205.213.121.xxx (nsa.denmark.k12.wi.us) wrote at 2021/10/12 09:21:44
Hello guys its a beautiful day out

25,967 - United Kingdom - Bedford 52.1346°N 0.4663°W "Anonymous" from 195.195.234.xxx (no-reverse-defined.bedford.ac.uk) wrote at 2021/10/12 07:04:23
we are looking at this in college. why?

25,966 - South Africa - Cape Town Western Cape 33.9258°S 18.4259°E "Anonymous" from 105.225.130.xxx (105-225-130-139.south.dsl.telkomsa.net) wrote at 2021/10/12 03:50:08
Mr. Grass says at 2006_06_19_12:16:41.525: Since people seem to enjoy watching the grass grow, I've turned on this blog so they can also share commentary on how exciting this is!

25,965 - United States - Chariton Iowa 41.0248°N 93.3132°W "Anonymous" from 207.028.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/11 11:38:59
what does the fox say?

25,964 - United States - Fort Collins Colorado 40.5815°N 105.1042°W "ThatOneGuy3377" from 164.104.105.xxx (host164-104-105-146.dhcp.psdschools.org) wrote at 2021/10/11 10:55:21
Can I mow your lawn on Friday?

25,963 - United States - Griffith Indiana 41.5334°N 87.4219°W "Anonymous" from 216.176.156.xxx (hispeed-2-195.netnitco.net) wrote at 2021/10/11 09:18:16
Bruh you gotta mow
Mr. Grass replies at 09:21 - You'll seem out there mowing in the next day or two ...

25,962 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/11 07:26:16

25,961 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "pool man slide" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-231.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/10/11 05:34:48
anyone else watch the grass on this fine morning?

25,960 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Joecooldoo" from 172.058.016.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/08 09:45:50
Mr. Grass? How did you make the blog work? I wanted to make my own.

25,959 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/08 08:30:10
I love grass!

25,958 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/10/08 07:23:26
what is going on in here-

25,957 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "BigManMower" from 107.115.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/08 00:31:32
Ayo my mowas how the H E double hockeysticks are we doing toDAY haha. Just checkin in on my favorite grass growin' rhyme throwin' blog. Any of y'all have tips for mowing around boulders? Just chuckin' that out there. Any two cents is helpful!

25,956 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 21:01:54
"Whats crackalakin home slices, this is gramps with a m and m rap. lets start. with pool man at my side, ya mum starts to fly, throw my window i see her come and then pool man says, 'd*** thats dope'. ya boi in the hood sits on this site as he shoots bars with a christian flow and all i gotta say right now is ... everyonme do the pool man slide. slide to ur left, slide to ur right. then drop down and act like ur firends mum is in town. and thats how u do the pool man slide homie's

25,955 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:55:47
THREE .... TWO ..... ONE

25,954 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Imposter?" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:46:00
Why would someone try impersonated gramps and try to tarnish his reputation? he is a lovable soul and really is the heart and soul of the blog!! #FREEGRAMPS #FTHEIMPOSTER #JUSTICE #COOLERTHANAFREEZER #BLM

25,953 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:44:25

25,952 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #THEREALGRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:38:27
What's Crackalakin Homies. Imposter is SUS... s****EESH as the kiddos say when someone STEALS ur username to degrade such a wonderful website. #Hashtag #IMPOSTERISSUS??? Anyways now that im back rightfully i'd like to agree with this concerned parent as at first was down right gangsta has now turned into a party pooper move when the kiddos came back to me asking if i was into such acts myself. Of course not knowing i said yes then after some well informed research and a questionable look at my LIFE CHOICES i can say that i am dissapointed and say this isnt hip to the beat. From one slick Gangsta to the next pls for all the homies at home BAN THOSE SONS OF B'S!!!!!!! #Hashtag #LifeChoices???

25,951 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Garen Smith" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:33:19
Hello there "Concerned Parent" from 131.242.030. I am a father of 2 and I also have to agree. This type of behaviour on the website/blog is just unacceptable and should not be tolerated. I personally blame the parents of the young lads that typed the messages before. I think they should be banned from the blog before i get this blog taken down!

25,950 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Parent" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 20:22:47
Howdy fellow WGG and grass man. Im a parent of 3 and 2/3 of my kids use this website regularly and often read the blog to enhance their reading and vocabulary skills. When i had a quick look at the blog this morning I saw and read VERY VERY VERY inappropriate things and definitions, i personally thought that this was a safe place for everyone no matter what!! and when i see things like that in the blog i feel very disappointed in the WGG is well as you grass man. Like now im questioning if i should allow my kids on here, which is a great shame because they absolutely LOVE this website. I dont know what to do moving forward. Can you promise me and pinky swear you can and WILL take the right and necessary steps to prevent something like this from happening again. No surprising what country it came form either.

25,949 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Anonymous" from 172.058.016.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 16:00:47
Just remove the spaces and add https:// to the beginning.

25,948 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Joecooldoo" from 172.058.016.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 15:54:33
snap.berkeley.edu/ snap/ snap.html #present :Username =joecooldoo&ProjectName= Watching Grass Grow

25,947 - United States - Santa Ana California 33.7499°N 117.9071°W "Joecooldoo" from 172.058.016.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/07 15:49:18
I made a project to watch grass grow...

25,946 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/07 14:45:14
What is everyone's opinion on this website

25,945 - United States - Livingston Louisiana 30.4741°N 90.7673°W "Anonymous" from 069.063.163.xxx (lpsbzen1.lpsb.org) wrote at 2021/10/07 13:28:41
this is so dumb but cool at the same time

25,944 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/07 09:24:30
Here you can see what others have said about ... uhhhh ... Watching Grass Grow and toss in your two cents for everyone to see. People all over the world enjoy it as you can see from the country flags below ... mouse-over 'em for more info. You are limited to 1000 characters (no HTML) and pls keep it relevant and family friendly. Quality is better than quantity when it comes to blog posting. Thank you in advance for your grassy and/or weedy comments and considering

25,943 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "joeseph mother" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/07 05:47:25
hang on why is that light casting a shadow

25,942 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-231.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/10/07 05:47:24
Yes I can, go study right now

25,941 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "joeseph mother" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/07 05:40:10
you cant tell me what to do

25,940 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-231.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/10/07 05:32:16
Ayo get off this website and study

25,939 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.141.xxx (191-113-141-235.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/10/07 05:31:29
Sr.Grass cuando va a decorar el jard______n de Halloween ? :D

25,938 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-35.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/10/07 02:36:29
grow grass grow

25,937 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSBURNSTHEGRASS" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 22:41:18

25,936 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anti-Gramps" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 22:38:06
Burn and restart? Who u think your are gramps?!?! Not on my watch homie!!! The garden has been going on for over 16 years, you CANNOT and WILL NOT burn and restart!#BanGramps #FreedomToTheGrassMan #FreeDaGrass

25,935 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 22:30:52
What's Crackalakin Hoodies!!!!! Thats what the kiddos said to call everyone. Hope everyone here is cooler than a freezer about that. Noticing some concerned viewers hoodies and it's hard to disagree with hip to the beat viewers. Some very sharp language being used but understandable gangsta's. I can easily see the problems with the garden and at this point i think personally and me and the homie's thought long and hard but we should torch the garden and restart. #Hashtag #THANOSWASRIGHT Would anyone else agree.

25,934 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned viewer 101" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 22:08:38
Adding onto "Concerned 1000___" I cant help but to agree with this young chap. Im assuming a small group of people are generally concerned viewers trying to offer constructive criticism and a helping hand, and you are just kicking them to the side like there a bag of s***. I just dont think its fair on them and fair on the WGG is well as Australia as a whole. Us Aussie have a deep love for hardwork and grass, and when u do stuff such as this, you are pretty much spitting in our faces and kicking us on the ground. Anyway just my 'two grassy cents' on the matter. Have a good day

25,933 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned 1000___" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 21:55:49
Good days fellow chaps and chapets. I grow in being concerned about how all of the concerned viewers have been virtually forgotten about and i for one agree with section 611 and would just like to REMIND everyone to be safe :)

25,932 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 3.1484°N 101.6386°E "Anonymous" from 061.006.004.xxx (broadband.time.net.my) wrote at 2021/10/06 18:54:34

25,931 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "Anonymous" from 159.069.095.xxx (static. wrote at 2021/10/06 13:16:15
I see some landscaping things going on across the street :)

25,930 - United States - Wausau Wisconsin 44.951°N 89.5335°W "GRASS DADDY" from 198.150.022.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 13:04:21

25,929 - Mexico - City N/A 19.4371°N 99.0111°W "oOoOohHHhHHhhHhh eXitInG" from 187.191.016.xxx (fixed-187-191-16-220.totalplay.net) wrote at 2021/10/06 10:31:16
oOoOohHHhHHhhHhh eXitInG

25,928 - United States - Kenton Ohio 40.6426°N 83.6151°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.163.xxx (kenton.k12.oh.us) wrote at 2021/10/06 08:44:52
omg a guy walking his dog!

25,927 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Trashday XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/06 07:37:51
I love trash!

25,926 - United States - Pensacola Florida 30.4594°N 87.2075°W "grass is cool" from 098.174.040.xxx (wsip-98-174-40-2.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/06 07:06:50
i like grass

25,925 - Australia - Mascot New South Wales 33.943°S 151.181°E "Grassy boi" from 103.120.010.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/06 03:43:51
Good day fellows, I love watching grass grow

25,924 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "A kinda Concerned Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 19:18:43
Good Evening/Morning, grass man and WGG, after "An EXTREMLY concerned viewer" brought light to the leaning mailbox (potential trip hazard is well) ive happened to notice the plant/bush below the mailbox is dead/in the process of dying. It would be a great shame if such a majestic plant was to die.

25,923 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "A SUPER DOOPER CONCERNED VIEWER" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 19:02:01
Good Days fellow chaps and chapets. Following onward with the concerns i believe that the rocks on the drive way pose iminent threat and could cause serious harm. a**tated in the USA PATRIOT ACT OF 2001 I believe it shows that in section 611 that if a threat poses that public saftey should be required. just some fun facts for the WGG Community. No hate just making sure your safe. :)

25,922 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Yet Another Concerned Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:50:36
Hello there, Grass Man and WGG. I can't help but notice the two white/grey rocks on your lawn at the bottom right corner. I'm no grass/lawn expert, but I'm certain that the heavy rocks on top of the grass would have a negative impact on the grass's ability to grow in that specific region.

25,921 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "An EXTREMLY concerned viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:48:50
Good days fellow chaps and chapets. I believe that very safisticated mailbox might be on a lean and last time i checked my shinny rolex it wasn't michael jackson. No hate at all just concered that it will fall and damage the grass.

25,920 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Bloke from the land down under!" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:36:59
Adding onto Concerned Viewer message, the grass seems to be a bit long and over grown and probably needs a good mow soon. When do you plan to cut/mow your grass next? I would love to join in and see!!

25,919 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "An Even More Concerned Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:34:00
Good days fellow chaps. I share this concern for the fallen grass. would we see a grassy funural in a jolly good send off. We pray upon the fallen grass :(

25,918 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Concerned Viewer" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:30:10
Good Moring/evening grass man, Ive happened to notice that parts of your front lawn grass has actually died. Moving forward what steps will you take to fix the dead grass and then what steps will you take to prevent this from happening again. No hate just asking because im sure the answer will help and assist many people within the WGG community is well as the blog.

25,917 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:27:46
What's Crackalakin Homie's in the hood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Pool Man slide is in it's final parts of production. expect cool and hip to the beat thangs :) #Hashtag #HipHopDontStop

25,916 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 18:22:36
YOOOOO! Its your boy Pool Man Slide back! Whats up WGG!! How yall been, what did i miss! Love the WGG!!

25,915 - Venezuela - Altagracia Nueva Esparta 11.0962°N 63.9404°W "Anonymous" from 201.209.132.xxx (201-209-132-58.genericrev.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/10/05 15:30:45

25,914 - Venezuela - Altagracia Nueva Esparta 11.0962°N 63.9404°W "Anonymous" from 201.209.132.xxx (201-209-132-58.genericrev.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/10/05 15:20:19
It is already October and the leaves do not change color ... everything is greener than ever.

25,913 - Peru - Ica 14.0681°S 75.7256°W "Mau" from 190.042.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 14:39:39
la mini karim dijo que esto es muy zzz

25,912 - United States - Vacaville California 38.3862°N 121.991°W "Weedkiller58" from 063.199.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/05 13:41:20
Excited for halloween!

25,911 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/10/05 11:27:19
im thinking of getting a cheap PC and a tiny screen to constantly watch WGG

25,910 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/05 07:56:44
I love grass!

25,909 - United States - Rusk Texas 31.8136°N 95.0965°W "FAT FREAKING BISCUIT" from 208.180.062.xxx (208-180-62-22.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/10/05 07:43:32
'My favorite sport to watch is watching the grass grow

25,908 - Mexico - City N/A 19.4371°N 99.0111°W "OOoOhHhHHh ExITInG" from 187.191.016.xxx (fixed-187-191-16-220.totalplay.net) wrote at 2021/10/05 06:26:38
oohhhHhhHhh ExiTiNg

25,907 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.153.xxx (191-113-153-35.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/10/05 05:59:55
nunca he podido ver quien entrega el diario

25,906 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "hugh ja**" from 070.161.191.xxx (ip70-161-191-169.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 16:33:47
ive been here since 2005 its so good to see the old style webpage

25,905 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 14:24:45
p**ish p**ish and p**ish p**ish were were good and the pan p**ish was a bit too much for me to be the pan On and the pan pan is good for you and the pan pan and pan pan with pan pan and pan pan for pan pan and pan with the oven for the next batch of food and put the google oven pan with pan oven pan pan and pan pan with pan pan and pan pan with pan pan and pan pan with pan

25,904 - United States - New York 40.7365°N 74.0055°W "ALoafOfBread" from 067.243.019.xxx (cpe-67-243-19-29.hvc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/04 14:01:22
Add some Halloween decorations please

25,903 - United States - Jamestown New York 42.093°N 79.244°W "Anonymous" from 172.100.141.xxx (cpe-172-100-141-234.stny.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/04 13:24:22
Are you going to add Halloween decorations this year?

25,902 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "Anonymous" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/04 12:29:59
mr grass thank u for this beautiful website

25,901 - United States - Eufaula Oklahoma 35.2906°N 95.6476°W "Jesus Crust" from 164.058.000.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/04 12:24:44
Greetings. My name is Beef, and today I would like to present an exceedingly excellent "your mother" joke. I will now begin. Your biological mother is so morbidly obese, when she went to go get her yearly physical done, the doctor took her blood and the results concluded that she had a high blood pressure, onset type 2 diabetes, hypertension and the possibility of heart disease. She also suffers from severe depression, because she lacks confidence in her physical appearance, which enables her to consume even more food, making her more obese. Not to mention, but your mother is becoming so monstrous, she had a hard time fitting through small spaces and exceeding weight limits on practical applications. Your mother has an endless cycle of malicious eating habits that only make her health worsen over time. I hope whoever has just read this enjoyed the humorous "your mother" joke. Thank you for your time, and have a blessed day.

25,900 - United States - Hudson New York 42.2478°N 73.754°W "Bowling For Soup" from 024.148.115.xxx (24-148-115-42.ip.mhcable.com) wrote at 2021/10/04 12:00:46
Debbie just hit the wall, she never had it all One Prozac a day, husband's a CPA Her dreams went out the door when she turned twenty-four Only been with one man, what happened to her plan? She was gonna be an actress, she was gonna be a star She was gonna shake her ass on the hood of Whitesnake's car Her yellow SUV is now the enemy Looks at her average life and nothin' has been alright Since Bruce Springsteen, Madonna Way before Nirvana There was U2 and Blondie And music still on MTV Her two kids in high school They tell her that she's uncool 'Cause she's still preoccupied With 19, 19 1985 She's seen all the classics, she knows every line Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, even St. Elmo's Fire She rocked out to Wham, not a big Limp Bizkit fan Thought she'd get a hand on a member of Duran Duran Where's the mini-skirt made of snakeskin? And who's the other guy that's singin' in Van Halen? When did reality become TV? What ever happened to sitcoms, game shows?

25,899 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 08:51:20
So what will you do if this website existed

25,898 - United States - Rusk Texas 31.8136°N 95.0965°W "FAT FREAKING BISCUIT" from 208.180.062.xxx (208-180-62-22.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 08:23:04
I could be spending my time wisely but instead i partook in the art of watching grass grow......

25,897 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "GRAAa**" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 08:12:20
What grass type is this?

25,896 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 07:59:02
I love grass!

25,895 - United States - Riverhead New York 40.9271°N 72.6509°W "Anonymous" from 069.074.215.xxx (454ad7ed.cst.lightpath.net) wrote at 2021/10/04 06:37:39
love to watch this on my free time keep up the good work.

25,894 - Denmark - Odense South Denmark 55.3945°N 10.3903°E "Anonymous" from 130.226.087.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/04 02:06:13

25,893 - United States - Moline Illinois 41.4943°N 90.5001°W "test" from 173.021.019.xxx (173-21-19-27.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/10/03 19:47:43

25,892 - United States - Moline Illinois 41.4943°N 90.5001°W "Anonymous" from 173.021.019.xxx (173-21-19-27.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/10/03 19:42:14
Lol i see myself

25,891 - Mexico - Piedras Grandes Chiapas 15.8896°N 93.4905°W "Anonymous" from 189.179.163.xxx (dsl-189-179-163-238-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx) wrote at 2021/10/03 02:39:38
03/10/2021 still watching the grass grow

25,890 - United States - Parker Colorado 39.4895°N 104.8447°W "lilstressball" from 073.034.154.xxx (c-73-34-154-27.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/10/02 20:21:10
I am your average grass enjoyer

25,889 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.2041°N 84.3968°W "btea" from 174.097.014.xxx (cpe-174-97-14-151.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/10/02 11:44:06
people watch this in class, i watch this while listening to a terrible midi of careless whisper

25,888 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Lucas Marshall" from 018.134.016.xxx (ec2-18-134-16-134.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) wrote at 2021/10/02 09:31:46
watching this in class is sick lol

25,887 - United Kingdom - Redhill Surrey 51.24°N 0.0973°W "rambles" from 086.018.092.xxx (cpc118554-reig6-2-0-cust65.6-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/10/01 14:03:06
Dm rambles !#1275

25,886 - United States - Houston Texas 29.7009°N 95.5885°W "Anonymous" from 172.058.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/01 12:31:04
Love watching this in class

25,885 - United States - Nelsonville Ohio 39.4556°N 82.2309°W "tom brady" from 208.108.198.xxx (dyn-208-108-198-247.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/10/01 11:40:24
grass gonna make me act up

25,884 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/01 09:16:58
Grass is knowledge... and green

25,883 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "Anonymous" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/10/01 09:02:01
This grass is quite interesting

25,882 - Italy - Rigolato Provincia di Udine 46.5539°N 12.8462°E "Ciao" from 079.016.244.xxx (host-79-16-244-4.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/10/01 08:04:25
Hello, i love looking the grass grow

25,881 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/10/01 07:56:45
when the grass grow

25,880 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/10/01 07:36:51
when does he mow?
Mr. Grass replies at 08:03 - Probably sometime in the next week ... and then the last mow after Halloween

25,879 - United States - Rochester Minnesota 44.1078°N 92.4053°W "Anonymous" from 216.188.202.xxx (kaaltv10.jagcom.net) wrote at 2021/09/30 10:38:16
@WatchingGrassGr on twitter

25,878 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "DUR" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/30 09:26:03
The most scary thing about that house is the ring sines

25,877 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/09/30 07:22:42
I love grass!

25,876 - United Kingdom - Newtonhill Aberdeenshire 56.9773°N 2.2184°W "Big Willy" from 194.247.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/30 07:17:55
I love grass, It is my favorite plant. ;D

25,875 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Tara" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/30 06:26:52
Mr. Grass! What do you have planned for decor? Are you also going to carve pumpkins?

25,874 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/29 22:27:52
In response to Robert saying "i am so hyped for the decorations", I happened to see this very spiffy house on a recent bike ride. Sorry to say mine won't look near as spooky.
Halloween house nearby

25,873 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/29 15:11:09
I'd like to be the 26,000 commenter

25,872 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/29 12:35:26
bro its garbage day

25,871 - United States - South Boston Virginia 36.6963°N 78.9188°W "Anonymous" from 065.254.184.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/29 11:44:20
best school pass time 10/10 would grow again

25,870 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "inseto" from 152.022.077.xxx (c2-4f-zen-5.hntvl.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/09/29 11:14:42
who likes grass

25,869 - United States - Nelsonville Ohio 39.4556°N 82.2309°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.198.xxx (dyn-208-108-198-247.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/09/29 10:26:46
stg the grass just grew

25,868 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 152.022.077.xxx (c2-4f-zen-5.hntvl.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/09/29 09:33:13
ryan was here

25,867 - United States - Nelsonville Ohio 39.4556°N 82.2309°W "papi chulo" from 208.108.198.xxx (dyn-208-108-198-247.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/09/29 08:18:57
This grass makin me act up

25,866 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/09/29 08:03:06
boo hoo!!!!!!!

25,865 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-230.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/09/29 06:50:53
It died by eating roundup on the grass so I will never trust grass ever again.

25,864 - United States - Athens Ohio 39.3184°N 82.1012°W "anonmyses" from 208.108.195.xxx (dyn-208-108-195-230.seovec.org) wrote at 2021/09/29 06:45:29
My dog died to grass thats the only reason I watch grass

25,863 - United States - Spring Texas 30.1707°N 95.5019°W "Anonymous" from 216.227.241.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/28 19:47:35
The dog the neighbor has (the house across) is very cute (other text glitched idk why)

25,862 - United States - Spring Texas 30.1707°N 95.5019°W "Anonymous" from 216.227.241.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/28 19:29:16
That dog at your neighbor (house across) is very cute!

25,861 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Leo" from 189.006.234.xxx (bd06eaf3.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/09/28 14:02:55
I love this website, it reminds me the old good days of the internet.

25,860 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/28 13:03:23
bro i swear that one blade of grass is bigger than that one

25,859 - United States - Tulsa Oklahoma 36.0954°N 95.9223°W "Anonymous" from 098.184.086.xxx (COX-98-184-86-18-static.coxinet.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 12:46:38
lets gooooooooooo

25,858 - United States - Hudson New York 42.2478°N 73.754°W "Anonymous" from 024.148.115.xxx (24-148-115-42.ip.mhcable.com) wrote at 2021/09/28 12:20:21
Yooooo a car just drove by

25,857 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "King Louis XIV" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 11:40:10
I love grass!

25,856 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "grass enthusiast" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/09/28 11:27:13
what the heck was that black thing

25,855 - United States - Elk River Minnesota 45.3134°N 93.5809°W "Anonymous" from 064.008.144.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/28 11:08:23
I saw someone pull into the driveway this morning

25,854 - United States - Tigerville South Carolina 35.0477°N 82.353°W "Anonymous" from 205.186.050.xxx (205-186-50-98.generic.c-light.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 08:18:36
Been seeing more traffic at around 8

25,853 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Anonymous" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/09/28 08:16:38
Omg a truck pulling out the drive insane

25,852 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "gnomepop" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 06:35:03
Imagine "growing" up in a household where your dad streams your lawn on the internet.

25,851 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 05:58:31
Mr Grass running over his own grass his own grass

25,850 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 05:38:38
Get The Paper The Paper

25,849 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 05:38:38
Get The Paper The Paper

25,848 - United States - Polo Illinois 41.989°N 89.5984°W "Anonymous" from 071.194.099.xxx (c-71-194-99-90.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/09/28 02:00:57
Hello peoples

25,847 - United States - Schaumburg Illinois 42.0309°N 88.1178°W "Anonymous" from 065.060.191.xxx (d60-15-191.col.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2021/09/27 17:40:58
Meow meow..

25,846 - United States - City N/A Oregon 45.5245°N 122.6692°W "Anonymous" from 136.228.206.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/27 15:10:41
The best thing to use your time efficiently is to come here.

25,845 - United States - Spring Texas 30.1707°N 95.5019°W "Anonymous" from 216.227.241.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/27 14:51:22
The best website ever in the whole entire world NOT watching this grass grow is harder then dividing 0 by 1

25,844 - United States - Greencastle Indiana 39.6495°N 86.8686°W "Anonymous" from 163.120.080.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/27 13:58:18
this is so cool! Ana banana read this

25,843 - United States - Platteville Wisconsin 42.7409°N 90.491°W "Anonymous" from 137.104.120.xxx (wks008925.ion.uwplatt.edu) wrote at 2021/09/27 11:48:49
grass ... grow ... grass ... grow ...

25,842 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 11:05:41
the paper tiger

25,841 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "___REDACTED___" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 10:29:30

25,840 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "i d k ." from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 10:20:29
rgsdgvycujh mb sejgcfh hnbcsev cgnhsbenbfnchbsrsbrvhsvrwv

25,839 - United States - Springfield Illinois 39.8304°N 89.6498°W "Anonymous" from 216.125.033.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/27 10:15:13
Hello I am bored in school so I came here

25,838 - United States - Huntington Woods Michigan 42.4825°N 83.1749°W "robert" from 096.075.050.xxx (96-75-50-70-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 09:14:02
i am so hyped for the decorations

25,837 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-167-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 07:20:20

25,836 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Tara" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 06:17:32
Mr. Grass' racoon friends!

25,835 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 06:07:50
Get The Paper The Paper

25,834 - United States - Troy Missouri 39.0012°N 90.9624°W "Anonymous" from 207.160.026.xxx (cipa.troy.k12.mo.us) wrote at 2021/09/27 06:03:26
You may want to get your paper when you wake up

25,833 - United States - Sacramento California 38.4819°N 121.4024°W "_________" from 067.187.148.xxx (c-67-187-148-129.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/09/27 00:55:03
So hi and you know that i know and thats why you know that i know and why i know is by you and you know and why you know and i know why you will not know_________

25,832 - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh 10.8142°N 106.6438°E "Anonymous" from 014.186.062.xxx (static.vnpt.vn) wrote at 2021/09/26 19:34:10
i love this web

25,831 - United States - Spring Texas 30.1707°N 95.5019°W "Anonymous" from 216.227.241.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/26 10:23:43

25,830 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 072.202.007.xxx (ip72-202-7-226.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/26 01:09:48
wow omg this is so entertaining

25,829 - United States - Lexington South Carolina 33.9739°N 81.2345°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/25 16:40:30

25,828 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-123.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/09/25 12:05:46
just been looking back on the christmas lights of yesteryear they were so good so sad we dont have them now but it was good while it lasted

25,827 - United States - Gardner Massachusetts 42.5763°N 71.9883°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 073.126.126.xxx (c-73-126-126-237.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 14:12:16
Don't copy me Don't copy me

25,826 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 11:54:20
Delete my comment

25,825 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/09/24 11:43:59
When will the Halloween Decorations go up?
Mr. Grass replies at 14:02 - Should have a few things in the front lawn by mid-October ...

25,824 - Canada - Kingston Ontario 44.2454°N 76.5813°W "A car, A car!" from 216.185.078.xxx (omniglobe-kin-eab-host26.fibrewired.on.ca) wrote at 2021/09/24 11:36:11
A car, A car!

25,823 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "badger eats mushroom" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 10:43:23
A Snake A Snake

25,822 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 10:37:59
A Shepard A Shepard

25,821 - United States - Alliance Nebraska 42.1149°N 102.888°W "mic" from 205.202.052.xxx (user253.aps.k12.ne.us) wrote at 2021/09/24 10:32:46
Yo what breed of dog was that

25,820 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "05-3" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 10:29:49
Sending Alpha 1 For Retrieval of 05-1

25,819 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "The E King" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 10:24:26

25,818 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 181.160.137.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/24 09:16:58
This is one of the best websites that i ever visited in my life

25,817 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/24 09:09:59

25,816 - United States - Troy Missouri 39.0012°N 90.9624°W "Sanic" from 207.160.026.xxx (cipa.troy.k12.mo.us) wrote at 2021/09/24 08:58:47
This website is very informative.

25,815 - United States - Northfield Minnesota 44.4612°N 93.1672°W "Marble Soda" from 216.188.192.xxx (unregistered.ip.jagcom.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 08:23:51
patrick yoshida The link was deleted so the grass fans can't help with the homework :(

25,814 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/24 07:12:30
Aye Grass Gang can yall help with an assignement for class its a survey about scary costumes from theme parks LINK DELETED Please and thanks bros

25,813 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Jimmy Two Times" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/24 06:57:33
Get the paper Get the paper

25,812 - United States - Gardner Massachusetts 42.5763°N 71.9883°W "Tara" from 073.126.126.xxx (c-73-126-126-237.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/09/23 17:20:43
Richard Ramirez___3

25,811 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5119°N 101.9316°W "Anonymous" from 066.076.019.xxx (66-76-19-59.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/09/23 11:09:54
kris get the banana

25,810 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/23 08:57:55
I have been just staring at grass for a long time, now all I see is green...

25,809 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/23 07:55:19
i am andrew horowitz from tally hall.

25,808 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5119°N 101.9316°W "newspaper man" from 066.076.019.xxx (66-76-19-59.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/09/23 07:20:38
get the newspaper i need to see it

25,807 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "AOUUUUGAH" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/23 06:25:03
Get the newspaper! Plez

25,806 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 3.1484°N 101.6386°E "Anonymous" from 061.006.004.xxx (broadband.time.net.my) wrote at 2021/09/22 17:39:04

25,805 - United States - Arbuckle California 39.0138°N 122.0274°W "Dante Muzzi" from 206.015.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 15:13:06
How did you nerd calculate that bruh

25,804 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 13:23:02
The grass has grew around 0.8 centimeters since morning... nice
Mr. Grass replies at 14:08 - I did mow the lawn yesterday ... so I would expect it to grow back a bit quicker than normal - thanks for keeping an eye on it and "measuring" the growth rate! ;-)

25,803 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 13:17:44
I just want to say... g r a**

25,802 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 12:44:18
I just saw air... cool

25,801 - United States - Northfield Minnesota 44.4612°N 93.1672°W "Grass" from 216.188.192.xxx (unregistered.ip.jagcom.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 12:44:04
Grass grass

25,800 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "The 05 Council" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 11:28:59
This is quite anomalous...

25,799 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "AOUUUUGAH" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 11:10:31
Stegosaurus One little, two little, three little dinosaurs Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaur babies Triceratops One little, two little, three little dinosaurs Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaur babies Pterodactyl One little, two little, three little dinosaurs Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaur babies Brontosaurus One little, two little, three little dinosaurs Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaur babies Tyrannosaurus Rex One little, two little, three little dinosaurs Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs Ten little dinosaur babies

25,798 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Anonymous" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 10:57:38
My entire class is watching this right now.

25,797 - United States - Troy Missouri 39.0012°N 90.9624°W "Sanic" from 207.160.026.xxx (cipa.troy.k12.mo.us) wrote at 2021/09/22 09:59:50
This is a glorious website, also, I'd love to see a car drive by.

25,796 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "AOUUUUGAH" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 09:17:09

25,795 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Anonymous" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 08:56:40

25,794 - United States - Rapid City South Dakota 44.1415°N 103.2052°W "Hoomen" from 206.176.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 08:15:35

25,793 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "AOUUUUGAH" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 07:52:22
How do you grow grass?

25,792 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/22 05:59:18
punch yourself in the weeds & record it

25,791 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "will" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/22 03:30:49
watching this whislt waiting for the lesson to star

25,790 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/21 09:08:01
Congratulations to you both

25,789 - United States - Pottstown Pennsylvania 40.2626°N 75.6151°W "agga" from 216.162.091.xxx (p004.216_162_91.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/09/21 07:27:58
#met my wife by watching grass grow

25,788 - United Kingdom - Reading 51.5098°N 1.2011°W "Archie Davies" from 213.105.029.xxx (170.29-105-213.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/09/21 07:01:47
What timezone are you and what country are you from? Also great cam and amazing how old it is!

25,787 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "AOUUUUGAH" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/21 05:42:11
What does your lawnmower smell like?

25,786 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/21 05:31:47
im a scarecrow

25,785 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/09/21 05:29:46
Mr. Grass, I recently got my Missouri's Bow Hunting License and am getting a bow soon, but I was wondering if you hunted and if so, do you know any good hunting cams? I've been looking at a lot but I'm not sure on which on to get tho.

25,784 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/20 15:15:30
In addition to the webcam which was on 7X24, I took some pictures with my Canon Camera from inside the house. With the telephoto lens, I could really zoom in tight on the action - here's one video.

25,783 - United States - Yorba Linda California 33.9075°N 117.7866°W "Anonymous" from 216.100.089.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 14:52:45
saw a cat go by

25,782 - United States - Hernando Florida 28.9223°N 82.39°W "Jimmy Neutron" from 104.225.188.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 14:30:29
saw a skateboarder go by

25,781 - United States - Bismarck North Dakota 46.8393°N 100.782°W "Cherri ___3" from 165.234.101.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 13:37:12
Highschool is so boring I'd rather do anything else right now

25,780 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "Squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/20 11:30:57
just did a crossword puzzle on cool math games instead of doing my math work, my furbys are very unamused.

25,779 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Bill gates" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-175-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/20 10:58:36
I have experienced a whole brand new level of entertainment. 5 star web

25,778 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/20 09:30:36
the teacher is out but my son isn't

25,777 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "grass man" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 09:13:15
go get your newspaper. it might be important.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:37 - Got it! ;-)
get newspaper

25,776 - United States - Carbondale Illinois 37.7202°N 89.2157°W "The College King" from 131.230.042.xxx (w042170.indoor.siu.edu) wrote at 2021/09/20 09:02:56
This is better than my class woooh!

25,775 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 194.080.145.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 07:31:10
nah u are nah

25,774 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "hee hee" from 194.080.145.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 07:25:46
if u read this ur grassy

25,773 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Greg" from 194.080.145.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/20 07:19:13
hot grass very cool

25,772 - United States - Richmond Virginia 37.5115°N 77.5662°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.033.xxx (50-204-33-166-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/20 06:34:13
Nice driveway man

25,771 - Poland - Radom Mazovia 51.3989°N 21.1568°E "P" from 079.110.207.xxx (cassie.static.korbank.pl) wrote at 2021/09/20 04:01:56
yea man, grass

25,770 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.7553°N 84.3886°W "King Louis XIV" from 089.187.170.xxx (unn-89-187-170-131.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/09/19 11:57:05
That's a lot of raccoons!

25,769 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/18 10:34:37
I figured this video was worth a separate post since it shows the most raccoons I saw at one time - EIGHT. In addition to time-lapse below, there is also the real-time video which goes on for almost a half-hour ... it was quite the raccoon rager! ;-)

25,768 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/17 14:36:45
Sorry for the delay, but just getting around to posting the last of the "Critter-Cam" videos.

25,767 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/17 13:42:08
I have known of this glitch for a while

25,766 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Jilly Bob Beau" from 152.022.072.xxx (c2-4a-zen-1.hntvl.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/09/17 12:09:14
Just found a glitch in the website allowing you to scroll indefinitely to the right. If you put your cursor in the bottom right of the screen it will expand the page due to the lawnmower gif!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:27 - Nice spot ... not sure if that is a bug or a feature! Seriously, I think what is happening is that since the Lawn Mower "cursor" is to the right of the actual cursor position, it has to expand the window. I don't think there is anything I can do about this.

25,765 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Jilly Bob Beau" from 152.022.072.xxx (c2-4a-zen-1.hntvl.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/09/17 12:03:25
Car just drove by #blessed

25,764 - United States - American Fork Utah 40.3969°N 111.7919°W "CGHBYU20" from 204.113.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/17 11:47:48

25,763 - United States - City N/A Wyoming 42.8666°N 106.3131°W "Mason" from 104.225.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/17 11:46:42
can you make one for me?

25,762 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/17 09:49:58
hello i just made a friendship bracelet would anyone like me to make one for you

25,761 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/09/17 09:03:23
The lawn across is being mowed :o

25,760 - Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.8591°S 151.2002°E "anthony" from 120.018.200.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/17 08:41:01
i like your lawn

25,759 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.1147°N 84.4314°W "Grass" from 216.196.186.xxx (cincinnati-zoo-216-196-186-2.static.fuse.net) wrote at 2021/09/16 12:52:56
Beautiful Lawn. Really Cool Content. Good Grass!!
Mr. Grass replies at 13:13 - Yep, WGG for the win! ;-)

25,758 - United States - Grand Prairie Texas 32.7666°N 97.0075°W "Anonymous" from 097.105.226.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/16 11:15:13

25,757 - United States - Arbuckle California 39.0138°N 122.0274°W "Anonymous" from 206.015.235.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/16 10:30:02
O bloc take dis

25,756 - United States - Troy Missouri 39.0012°N 90.9624°W "Anonymous" from 207.160.026.xxx (cipa.troy.k12.mo.us) wrote at 2021/09/16 09:18:18
I found this website by accident, and now I am well interested.

25,755 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/16 09:16:28
me & my furbys love watching your grass grow while we are in history class :)

25,754 - Australia - Chelmer Queensland 27.5134°S 152.9749°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 120.154.183.xxx (cpe-120-154-183-138.qb02.qld.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/09/16 07:31:25
Pool Man Slide Coming soon!!!!

25,753 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/16 07:17:31
right guys so I have this idea for a show where its a world torn by war except the only ay to fight wars is with music battles. the our heros have to fight the rise of evil using the power of rap and experimental rock and roll and i have this idea for the first episode they get challenged to a cello off but nobody can play the cello so one guy has to go to the mountains to learn how to play the cello and at the end of the episode he comes back with an electric cello. i dont know why im posting this here i just think this is a funny idea

25,752 - Vietnam - City N/A 16.0023°N 105.9999°E "Anonymous" from 113.187.012.xxx (static.vnpt.vn) wrote at 2021/09/16 04:13:55
a** faS FSA FS FAas fsfSFSF ______ AdSA FS

25,751 - United States - Yorba Linda California 33.9075°N 117.7866°W "Anonymous" from 216.100.089.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/15 14:58:11
I'm watching grass grow in spanish class

25,750 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Anonymous" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/15 12:25:46
Watching grass grow in school teehee

25,749 - United States - Baton Rouge Louisiana 30.4304°N 91.0353°W "big bone" from 066.186.240.xxx (ip-66-186-240-66.static.eatel.net) wrote at 2021/09/15 11:26:36
watching grass grow while home sick from school

25,748 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/15 09:48:11
Why damage other peoples property? Who would it serve if you detroy it and then sevre jail time? I don't understand why people resort to violence as the only answer... smh

25,747 - United States - McKinney Texas 33.1974°N 96.6177°W "Anonymous" from 208.094.131.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/15 08:47:49
i would s**** this grass off it i knew where the house was

25,746 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Anonymous" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/15 07:51:07
poggers grass p**** 6969

25,745 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "sussy" from 179.182.245.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/15 07:03:38
poggers grass

25,744 - United States - Arden North Carolina 35.4643°N 82.5336°W "poggers" from 152.026.194.xxx (zen-c1-chlt1a2.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/09/15 06:51:09
grassy comment

25,743 - United States - McKinney Texas 33.1974°N 96.6177°W "Anonymous" from 208.094.131.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 13:06:13
i like grass without the g and r

25,742 - United States - Narrows Virginia 37.3198°N 80.8548°W "Anonymous" from 024.149.126.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 12:57:06
This helps take the pain away at school

25,741 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 12:04:16
I don't get to type and watch that much but I do when I can

25,740 - United States - Brainerd Minnesota 46.3521°N 94.1046°W "myphoneinmicrowave" from 064.090.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 11:37:16
im in school but grass is so much better #cantstopthegrassgrind

25,739 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/09/14 10:30:38
Man i need to come more often!

25,738 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 10:21:42
Mr. Grass replies at 11:52 - I was out there trimming the bushes ...
trimming bushes

25,737 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/14 10:06:26
yooo mr grass got a dumptruck tho :flushed:

25,736 - United States - Dorchester Massachusetts 42.2974°N 71.0722°W "squish:)" from 096.086.077.xxx (96-86-77-177-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/09/14 10:00:47
me when the joe hawley joe hawley haha funny grass :)))

25,735 - Finland - Helsinki Uusimaa 60.152°N 24.8876°E "grassman" from 185.100.086.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 09:10:33
grass is good

25,734 - United States - Jackson Minnesota 43.6463°N 95.0049°W "mongus" from 066.172.171.xxx (ws29.jccschools.com) wrote at 2021/09/14 08:42:49
mongus grass when

25,733 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/09/14 08:23:42
hello i enjoy eating grass

25,732 - United States - Cambridge Massachusetts 42.3649°N 71.0987°W "temptest1" from 038.122.195.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 08:12:59
the way grass smells when it is cut is great

25,731 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/14 07:45:00
I love grass

25,730 - Philippines - City N/A 14.5955°N 120.9721°E "joe mama" from 136.158.103.xxx ( wrote at 2021/09/14 00:36:48
i really love grass

25,729 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "weed" from 095.091.192.xxx (ip5f5bc069.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/09/13 12:37:59
i love grass

25,728 - United States - Springtown Texas 32.9658°N 97.6866°W "Anonymous" from 142.147.113.xxx (142-147-113-130.ptr.nxlink.com) wrote at 2021/09/13 12:17:04
sus sus sus

25,727 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Sussy Baka" from 184.180.187.xxx (wsip-184-180-187-251.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/13 12:10:16
Who else found this website from Vsauce?

25,726 - United States - Westminster Maryland 39.5693°N 76.9869°W "Delete System 32" from 167.102.157.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 10:10:19
Walker is the best

25,725 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Non Binary in despair" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 09:51:17
school s***** watching grass grow is 10x more fun, lmao

25,724 - United States - Brainerd Minnesota 46.3521°N 94.1046°W "Anonymous" from 064.090.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 08:29:57
man if im gonna be honest i , deopped outta college-

25,723 - United States - St. Petersburg Florida 27.7889°N 82.7192°W "Anonymous" from 168.213.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 07:54:15

25,722 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "patrick yoshida" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 07:49:02
Life's alright in Devil Town Yeah, right, no one's gonna catch us now Dad has bought a new car now We're fine, no one's gonna catch us now

25,721 - United States - Morrisville Pennsylvania 40.2104°N 74.8278°W "Kiwi" from 199.231.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 06:04:41

25,720 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "hey hellooooooooo" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:41:06
hello its the cool kids here

25,719 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:40:51
pink fluffy unicorn lets type random songs or tik tok sounds

25,718 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:35:31
its not everyday that im sad but its most of them

25,717 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "marmite" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:34:16
hell0 chidren

25,716 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3787°N 4.7941°E "Anonymous" from 145.102.245.xxx (UNASSIGNED) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:31:23

25,715 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:30:07
you kinda smell, like a bakkaaaaaa

25,714 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "stanbur soot" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:27:05
happy early birthday Wilbur soot btw I bloody love you

25,713 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "doo doo doo doo doo" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:22:47
the simsonssssssss

25,712 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "pregnant peppa pig" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:20:57
0427737277 this is my real number call it I dare you ;___

25,711 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "your food in the microwave at 3am" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:16:51
is the grass even growing

25,710 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "Michael Jackson" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:11:34
grahss grahss

25,709 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "angy" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/13 04:11:07
bvfhudfbdfshhfggfj borring

25,708 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3787°N 4.7941°E "Anonymous" from 145.102.245.xxx (UNASSIGNED) wrote at 2021/09/13 00:39:06
grassy comment

25,707 - United States - Wamego Kansas 39.21°N 96.3153°W "Paul" from 068.171.184.xxx (68-171-184-231.wtcks.net) wrote at 2021/09/10 20:29:04
Person in driveway!

25,706 - United States - Birmingham Alabama 33.3792°N 86.6969°W "Yo momma" from 207.157.011.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/10 13:14:08
Ive been watching for the last 12 days

25,705 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/10 12:40:17
OMG. I Wish i could watch a peace of grass grow

25,704 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Sussy Baka" from 184.180.187.xxx (wsip-184-180-187-252.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/10 12:39:35

25,703 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/09/10 10:45:42
Omg I just saw a blade of grass grow ONE WHOLE MILLIMETRE!!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:12 - Thanks for the report - there's never a dull moment at WGG! ;-)

25,702 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Sussy Baka" from 184.180.187.xxx (wsip-184-180-187-251.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/10 08:36:20

25,701 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (ckr01.rsdmo.org) wrote at 2021/09/10 06:07:05
Mr. Grass, have you thought of having Critter Cam as a second option like you you did when those birds made a nest by your house? And if so, would it only "watchable" at night? I would like to see the racoons and other critts, but I go to sleep to ealry since school so I miss the night time veiwing for the most part
Mr. Grass replies at 12:10 - I took Critter-Cam down a few nights ago - peaches are all picked! Sorry I've been remiss in posting some videos and I'll try to do that in the next couple of days.

25,700 - Taiwan - Taipei Taipei City 25.0478°N 121.5318°E "South East Taiwan Man" from 118.166.155.xxx (118-166-155-228.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) wrote at 2021/09/09 21:24:41
hmm peoples still watching this even i cool so grassful

25,699 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/09 21:20:32
I appreciate the WGG enthusiasm from the Aussies (and I "get it" that perhaps you are overly enthusiastic due to your Covid lockdown) ... but maybe consider toning it down a bit to balance out comments from others ...

25,698 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man Slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 21:12:31

25,697 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 21:11:32
What's crackalakin homie's, GRAMPSONTHEGRAM hitting at it with the pool man slide reveal #Hashtag #Hype #Poolmanslide #Poolman #mum #flatearth. The kiddos are just finalising the pool man slide as we speak!!! so be on the look out either later on or next week for those fire bars. GRAMPS OUT!!!!!

25,696 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 20:48:09
What's crackalakin home slices and my homie in the hood, POOL MAN. true gangsta that guy #Hashtag #LOL #Coolerthanafreezer I too have the same question as my rip rip potato chip from the down down prices are down hood. Pool man and I appreciate everything and love the grass. and so does the kiddos #Hashtag #Respect #Loveyourgrass. i too and the kiddos in the hood have a question tho, what's the most gangsta and hip to the beat thing u have done home boi?? would love to know and don't worry like my homie from the freezer said we will refrence ur fire website!! Alright home slices GRAMPSONTHEGRAM has to head out so like they say in the hood dab on them haters and stay hip!! #Hashtag #LOL #(Grassman, 2005) #Iamaflatearther #Poolmanslide #Colesmastercard

25,695 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 20:37:35
Hey pool man here. Again just asking about what cam u use and how u live stream on the website, as me and grampsongram are trying to start our 'watching pool water evaporate'. appreciate you and oh dont worry we will reference you (Grassman, 2005)

25,694 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 20:18:53
Whats crackalakin homie's in the hood!! GRAMPSONTHEGRAM back at it with another pop shivit on a narly boardo. The kiddos say boardo is what yall youngsters say in these gangsta times. Me and pool man have linked up via this amazing webiste. thx grass man for being one of the homies #Hashtag #Respect. The kiddos and pool man r down in the blues bc we missed the epic and gangsta lawn mower. betcha snoop dog would be crackalakin at that one homie's. Anyways youngsters gotta head back to flying on this sick boardo with the kiddos in the hood. Remember youngetsers. Don't hate the player, hate the game and stay hip to the beat!!! #Hashtag #Grassisgangsta #Fish #Gangsta #Kiddos

25,693 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/09/09 15:51:01
Why is the word fish blocked? Also watching in school BABEEEE

25,692 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "School s*****" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 13:21:33
Best site to waste time in class 10/10

25,691 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 13:13:24
I saw it. It was awesome. Watching Grass grow is better

25,690 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 13:00:54
I always miss the trash bins being dumped

25,689 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "trash man" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 12:41:28
trash day! :)

25,688 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Tina" from 148.078.084.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 09:53:20
Killing Tulsa time!

25,687 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Sussy Baka" from 184.180.187.xxx (wsip-184-180-187-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/09 08:42:42
How else downloads 30 terabytes of naughty videos

25,686 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 08:37:26
I'm still watching even when I'm in chemistry. well my thing I'm growing and protecting is pumpkins. i forgot to post this yesterday so here

25,685 - United States - Brainerd Minnesota 46.3521°N 94.1046°W "Anonymous" from 064.090.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 08:11:52
Who else loves grass?

25,684 - Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.7687°N 79.4109°W "Anonymous" from 184.149.048.xxx (toroon12-3096785147.sdsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2021/09/09 07:51:17
I saw mister grass mow the lawn last night pool man

25,683 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "grass enthusiast" from 148.252.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 07:47:43
#lovingthegrass #fangirling

25,682 - United Kingdom - Harwich Essex 51.9419°N 1.2844°E "GrassLover77" from 085.092.190.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 02:45:34
today is 09/09/21

25,681 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "bobby" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 02:45:12
the babbys finaly my boyfriendddddd

25,680 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.9113°N 4.2176°W "bob the builder" from 212.219.249.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/09 02:43:28
today is 9/11/21

25,679 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 21:12:55
Hello there, grassman. When do you plan to mow your lawn next? I'd want to tune in and watch!

25,678 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool man slide" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 18:44:32
Love the name GRAMPS! Stay fresh homie and let the kiddo whats up! btw gramps its #(then the #) you dont have to ___#hastag___. Stay hip home boi

25,677 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 18:35:13
What's crackalakin pool man!!!! The kiddos and ya boi am glad to here ur staying hip and not being a hater. The kiddos are thrilled to hear ur happiness and fire opinions on the pool man slide. That's the name the kiddos in the hood made. So gangsta TBH LOL OMG!!! With ur pool idea the hood will send some out to u. I am needed in the hood. U know with the hippity hoppity donda beats. Gotta bannana split now to keep the fire bars coming. rip rip potato chip and later players #hashtag #LOL #Poolwater #PoolManSlide

25,676 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool man" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 18:25:12
Holy sh___t you got bars! Oldie still got it! Glad to see that your active in the WGG community! Stay hip on the beat! You also never said where abouts your are. i need help with my 'watching pool evaporate' project! stay hip

25,675 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 18:15:41
What's crackalakin pool man!! GRAMPSONTHEGRAM here with another hip to the beat comment. The kiddos have shown me your gangsta comment and i have made a cool beat thats so hip that someone who needs a hip could use it. let me fly some bars off at ya. "My crew is fly, with pool man at my side, ya mum said hi, and ya boi never lies". the kiddos helped with that one #Hashtag #LOL #FireBars. Thx for the kind comment and as always stay hip to the beat. GRAMPS OUT!!!! #Hashtag #LOL #Hiptothebeat #FireBars #Kiddosknowwhatsup #Mum

25,674 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 18:00:45
Good Moring Grampsonthegram! Appreciate your kind words and offering help! I would love some help. Glad to see an oldie staying hip and with the times! What part of Aus you in! We might be able to link. Let the kiddos know whats up!!

25,673 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 17:56:32
What's crackalackin pool man. the kiddos in the hood have asked me to respond and tell u that ya boi will personally help u start up that fire and gangsta idea. u know back in my day in 1938 I too wanted to watch pool water evaporate. Much respect from me and the kiddos and remember to stay hip with the beat #hashtag #LOL. Aight GRAMPSONTHEGRAM has to go do a live talk on the cord of the dis for those who are coller than an antartic sleep. Later home slices! #Hashtag #LOL #Poolwater #Respect #1938 #Backinmyday #Coolerthanafreezer

25,672 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Pool Man" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 17:51:15
Yo, what camera do u use to stream? Im thinking of starting 'watching my pool water evaporate' any tips to get starting? Would it be okay if if i did something like that? Anyways love the website and keep it up! #KeepTheGrassGrwoing

25,671 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 17:45:35
Gramps. Who let there gramps out the home? #KeepTheGrassGrowing

25,670 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "#Hashtag #GRAMPSONTHEGRAM" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 17:42:52
What's crackalackin WGG community! it's ya boi GRAMPS here with another hip to the beat comment for u youngsters #HASHTAG #LOL. What do u youngsters know about music??? well back in ya boi's day when music was popping in the hood. The gram rated these as the best songs of Gen z. Thats enough from me now gotta get back to mowing my lawn and staying hip with the coolies. Remember youngsters don't hate the player, hate the game!!!!! #Hashtag #Lol #Hip #Coolerthanafreezer #nohate #peaceout Songs: Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You The Grass Is Green The Grass Is Greener Mouthful of Grass Green Green Grass of Home Buffalo Grass The Creation, Part I: And God Said: Let All the Earth Bring Forth Grass Green Green Grass of Home

25,669 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Land Down Under" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 17:13:16
we appreciate the response! We in Australia are massive fans! #KeepTheGrassGrowing

25,668 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/09/08 14:01:35
Grass is like fosh is beautiful and lovely

25,667 - United States - Tulsa Oklahoma 36.0954°N 95.9223°W "Anonymous" from 098.184.086.xxx (COX-98-184-86-18-static.coxinet.net) wrote at 2021/09/08 13:46:50

25,666 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Sussy Baka" from 184.180.187.xxx (wsip-184-180-187-252.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/09/08 12:41:13
Nice website to relax after downloading 30 terabytes of roblox rule 34

25,665 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/09/08 10:24:14
I'm back at it again in SCHOOL! HA

25,664 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Uh-OH" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 08:57:42
Omg Mr grass replied to my comment

25,663 - United States - Brainerd Minnesota 46.3521°N 94.1046°W "Anonymous" from 064.090.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 07:15:35
I love grass

25,662 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/08 04:27:58
ill never get bored of this

25,661 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/07 21:44:11
Lots of questions from Australia. The secret to keeping the grass grow (and staying motivated) is lots of sunshine and water!
P.S. "Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You" is a nifty song.

25,660 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 21:00:52
Factual statement, I agree with what was mentioned below.

25,659 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 20:14:19
your grass is so inspirational, i watch this everyday and it makes me wake up every morning just to see your majestic luscious green grass.

25,658 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Not a grandpa #hashtag #lol" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 19:15:24
Grandpa? what do u mean grandpa yougin? i may be on the older side of the coin but ya boy knows the web stuff, ive been cutting the green since your born youngster. Add the gram my boy. Im out, peace out brussel sprout hashtag lol

25,657 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "The comment below this - 25,656" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 19:10:09
ayoooooo someone get there grandpa lowkeyyyyy

25,656 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Velocity" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 19:07:49
What's crackalackin home boy. Just wanted to pop on the old inter web and check to see if this website was still flying high. seems to be. Anyways gotta go check the gram so see ya home slice.

25,655 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Smith Chips" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 19:04:47
Who da man? You da Man Btw that guy _____________________(below) seems like a cool guy :) The land down unders 2nd biggest grass fan

25,654 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Bug/ potential update" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:59:26
HEY! Massive fan of you and grass hahaahahhahaahhahahahaha. Moving on, anyways would u consider not timing me out after only 5 minutes of watching grass grow? Cause i have this set in the living room and its annoying having to get and touch the tv and.or tv remote every 5 mins, understandable if not ahah! Remember fellow WGGers dont hate, appreciate

25,653 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Potential issue-" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:51:47
Hey grass man! Just got this message: You have blogged 4 times in the last 24 hours, 4 in the last week, 4 in the last month, and 7 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please Did u send this to me directly or is it the website? seems like your trying to silence your long term and og fans? all good if not, this might just be one big misunderstanding, p**itely could you look into this for me? Again no hate what so ever just trying to get to the bottom of this. Kind regards- and keep the grass growing!

25,652 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "25,652nd comment" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:46:08
Hey WGG here again. Whats the secret on going for so long? Its been 16 years and still counting since u 1st started! Have you ever thought to stop? What keeps you motivated? Anyway thanks for helping with my boredom. You the man!! #KeepTheGrassGrowing

25,651 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "WGG fanclub" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:39:50
Hey buddy! Quick question from the WGG community, what is your fav song?!?! The people wanna know!! As always stay strong keep safe be positive and test negative! Ps my fav song is Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You its a timeless classic! Love ya homie #nohomo You know what they say, the grass is greener on the other side, can u confirm if this saying is true! Have a good one

25,650 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "25,649 comment" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:31:51
What is the MOST viewers you have had at one particular time? would love to know! Appreciate and love you. Have a grasstastic day :) Sending love- 25,649th comment

25,649 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Aussie's biggest Fans" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 18:16:52
Can you pretty please respond? Ive being trying for a while now and me and my friends would love and go crazy if you responded! Man love from the land down under!

25,648 - United States - Hernando Florida 28.9223°N 82.39°W "yes" from 104.225.188.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 15:26:33
Does he live in colorado?

25,647 - United States - City N/A Florida 28.6344°N 81.6221°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.190.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 12:40:31
Been coming here for years

25,646 - Republic of Lithuania - Vilnius Vilnius City Municipality 54.6783°N 25.3042°E "Anonymous" from 078.056.073.xxx (78-56-73-87.static.zebra.lt) wrote at 2021/09/07 12:36:36
grass is pretty alright :)

25,645 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Uh Oh" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 09:07:47
A dog was pooping on your grass
Mr. Grass replies at 14:06 - Hopefully the owner picked it up! ;-)

25,644 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "School Guy" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 08:57:38
I like Trains... and grass

25,643 - United Kingdom - Basildon Essex 51.5645°N 0.4636°E "Anonymous" from 086.021.083.xxx (cpc113712-basl12-2-0-cust995.20-1.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/09/07 08:22:59
I love grass

25,642 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "School Guy" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 07:17:37
I am growing grass in your honor

25,641 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "ur mom" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 06:32:00
im at school and am prioritizng this

25,640 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "School Guy" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/07 06:21:26
Watching grass grow instead of doing homework:)

25,639 - United States - Dixon California 38.4374°N 121.8122°W "Weedkiller58" from 107.205.185.xxx (107-205-185-75.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/09/06 23:32:15
2 years watching grass grow!

25,638 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Coby :)" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/06 22:38:45
Hey Alek, quick question. As a yougin trying to make it in the grass game, any tips and/or trick to have a grass lawn like yours? I'm a massive fan btw and been watching watching for a while now! Thanks a million homie.

25,637 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/06 22:33:10
Massive fan! Keep the grass growing up!!

25,636 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 081.132.131.xxx (host81-132-131-234.range81-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/09/06 13:42:55
when will the last grass cutting going to be mr g
Mr. Grass replies at 20:48 - I'll actually probably mow the lawn in the next day or so ... and probably have a couple more mows after that in the next month.

25,635 - Germany - Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia 50.7261°N 7.1184°E "User 69" from 130.180.050.xxx (b2b-130-180-50-174.unitymedia.biz) wrote at 2021/09/06 00:30:36
Grass: ___grows___ 25,000 people:INTERESTING

25,634 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-48.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/09/03 13:42:14
We love the critter cam! Thank you for updating us Mr Grass!
Mr. Grass replies at 20:07 - Glad you like 'em - here's a few more! ;-)

25,633 - United States - Jupiter Florida 26.935°N 80.1178°W "Anonymous" from 050.237.146.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/03 12:34:53
bradie is dumb

25,632 - Canada - City N/A 43.6319°N 79.3716°W "Anonymous" from 108.180.083.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/03 09:46:36
grass grass grass

25,631 - United States - Overland Park Kansas 38.867°N 94.7094°W "Anonymous" from 204.052.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/03 06:43:53
Hi Matthew Are You A True Gamer?

25,630 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/02 14:46:51
Critter-Cam Update followed by time-lapse of multiple visits by the raccoons to the peach trees ... with matching real-time (loonnngggg!) video.

25,629 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/02 14:32:34
Slowly catching up on the critter-cam videos - more auto-fire sprinkler action, picking the peaches and then providing an update.

25,628 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 13:45:22
I'm currently in homeroom in school and working on chemistry homework

25,627 - United States - Overland Park Kansas 38.867°N 94.7094°W "Anonymous" from 204.052.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 13:14:05
Green Is The Imposter And Grass Is Green Grass Is Imposter

25,626 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Crewmate" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 12:21:37
That is sus...

25,625 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "Anonymous" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 11:53:43
are you a sussy baka

25,624 - United States - Kenton Ohio 40.6426°N 83.6151°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.163.xxx (kentoncityschools.org) wrote at 2021/09/02 11:07:08

25,623 - United States - Pleasanton California 37.6652°N 121.8734°W "MrKarkus" from 206.110.020.xxx (wsa16.pleasanton.k12.ca.us) wrote at 2021/09/02 10:56:56
Ha I'm watching grass grow in SCHOOL!

25,622 - United States - Tigerville South Carolina 35.0477°N 82.353°W "Sha Know" from 205.186.050.xxx (205-186-50-98.generic.c-light.net) wrote at 2021/09/02 09:19:51
Sam the Raven

25,621 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "School guy" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 08:41:45

25,620 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "School Guy" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 08:19:23
Guys Im at school again

25,619 - United States - West Bloomfield Michigan 42.597°N 83.3796°W "Anonymous" from 216.011.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/02 08:00:06
no way someone was taking a run

25,618 - Italy - Canegrate Milan 45.5682°N 8.9269°E "Chris" from 079.052.141.xxx (host-79-52-141-13.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/09/02 07:34:59
erba del cazzo me la fumo e basta

25,617 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/09/01 17:55:05

25,616 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/09/01 16:10:48
Here's a pretty funny video of the auto-fire sprinkler scattering the raccoons ... but 80 seconds later, they come back. Here's the real-time extended version - sprinkler fires at 23:59:53 ... and first one shows back up at 00:01:13 - timestamp in the top right. Here's a time-lapse of them making multiple visits

25,615 - Brazil - São Paulo Sao Paulo 23.63°S 46.6322°W "a grassy fan" from 200.155.186.xxx (200-155-186-236.static.telium.net.br) wrote at 2021/09/01 09:58:46
well that was one lucky racoon ______=

25,614 - Ukraine - Kamianske Dnipropetrovsk 48.5113°N 34.6021°E "Anonymous" from 046.098.124.xxx (217.124.PPPoE.ktb.ua) wrote at 2021/09/01 06:20:27
I like grass ...

25,613 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/31 10:40:11
Picking more peaches on August 26th ... before the raccoons climb up the tree to get 'em! The Foxes and Rabbits also like peaches.

25,612 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 10:30:56
I know enough from Runescape to know where this will be going. NOt today ya pesky bruv

25,611 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "scemmer" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:45:45
give me ur credit card info im rich and will double monee

25,610 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "p**" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:36:16
gras gras gras

25,609 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James Mengle" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:30:02
Im in school

25,608 - United States - Hummelstown Pennsylvania 40.2744°N 76.7062°W "James" from 204.014.013.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:22:46
Hi grass people

25,607 - United States - Oxford Michigan 42.8193°N 83.2845°W "Rin" from 216.011.106.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:09:18
here in web design class, thanks for the inspiration mr grass

25,606 - United States - Temple Oklahoma 34.2607°N 98.2371°W "pppppppppp" from 156.110.087.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/31 09:09:14

25,605 - Chile - Buin Santiago Metropolitan 33.7333°S 70.75°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.144.xxx (191-113-144-119.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/08/31 08:08:26
como va la c______mara de criaturas? me dio mucha risa cuando les salto agua y salieron corriendo pd: Sr. Grass me encantan sus jardines

25,604 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/31 05:49:08
Wonder what they were building other there yesterday.
Mr. Grass replies at 07:16 - Neighbor across the street is replacing their roof - project should finish up today.

25,603 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9408°N 95.276°W "Anonymous" from 024.143.033.xxx (24-143-33-97-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/08/30 20:44:49
welcome home

25,602 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "james" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/30 08:56:58
sketchy lmao

25,601 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "Dur" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/30 08:13:02
Ooo free candy

25,600 - United States - Wadsworth Ohio 41.039°N 81.7381°W "AJF15000" from 204.011.189.xxx (mail.cvccworks.edu) wrote at 2021/08/30 08:11:55
Theres a van!

25,599 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.6814°N 104.8837°W "Skylar" from 174.016.101.xxx (174-16-101-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/08/30 07:23:40
This site is very underrated

25,598 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.5575°N 114.3307°W "Night Owl Keeney" from 047.216.044.xxx (47-216-44-64.lkhvcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/08/30 05:12:09
What a sussy boi

25,597 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/29 23:48:27
A couple of critter-cam videos from August 25th ...

25,596 - United States - East Falmouth Massachusetts 41.5953°N 70.5705°W "Anonymous" from 024.218.227.xxx (c-24-218-227-1.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/29 12:03:40
nice. very good

25,595 - United States - Zion Illinois 42.4422°N 87.8396°W "Anonymous" from 073.208.069.xxx (c-73-208-69-7.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/29 11:46:19
PERSON!! with a backpack.

25,594 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/28 21:53:02
No exciting critter-cam action on August 24th ... but something that WGG fans have seen in the front yard is the sprinklers running - here's what they look like in the back yard! ;-)

25,593 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/28 13:26:42
I'm a bit behind on the critter-cam videos, but there was quite the raging raccoon party after I setup the floodlights. More videos here, here, and here ... with more to come! ;-)

25,592 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "ado_kid" from 174.081.098.xxx (174-081-098-088.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/27 18:25:12
I'm watching this at school tomarrow!!

25,591 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "ado_kid" from 174.081.098.xxx (174-081-098-088.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/27 18:19:09
this is the best thing i've ever seen

25,590 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/27 11:37:02
Im growing pumpkins and i haven't had animal problems yet

25,589 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/27 10:26:59
After seeing shadowy shapes going after my peaches, I setup 1,000 Watts of flood lights to hopefully deter the raccoons and provide better footage. We also picked a hundred+ peaches from the top branches before the raccoons get 'em.

25,588 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.128.xxx (191-113-128-237.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/08/27 10:20:29

25,587 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/08/27 10:04:49
The grass is looking awesome!

25,586 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "ginger" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/27 06:17:56
who publishes the paper?

25,585 - United States - Parker Colorado 39.4895°N 104.8447°W "Anonymous" from 066.085.041.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/26 14:19:51
Oh my lordy lord is that the Mr. grass combo meal. Just one bite

25,584 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/26 12:49:15
The weather over there seems a bit nicer than MO Mr. Grass

25,583 - United States - Paris Arkansas 35.2966°N 93.7198°W "bagoof" from 066.204.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/26 08:03:13
now that he actually responded I wish i put my username, lol

25,582 - United States - Paris Arkansas 35.2966°N 93.7198°W "Anonymous" from 066.204.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/26 07:48:46
its seven fourty eight, why didn't he get the paper?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:52 - Because I'm having my morning cup of coffee ... I'll wander out to grab the paper in the next hour or so ...

25,581 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.6814°N 104.8837°W "Skylar" from 174.016.101.xxx (174-16-101-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/08/26 00:00:49

25,580 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/08/25 19:14:38
Critter-Cam is BAACCCKKKK!!!!!
I have two peach trees in the backyard ... and in 2018 & 2019, they had a LOT of peaches which were super tasty ... not just to me, but also the raccoons - click on those links for the full saga. We only had a few peaches in 2020, but for 2021, it's a moderate harvest. I was out of town for about a week, but when I came back as the peaches were getting fully ripe, I noticed some chewed-up peaches on the ground. So it was time to again setup critter-cam! ;-)

25,579 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/25 15:48:55
Good, I will use this to refer on what helped me pass school and life. Good content and good grass

25,578 - Malta - BirżebbuÄ¡a Birzebbuga 35.8258°N 14.5269°E "Anonymous" from 141.008.094.xxx (c94-105.i12-24.melita.com) wrote at 2021/08/25 14:53:30
referencing this in my thesis

25,577 - United States - Biloxi Mississippi 30.5095°N 88.9735°W "Anon E. Mos" from 170.249.176.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/25 11:41:46
If youre reading this youre a legend

25,576 - United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.1172°N 115.0528°W "Anonymous" from 169.241.065.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/25 11:13:30
Literally watching this in class, it's amazing

25,575 - United States - Biloxi Mississippi 30.5095°N 88.9735°W "Anonymous" from 170.249.176.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/25 10:29:20
This is beautiful. Ive been watching this for 6 hours

25,574 - United States - Paris Arkansas 35.2966°N 93.7198°W "a newly reborn disciple" from 066.204.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/25 07:02:11
I feel honored that i saw Mr. Grass in the grass

25,573 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "James Flint" from 165.225.017.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/25 04:45:03
Watching this with me mates, havin a gr8 time

25,572 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Grass-son (Grayson but*** grassier)" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 18:17:25
I like Grass. I like looking at grass.

25,571 - United States - Woonsocket Rhode Island 41.9853°N 71.5184°W "Zethurne" from 096.237.113.xxx (pool-96-237-113-100.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/08/24 15:11:14
I never knew this was an option available to me. I love watching grass grow!!

25,570 - United Kingdom - Merthyr Tydfil 51.7479°N 3.3778°W "Anonymous" from 095.151.222.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 11:08:30
grass looing very good at the moment Mr. Grass. Has a calming effect on me this blog-thank you

25,569 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 098.038.056.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 10:59:35
There was a van AND people!

25,568 - United States - Paris Arkansas 35.2966°N 93.7198°W "Excited about a bike in Arkansas" from 066.204.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 08:34:20
We got a biker and a car that passed by, in a row, it was incredible, my heart was exhilarated and my day is saved. Thank you grass cam

25,567 - United States - Parker Colorado 39.4895°N 104.8447°W "Anonymous" from 066.085.041.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 08:20:30
Does any1 wanna play Fortnite?

25,566 - United States - Paris Arkansas 35.2966°N 93.7198°W "grass" from 066.204.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 07:53:15
Grass is good, grass is great, lets thank grass for more grass

25,565 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh 55.951°N 3.1972°W "Blair" from 046.226.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 07:52:52
Dude pog grass mario smells of grass

25,564 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh 55.951°N 3.1972°W "The grass liker" from 046.226.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 07:29:42
You have very nice grass

25,563 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh 55.951°N 3.1972°W "The grass liker" from 046.226.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/24 07:09:45
You have very nice grass

25,562 - United States - Raleigh North Carolina 35.8538°N 78.686°W "Anonymous" from 174.108.216.xxx (174-108-128-154.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/24 06:46:34
My name is lucca natale and i live on white hurst road

25,561 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Grayson" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 22:11:57
most entertaining thing I've seen in years

25,560 - Australia - Rosebery New South Wales 33.9186°S 151.2046°E "hamboy" from 120.088.147.xxx (120-88-147-226.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2021/08/23 19:12:39
Very interesting

25,559 - United States - DeLand Florida 29.0422°N 81.2863°W "dad" from 107.145.037.xxx (107-145-037-160.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/08/23 15:07:37
very interesting

25,558 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 076.010.012.xxx (host-12-43.aztevds.tempe.az.us.clients.pavlovmedia.net) wrote at 2021/08/23 14:34:25
glad to see you back jonathan we missed you!

25,557 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 12:58:42
In my area some lawns are dying to army worms. But we have put stuff down to kill them

25,556 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-9.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/08/23 12:53:12
looks like the grass is losing it colour fall must be on its way

25,555 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 12:47:18
Im back!!! im currently in chemistry

25,554 - United States - Zion Illinois 42.4422°N 87.8396°W "Anonymous" from 066.099.050.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 12:22:44
thank you for all the grass it has been wonderful grass. grass is really awesome and grassy sincerely,Uncle grass

25,553 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "Anonymous" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 09:48:49
uh oh animal control

25,552 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "Dur" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 09:24:03
Bruh not grass grow you d_________ hackers

25,551 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 08:19:43
Will it tho? And how would someone fro the UK know about this and what would they gain from hacking this, or IP? I have it maksed and everyone else does, since this doesn't reveal our pin point location. And we can't even log in, so they would

25,550 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System updated" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 07:23:21
The system is updating on 29/08/21 everyone please exit the website or you will have the chance of being hacked. Thankyou Mr Grass's team.

25,549 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "rarw" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/23 07:15:37
yas queennnnsssss. .

25,548 - Chile - Los Angeles Region del Biobio 37.4667°S 72.35°W "Grass Fan" from 186.156.185.xxx (dvc-115-185-156-186.movil.vtr.net) wrote at 2021/08/22 22:43:46
Cool grass dude

25,547 - United States - Raleigh North Carolina 35.8846°N 78.6385°W "Cowboy Collin" from 099.164.053.xxx (99-164-53-93.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/08/22 20:00:07
My name is Collin Harrison, and I am fat

25,546 - United States - Moline Illinois 41.4943°N 90.5001°W "no name" from 173.021.019.xxx (173-21-19-27.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/08/22 17:16:23
new weather stats, nice :-)

25,545 - Italy - Vigevano Provincia di Pavia 45.3141°N 8.8544°E "Grass lovah" from 079.021.133.xxx (host-79-21-133-217.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/08/22 11:01:17
Dear Mr. Grass, actually Antartica does have grass indeed, it's called Deschampsia antarctica. Greetings
Mr. Grass replies at 11:37 - I did not know that - thanks for the correction/education!

25,544 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/21 22:17:37
Walter Mitty

25,543 - United States - Rensselaer New York 42.6359°N 73.7219°W "toomer" from 024.194.160.xxx (cpe-24-194-160-122.nycap.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/08/21 12:10:02
wouldnt it be awesome if there was a home invasion and we all stopped them before they even got to the door

25,542 - United States - Canyon Country California 34.413°N 118.4269°W "Cool Person" from 070.133.182.xxx (70-133-182-158.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/08/21 10:25:23
when the grass is sus

25,541 - United States - Camden South Carolina 34.267°N 80.5913°W "Anonymous" from 204.116.211.xxx (occm-61.dhcp.grp6-rng2.tnolzi.blomand.net) wrote at 2021/08/20 12:00:34
is it just me or are there mushrooms growing near the top left yard?

25,540 - United States - Camden South Carolina 34.267°N 80.5913°W "Anonymous" from 204.116.211.xxx (occm-61.dhcp.grp6-rng2.tnolzi.blomand.net) wrote at 2021/08/20 09:03:01
Grass GrAsS Gres

25,539 - United States - Zion Illinois 42.4422°N 87.8396°W "Anonymous" from 066.099.050.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/20 07:41:51
Love the grass

25,538 - United States - Lonsdale Arkansas 34.5562°N 92.834°W "Anonymous" from 012.094.155.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/20 06:49:25
whats the one thing every continent has? grass. you are worldwide, my friend
Mr. Grass replies at 09:27 - I don't think Antarctica has grass ...
CORRECTION: "Grass lovah" posted that there actually is a grass in Antarcica.

25,537 - United States - Huntsville Alabama 34.7777°N 86.5445°W "Ms. Greenery" from 173.026.012.xxx (173-26-12-191.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/08/18 15:40:12
Grass, grass, nothing but grass, just the way I like it! :)

25,536 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "DUR" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/18 13:03:27

25,535 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "james" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/18 08:58:53
that cant be true, we all know colorado doesnt exist

25,534 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/18 08:11:58
Boulder,Colorado I believe

25,533 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 207.235.148.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/17 20:32:22
Where is this?

25,532 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "Dur" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/17 11:07:28
bruh I saw a bee fly across the camra

25,531 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/17 08:28:35
reseeded in spring

25,530 - United States - Grand Prairie Texas 32.7666°N 97.0075°W "Birb" from 097.105.226.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/17 08:08:45

25,529 - Australia - Summer Hill New South Wales 33.9024°S 151.1367°E "Anonymous" from 101.190.024.xxx (cpe-101-190-24-138.nb16.nsw.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/08/16 17:45:51
i saw a person! finally!

25,528 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/15 20:57:23
The part were the car goes past, so gud

25,527 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/15 19:14:25

25,526 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.8898°N 1.2243°W "Pebus" from 081.110.071.xxx (cpc76134-clif11-2-0-cust868.12-4.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/08/15 18:48:01
grass moment

25,525 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.9292°N 1.1065°W "JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ" from 080.007.160.xxx (cpc76132-clif11-2-0-cust184.12-4.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/08/15 18:47:39
i like eating grass

25,524 - United Kingdom - Aldershot Hampshire 51.2521°N 0.7295°W "Jim" from 086.021.029.xxx (cpc75655-alde5-2-0-cust412.6-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/08/15 16:33:38
Hello my guys

25,523 - Saudi Arabia - Jeddah Makkah Province 21.5168°N 39.2192°E "Anonymous" from 129.208.101.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/15 13:06:09
Hello my friend I'm back I haven't seen your grass grow in a while :) Saudi Arabia..___-___

25,522 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.3661°N 111.9345°W "Pls Come To Me" from 070.058.252.xxx (70-58-252-132.phnx.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/08/15 09:08:28
East Tanglewood Drive, AZ, Phoenix, House Computer password is 1234 Iphone password is 7654321

25,521 - Philippines - City N/A 14.5955°N 120.9721°E "jonest" from 136.158.030.xxx ( wrote at 2021/08/15 06:24:01
watching grass grow very epic indeed

25,520 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/14 23:10:46
St Augustine

25,519 - United States - Newark Delaware 39.6732°N 75.7121°W "Anonymous" from 076.111.173.xxx (c-76-111-173-158.hsd1.de.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/14 04:04:11
te extrano :/

25,518 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "Anonymous" from 192.119.160.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/13 21:49:20
grassus o-o

25,517 - Canada - Montreal Quebec 45.5178°N 73.6046°W "Anonymous" from 173.246.023.xxx (173-246-23-28.qc.cable.ebox.net) wrote at 2021/08/13 21:32:07
nice, such very amaze

25,516 - United States - China Grove North Carolina 35.5703°N 80.596°W "Dur" from 152.026.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/13 07:14:57
grass is gud

25,515 - Denmark - Skalborg North Denmark 56.9733°N 9.9233°E "Jeppe" from 152.115.056.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/13 02:21:15
I love your grass. It makes my day so much better and it makes me want to live a better a life. You have healing grass. My wife is divorcing me now because I've watch your grass too many times now it has taken over my life but I don't care cause this is my new lifestyle and I LOVE IT!!

25,514 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "2510 Blue Heron Circle" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/08/12 20:18:55
bro is my name u?

25,513 - United States - Canyon Country California 34.413°N 118.4269°W "A Person" from 070.133.182.xxx (70-133-182-158.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/08/11 19:49:31
Cool beans. A friend said they were using the website to kill time. They must be insane, good thing I am too!

25,512 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.146.xxx (c-73-21-146-55.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/11 15:41:57
Almost 4 years watching grass grow for me!!

25,511 - Australia - West Leederville Western Australia 31.9444°S 115.8342°E "levi" from 014.202.203.xxx (14-202-203-68.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2021/08/11 10:39:21
some dude was walking across the street, nice.

25,510 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.131.xxx (191-113-131-192.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/08/11 08:19:23
siempre e querido ver cuando pasa el cami______n de basura

25,509 - United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.8585°N 84.1206°W "Anonymous" from 096.004.107.xxx (static-37-107-4-96.knox.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/08/11 07:42:51
Theres a person in your yard!

25,508 - Indonesia - Sidoarjo East Java 7.4469°S 112.7181°E "a lost pika" from 139.195.164.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/10 03:21:40
....I dont know how i even here but i made the right choices. btw, anyone seen Ash?

25,507 - Australia - Bankstown New South Wales 33.9158°S 151.0348°E "jacob hastie" from 027.111.071.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/09 19:59:06
my third wife caught me watching this, so I'm sorry guys my grass watching days are over

25,506 - Malaysia - Petaling Jaya Selangor 3.0806°N 101.6507°E "Anonymous" from 115.134.198.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/09 01:25:04
Grass watcher from MYR

25,505 - United States - New York 40.7503°N 74.0014°W "Anonymous" from 098.116.189.xxx (pool-98-116-189-55.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/08/08 10:16:13
r f f r r Type in your grassy comment here ...

25,504 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/08 08:39:32
Lots of canine traffic

25,503 - United States - Newark Delaware 39.6732°N 75.7121°W "Anonymous" from 076.111.173.xxx (c-76-111-173-158.hsd1.de.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/06 03:39:52
today marks the first day that I don't do this certain tradition i've done each week for a whole year. it was very important to me but i think i had to end it after a year went by. i made the last celebration of it really special. though not everyone got to be there which s***** i wish they got to see it, it would be really nice. i wish i got to see them. anyways, mr grass, you helped me in some way so i thank you. can't wait for it to snow again, you always get so much. colorado is nice, huh? c:

25,502 - Australia - Bankstown New South Wales 33.9158°S 151.0348°E "Mike" from 027.111.071.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/05 22:34:14
Hey, i'm a grass fan. Literally. I am watching grass grow with my mate Candace. My mom Joe is always concerned about me because I watch grass grow. Please tell my mom to also watch grass grow. - Love you, Eye Amn Horn Knee.

25,501 - Indonesia - Jakarta 6.1741°S 106.8296°E "joe" from 120.188.064.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/08/05 17:48:04
why am i here

25,500 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-252.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/08/05 13:20:06
Well, It's been a long time since I last commented here.

25,499 - Mexico - Chihuahua City Chihuahua 28.7137°N 106.209°W "Anonymous" from 189.231.118.xxx (dsl-189-231-118-37-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx) wrote at 2021/08/05 10:46:26
could you go out to dance please? it's not mandatory
Mr. Grass replies at 10:58 - Trust me that you would not want to see me dancing! But I will be out in a bit to mow the lawn ... ;-)
Update: And here's a picture of me "dancing" with the lawn mower! ;-)

mow lawn 8/5/2021

25,498 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/05 02:40:24
early in the morning

25,497 - United States - San Antonio Texas 29.4247°N 98.4935°W "........." from 136.050.055.xxx (136-50-55-176.googlefiber.net) wrote at 2021/08/04 22:03:06

25,496 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.7553°N 84.3886°W "Anonymous" from 089.187.170.xxx (unn-89-187-170-168.cdn77.com) wrote at 2021/08/03 00:25:24
Late night grass pog

25,495 - United States - Cleveland Ohio 41.3847°N 81.7982°W "AJF15000" from 075.118.230.xxx (d118-75-210-230.col.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2021/08/02 22:35:43
late night grass watching

25,494 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.55°S 54.5833°W "sp**d ou thunder" from 177.073.101.xxx (177-73-101-57.dipelnetfoz.com.br) wrote at 2021/08/02 10:34:35
gozo kkkkkkkk

25,493 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MARCELO" from 189.058.078.xxx ( wrote at 2021/08/02 10:27:25

25,492 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/02 09:37:36
prairie grass

25,491 - United States - Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.009°N 76.3631°W "Inspiration" from 174.054.055.xxx (c-174-54-55-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/08/02 05:48:05
Comment toes if you pooped today

25,490 - South Africa - Johannesburg Gauteng 26.2309°S 28.0583°E "SpaceFish" from 102.065.108.xxx (102-65-108-223.ftth.web.africa) wrote at 2021/08/01 08:12:29
Interesting this is , I dox myself by writing on blog ____________

25,489 - United States - Castle Rock Colorado 39.3643°N 104.9014°W "Anonymous" from 071.229.228.xxx (c-71-229-228-91.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/31 22:23:15
chum chum :)

25,488 - United States - Surprise Arizona 33.6134°N 112.4512°W "TrumpSupporter69" from 071.223.032.xxx (71-223-32-76.phnx.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/07/31 21:43:36
#SupportDonaldTrump Joe Biden has won the battle, but he has not won the wars.

25,487 - United States - Modesto California 37.6752°N 120.9465°W "Anonymous" from 073.151.232.xxx (c-73-151-232-82.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/31 19:37:44
it works broski

25,486 - Italy - Cascina Province of Pisa 43.6788°N 10.5641°E "Mr. Grass" from 151.029.151.xxx (ppp-64-151.29-151.wind.it) wrote at 2021/07/31 02:04:34
this probably won't work

25,485 - India - Delhi National Capital Territory of Delhi 28.6504°N 77.2372°E "Anonymous" from 103.070.082.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/30 12:21:27
i love u jashan. u misunderstood me. i am just too autistic, and not really evil

25,484 - New Zealand - Auckland 36.8506°S 174.7679°E "Joe" from 122.056.168.xxx (122-56-168-127.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/07/29 19:49:58
DO you have up dog?

25,483 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/29 14:13:49
Kentucky Bluegrass

25,482 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "abelha burra" from 189.058.065.xxx (gvt-b-se09.foz.gvt.net.br) wrote at 2021/07/29 12:45:56

25,481 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/07/28 12:23:11
i love the grass. One year anniversary coming up ;)

25,480 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/28 10:19:29
Wow! Look at those foxes!

25,479 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-163.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/07/28 06:06:54
el pasto esta muy lindo :D

25,478 - United States - Saint George Utah 37.1038°N 113.5764°W "J. H." from 069.011.195.xxx (h69-11-195-191.stgrut.broadband.dynamic.tds.net) wrote at 2021/07/28 01:57:47
I've missed checking in on this website.

25,477 - Philippines - Baguio City Province of Benguet 16.4124°N 120.5933°E "TrashCant" from 049.150.092.xxx (dsl. wrote at 2021/07/27 12:25:36
I'd literally just watch grass grow than do my homework.

25,476 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/27 10:49:57
The quick brown fox
Mr. Grass replies at 13:24 - There was some pretty good "fox action" yesterday ...

25,475 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/07/26 20:19:58
Now 287 people are watching

25,474 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5554°N 19.6758°E "Adam" from 046.182.096.xxx (m103.class96.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/07/25 08:13:30
only 9 people :(

25,473 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/24 18:29:28
timothy hay grass

25,472 - Brazil - Foz do Iguacu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MARCELO" from 177.096.109.xxx ( wrote at 2021/07/23 23:28:24

25,471 - Brazil - Foz do Iguacu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "abelha burra" from 177.096.109.xxx ( wrote at 2021/07/23 23:23:01
O Naruto pode ser um pouco duro as vezes, talvez voce nao saiba disso, mas o Naruto tambem cresceu sem pai. Na verdade ele nunca conheceu nenhum de seus pais, e nunca teve nenhum amigo em nossa aldeia, mas depois disso naruto leu uma frase escrito QUEM LEU ___ BOb ___ O KKKKKKK, roubei do meu amigo kk

25,470 - Brazil - Foz do Iguacu Parana 25.55°S 54.5833°W "Anonymous" from 177.073.101.xxx (177-73-101-175.dipelnetfoz.com.br) wrote at 2021/07/23 23:15:56
Quem leu tem Loli no por ___ o kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahah

25,469 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.6814°N 104.8837°W "Skylar" from 174.016.101.xxx (174-16-101-228.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/07/23 06:52:35
Day 1 of commenting on the grass blog

25,468 - Australia - City N/A New South Wales 33.8767°S 151.0871°E "Gutter Tree in Australia" from 202.153.210.xxx (202-153-210-94.ca99d2.syd.static.aussiebb.net) wrote at 2021/07/22 17:45:18
peak content

25,467 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/22 03:26:59
mmmmmm rabbet

25,466 - United States - Cottageville South Carolina 32.9562°N 80.4829°W "dbkajfjsaghskjh" from 207.144.020.xxx (dynamic-207-144-20-219.lowcountry.com) wrote at 2021/07/21 17:47:59
there was a rabit

25,465 - Poland - City N/A 52.2394°N 21.0362°E "LinkinPachaczb" from 031.000.127.xxx (ip-31-0-127-172.multi.internet.cyfrowypolsat.pl) wrote at 2021/07/21 04:42:41

25,464 - Germany - Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rheinland-Pfalz 49.5292°N 8.4014°E "Detlef" from 037.005.254.xxx (ip2505fe4a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/07/19 07:24:14
This page taught me how to calculate from F to C. Thank you Mr. G.

25,463 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Gramma p**ice" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/17 21:01:29
I wish these ignoramuses would use plain English. This web site calls for exchanges.

25,462 - Sweden - Norrkoping Ostergotland 58.5944°N 16.1968°E "Anon" from 092.034.166.xxx (c-42a6225c.030-215-6e6b701.bbcust.telenor.se) wrote at 2021/07/16 19:27:23
Cringe lmao

25,461 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/16 17:54:05
a bicycle moving right along

25,460 - United States - Altus Oklahoma 34.6487°N 99.3267°W "Buttface" from 045.026.102.xxx (45-26-102-73.lightspeed.okcbok.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/07/16 14:30:36

25,459 - United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.214°N 94.7191°W "Anonymous" from 104.183.106.xxx (104-183-106-125.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/07/16 12:11:57
I just got on and there was some one walking a dog some one mowing there lawn or something. How exiting!

25,458 - Singapore - Singapore 1.369°N 103.8827°E "Anonymous" from 129.126.039.xxx ( wrote at 2021/07/15 23:08:59
Ooo late night candy van

25,457 - Germany - Muelheim-Kaerlich Rheinland-Pfalz 50.3851°N 7.4989°E "simon" from 217.251.191.xxx (pd9fbbfd0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) wrote at 2021/07/15 03:21:15
Yes there was a fox

25,456 - United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.122°N 115.086°W "C.J." from 072.193.166.xxx (ip72-193-166-198.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2021/07/14 20:59:28
I think I just saw a fox?

25,455 - United States - Montgomery Texas 30.4522°N 95.71°W "Anonymous" from 047.220.201.xxx (47-220-201-221.cnrocmtk04.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/07/14 14:54:49
Cant belive I missed seeing Mr. Grass

25,454 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.146.xxx (c-73-21-146-55.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/07/14 14:50:56
omg omg omg Mr. grass is pulling the trash cans back up
Mr. Grass replies at 07:40 - Yep - Wednesday is trash day.
trash bins

25,453 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/14 07:31:47
i broke my teacher with this

25,452 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/14 06:38:07
The grass revoloution has begun. arm yourselves people

25,451 - United States - Tallahassee Florida 30.5218°N 84.2626°W "Anonymous" from 071.220.159.xxx (71-220-159-105.tlhs.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/07/14 06:35:52
we were all gucci until the grass started mowing the people

25,450 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/14 06:32:54
watching grass grow is fun

25,449 - United States - Warminster Pennsylvania 40.207°N 75.0744°W "Jenny" from 100.034.081.xxx (pool-100-34-81-11.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/07/13 14:08:23
My life just got better since I found out about this site!! Absolutely hilarious!

25,448 - Philippines - Tarlac City Province of Tarlac 15.4807°N 120.6002°E "Anonymous" from 049.150.073.xxx (dsl. wrote at 2021/07/13 01:21:16
cool website! watched since 2009

25,447 - Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.8071°S 144.9516°E "Anonymous" from 111.220.110.xxx ( wrote at 2021/07/12 21:24:26

25,446 - United States - Lakeville Minnesota 44.6707°N 93.2588°W "Yessir" from 174.082.185.xxx (174-082-185-167.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/07/10 23:11:42
glock in my lap

25,445 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.194.xxx (mobile-107-77-194-70.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/07/10 16:21:00
Gosh I haven't been able to log in to check WGG in awhile. Looking good!

25,444 - United States - Moline Illinois 41.4943°N 90.5001°W "d" from 173.021.019.xxx (173-21-19-27.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/07/10 15:36:44

25,443 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 173.047.077.xxx (173-47-77-34.cpe.cableone.net) wrote at 2021/07/09 13:26:50
I'm very sorry to hear about your precious dog. Take care of yourself. :(

25,442 - Brazil - Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul 30.1156°S 51.1653°W "Daniel Krause Jr" from 191.054.062.xxx (191-054-062-202.xd-dynamic.algarnetsuper.com.br) wrote at 2021/07/09 10:12:50
how can i do this with the cameras in my house?

25,441 - United States - Manchester Connecticut 41.776°N 72.5283°W "Anonymous" from 032.210.239.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/08 14:44:02
dont slip and fall. no one likes green stains on their clothes

25,440 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9618°N 93.2638°W "Anonymous" from 096.075.149.xxx (96-75-149-158-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/07/08 12:43:28
This is beautiful.

25,439 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.157.xxx (191-113-157-222.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/07/08 10:52:12
me pone nerviosa ver que el pasto esta un poco seco pd: esta es el mejor sitio web :D

25,438 - Cyprus - Limassol 34.6874°N 33.0366°E "Anonymous" from 062.228.218.xxx (62-218-243.netrun.cytanet.com.cy) wrote at 2021/07/08 06:51:10
Sorry to hear about your dog Jonathan, I hope things get better for you

25,437 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/08 03:41:44
im in college watching grass grow

25,436 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/07/07 22:32:20
watching grass might help the fact that my dog was put down today

25,435 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.133.xxx (191-113-133-240.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/07/07 11:55:11
esta la cortadora de pasto afuera :o

25,434 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/06 08:58:00
this is fun

25,433 - United Kingdom - Accrington Lancashire 53.753°N 2.359°W "Anonymous" from 212.219.021.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/06 08:49:40
watching at college, having one heck of a time

25,432 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/07/05 06:38:36
I haven't used my Chromebook since the start of Summer Break, and I saw that I had this bookmarked on my new laptop I got. haven't checked in here for a while. it seems to be cooler down there for you Mr. Grass. And I saw vid of your lawn mower and I hope it is still doing ok.

25,431 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "chug jug" from 177.204.206.xxx ( wrote at 2021/07/05 05:02:18
achamo br aqu

25,430 - Brazil - São Paulo Sao Paulo 23.63°S 46.6322°W "Anonymous" from 179.113.125.xxx (179-113-125-33.user.vivozap.com.br) wrote at 2021/07/04 18:13:32
Keep growing. Love from Brazil

25,429 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/07/04 12:29:04
4th of july me!!

25,428 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.149.037.xxx (host86-149-37-81.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/07/04 10:37:07
happy 4th july to all who celebrate it

25,427 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/07/04 00:06:23
its been a while sense i watched but im back

25,426 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/07/03 22:18:10
Hi I really appreciate you still having this up mr grass :)

25,425 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.4656°N 111.9956°W "Icosi" from 184.103.068.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/07/03 04:33:09
Easily the most entertaining website ever. I think the creator should put a totally fake terms and conditions text when entering the website.

25,424 - Chile - Coronel Region del Biobio 37.0167°S 73.1333°W "Anonymous" from 200.090.253.xxx (200-90-253-55.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/07/02 06:34:37
una ardilla :D

25,423 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/30 15:22:06
I recently changed the oil in my lawn mower and put a bit too much oil in there ... so it was blowing some pretty good blue smoke last night! ;-)

25,422 - Portugal - Barcarena Lisbon 38.7325°N 9.28°W "Harlan" from 176.078.173.xxx (dsl-173-245.bl26.telepac.pt) wrote at 2021/06/30 14:31:51
cali dubs rogue lineage

25,421 - United States - Brentwood California 37.9285°N 121.6881°W ":)" from 023.121.154.xxx (23-121-154-180.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/06/30 11:52:06

25,420 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.132.xxx (191-113-132-4.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/30 06:11:44
es lo mejor del mundo ver la hierba :D

25,419 - Portugal - Aveiro 40.6443°N 8.6455°W "SanMarcolinPlay" from 094.132.042.xxx (a94-132-42-133.cpe.netcabo.pt) wrote at 2021/06/30 02:16:23
you should play mow my lawn on roblox, it reminds me of mr. grass... I miss that man, RIP. You'll always be in our hearts and appreciated for this incredible website. - SanMarcolinPlay

25,418 - United States - Rochester New York 43.2207°N 77.5992°W "Ninjabruhmoment" from 067.241.188.xxx (cpe-67-241-188-174.buffalo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/06/30 02:15:16
Recently I have been playing mow my lawn 2 and honestly now discovering this website has made me admire this man Mr. Grass he has dedicated years of his life mowing grass and showing his experience I hope Mr. Grass will see this and notice me.

25,417 - United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.122°N 115.086°W "Chris" from 072.193.166.xxx (ip72-193-166-198.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2021/06/29 20:43:19
ooohh people!

25,416 - United States - Clinton Township Michigan 42.6206°N 82.9608°W "Anonymous" from 075.046.041.xxx (75-46-41-183.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/06/29 10:11:22
I saw it grow!!! That blade of grass is longer now!!

25,415 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Katherine Grimmett, Boise, Idaho" from 173.047.077.xxx (173-47-77-34.cpe.cableone.net) wrote at 2021/06/29 09:29:38
There's something strangely comforting just seeing a lawn calmly growing in this crazy world now! My kids don't get it, but I do. Very brilliant to think of something so ordinary and turning it into a fun, conceptual art form. Thanks!

25,414 - Vietnam - Haiphong 20.8567°N 106.6826°E "_______________ng C______ng S_________n VN" from 014.162.203.xxx (static.vnpt.vn) wrote at 2021/06/28 04:48:42
dit con me bon dau buoi trung quoc chet me cmay di

25,413 - Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.6509°N 79.5527°W "Goerge (Grassy) Celine-Dion" from 216.181.066.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/27 14:01:24
grassy is my grassy middle name.

25,412 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/27 10:25:12
Yes ok......

25,411 - Vietnam - Haiphong 20.8567°N 106.6826°E "_______________ng C_________ng S_________n VN" from 014.162.203.xxx (static.vnpt.vn) wrote at 2021/06/27 05:27:31
_______________t m_________ b_________n trung qu_________c n_________ng l_________n ______ m______ b_________o tr_______________ng sa ho______ng sa l______ c_________a t_________i m

25,410 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/26 21:45:48
I've seen a fairly large Skunk several times in the last month ... and here's some webcam footage of it walking across the front yard ... in between visits from the Fox!

25,409 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/26 10:29:58
Mr. Grass replies at 15:21 - Maybe take a break from listening to Rocky while WGG ...

25,408 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/25 08:07:33

25,407 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.132.xxx (191-113-132-4.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/25 06:45:01
Sr. Grass por qu______ su pasto se esta secando ?
Mr. Grass replies at 12:33 - La hierba me parece bastante verde ... especialmente después de esta gran tormenta!

UPDATE: Here's a nearby intersection where all that rain created a "lake" - this happens a few times/decade.
grass pictures

25,406 - United States - Salida Colorado 38.5265°N 105.9954°W "Anonymous" from 162.255.156.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/24 20:40:00
ask the weeds since mr grass pulls them frequently

25,405 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/24 19:16:00
has this camera witnessed a murder yet

25,404 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.6362°N 112.0908°W "Anonymous" from 070.171.235.xxx (ip70-171-235-187.tc.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/06/24 12:46:28
idk why I'm here but now I cannot leave

25,403 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/24 11:26:31

25,402 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7388°N 104.9868°W "Skylar" from 184.096.224.xxx (184-96-224-187.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/06/24 10:43:59
I think I'm gonna watch some grass grow now

25,401 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.132.xxx (191-113-132-4.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/23 19:23:08

25,400 - Peru - Tacna 18.0056°S 70.2483°W "Maxi" from 179.006.057.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/23 19:05:35
Es algo un tanto loco pas______rsela horas viendo crecer hierba pero la m______sica le da el toque sin duda jajaja adem______s es impresionante que hayan pasado 15 a______os :0

25,399 - United Kingdom - Amersham Buckinghamshire 51.6775°N 0.5992°W "DAVE" from 081.111.217.xxx (cpc134534-amer4-2-0-cust505.know.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/06/23 14:32:31
we love grass

25,398 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/23 11:36:56

25,397 - United Kingdom - Dunfermline Fife 56.1174°N 3.5345°W "Anonymous" from 194.081.049.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/23 08:14:12
kyle fat and chubby hahhahaha ha ja

25,396 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/22 22:28:59
Something I should do more often is sharpen the lawn mower blade ... so now the next lawn mowing should be/look razor sharp! ;-)

25,395 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/22 11:26:51

25,394 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/21 10:06:41

25,393 - United Kingdom - Camberwell Southwark 51.4743°N 0.0928°W "Anonymous" from 185.074.235.xxx (incoming.st-georges-academy.org) wrote at 2021/06/21 05:06:20
hi, how are you

25,392 - Netherlands - Hengelo Provincie Overijssel 52.2621°N 6.7711°E "robin" from 185.178.235.xxx (fiber.by.weserve.nl) wrote at 2021/06/21 03:18:41
Mr.Grass how young are you right now

25,391 - Netherlands - Hengelo Provincie Overijssel 52.2621°N 6.7711°E "robin" from 185.178.235.xxx (fiber.by.weserve.nl) wrote at 2021/06/21 03:10:42
it makes me calm to see the grass grow

25,390 - United States - Clinton Township Michigan 42.6206°N 82.9608°W "Grass Fan" from 075.046.041.xxx (75-46-41-183.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/06/20 09:36:26
Garage door looks good

25,389 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.124.xxx (75-166-124-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/06/20 09:24:22
Wow! I can't believe it's been 15 years since the blog opened!

25,388 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/20 09:16:10

25,387 - United States - Cleveland Ohio 41.3847°N 81.7982°W "AJF15000" from 075.118.230.xxx (d118-75-210-230.col.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2021/06/19 22:13:34
Happy birthday to the WGG blog! Can't believe it's been 15 years.
Mr. Grass replies at 08:57 - Thanks AFJ1500 ... and yea, the first Blog post was on June 19th, 2006 when I wrote "Since people seem to enjoy watching the grass grow, I've turned on this blog so they can also share commentary on how exciting this is!" ... and there have been over 25,000 comments since. A double thanks for the nifty "15-year" badge you sent me! ;-)
Grass Blog 15th Anniversary

25,386 - Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.8591°S 151.2002°E "hihellogoodmorning" from 101.176.135.xxx (cpe-101-176-135-123.nb12.nsw.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/06/19 07:36:13
This is incredible

25,385 - United States - City N/A Georgia 33.7485°N 84.3871°W "Owlster1YT" from 107.077.233.xxx (mobile-107-77-233-127.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/06/19 06:03:41
Hello guys, I'm in Kentucky right now. The grass still looks good, even with a 2G Hotspot from a Motorola G4.

25,384 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/19 03:36:20

25,383 - Brazil - São Paulo Sao Paulo 23.63°S 46.6322°W "SrGato" from 201.043.208.xxx (201-43-208-129.dsl.telesp.net.br) wrote at 2021/06/18 21:52:44
I love this site

25,382 - United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.8483°N 0.4472°W "LOL" from 092.026.172.xxx (host-92-26-172-203.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/18 09:48:42

25,381 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/18 08:53:15
For those that missed the GarageDoorCam on Wednesday, here's the complete footage from both cams.

25,380 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 3.1396°N 101.6853°E "Vince0110" from 113.210.111.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/17 16:37:55
Thumbs up for having a smooth lawn.

25,379 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur 3.1396°N 101.6853°E "Vince0110" from 113.210.111.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/17 14:49:54
Hmmm, yes, the grass is made of GRASS.

25,378 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-104.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/17 09:53:20

25,377 - United Kingdom - London England 51.5353°N 0.6658°W "Sikibidibop c***" from 165.227.233.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/17 09:14:03
Omg this grass turns me on

25,376 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 200.028.075.xxx (200-28-75-173.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/17 09:03:05
Sr.Grass tomando fotos :D

25,375 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 20:00:07
Sr. Grass que paso con la GarageDoorCam ?

25,374 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/06/16 19:46:26

25,373 - United Kingdom - Emsworth Hampshire 50.8478°N 0.937°W "Anonymous" from 082.022.200.xxx (cpc1-hava3-2-0-cust164.know.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 16:55:18
Garage Door Cam? This is HUGE. Bigger than that time when there were controllable lights.

25,372 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 16:52:17
muy bonitas puertas Sr. grass

25,371 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/16 14:48:29
Installing the the Garage Doors - springs and openers still to be done.

25,370 - United Kingdom - Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire 51.7164°N 0.8439°W "Mmmmmm Grass" from 081.178.249.xxx (81-178-249-60.dsl.pipex.com) wrote at 2021/06/16 14:26:28
I like Grass

25,369 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.124.xxx (75-166-124-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 14:02:11
RIP. old garage door. 1990 something to 2021. You will be missed.
Mr. Grass replies at 14:33 - Yep - it was just under 30 years old ...

25,368 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 11:37:58
me pregunto que pensara el se______or que est______ cambiando la puerta del garaje al ver la GarageDoorCam

25,367 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.168.xxx (host-92-26-168-245.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 11:18:30

25,366 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/16 10:58:34
GarageDoorDude should be here any minute ... so Mr. Grass takes one last picture of the old garage door.
grass pictures

25,365 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 09:33:49
que paso en GarageDoorCam se ve como todo borroso
Mr. Grass replies at 09:44 - Estaba usando el soplador de hojas para limpiar un poco el garaje, asi que cubri la camara web para que no se ensuciara.

25,364 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.168.xxx (host-92-26-168-245.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 09:29:21
A garage cam!!!! this website is just getting better and better...

25,363 - United States - Oak Park Michigan 42.4681°N 83.1882°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.193.xxx (mobile-107-77-193-117.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 09:14:09
So sad about the birds. I liked watching them

25,362 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 09:07:40
algunos dicen que esto es aburrido... antes pensaba los mismo pero quer______a llegar a ver algo Luego se me hizo interesante pasaba mucho tiempo viendo este sitio web hasta que un dia vi un auto estaba tan feliz que me puse a grabar el momento en el que lo vi ahora llevo unos meses aqu______ y eh visto -autos -perros -humanos -aves -zorroz -algunos familiares del Sr. Grass -EL Sr. Grass para los que creen que este sitio web es aburrido sinceramente no los entiendo y no es solo ver pasto ahora se puede ver el garage antes se pod______a ver un nido y los que llevamos un buen tiempo aqu______ entenderemos la felicidad que da al ver el Sr Grass por primera vez y Sr. grass me alegro mucho de que puso GarageDoorCam por cierto linda casa :D

25,361 - Canada - Mississauga Ontario 43.5639°N 79.7172°W "M2101" from 099.247.041.xxx (cpe1033bf94ad76-cm1033bf94ad74.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/06/16 08:29:20
This will irrelevant, why would you want to spend the rest of your life watching grass grow? Btw this is bore.
Mr. Grass replies at 08:56 - If Watching Grass Grow is too irrelevant/boring for 'ya, how about GarageDoorCam - install starting later this morning! ;-)

25,360 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/16 07:31:45
estoy ansiosa por ver GarageDoorCam :D

25,359 - United States - Holly Michigan 42.7905°N 83.6127°W "kex !!!" from 216.011.074.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/16 07:00:22
makes me think of lawnmower by lemon demon (:

25,358 - United States - Califon New Jersey 40.7162°N 74.8152°W "Anonymous" from 096.057.181.xxx (ool-6039b5aa.static.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/06/16 06:12:13
This will likely be my last time watching grass grow, since today is my last day of school, and I will have better things to do. Thank you so much Mr. Grass for this website, twas a pleasure!

25,357 - Italy - City N/A 43.1479°N 12.1097°E "Anonymous" from 194.103.157.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/15 16:22:25
very nice website, love watching this instead of playing my game of league

25,356 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/15 12:46:00

25,355 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/15 06:11:27
larga vida ah WGG :D

25,354 - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Amman Amman Governorate 31.9522°N 35.939°E "Help me" from 046.032.120.xxx (ip46-32-120-7.zaindata.jo) wrote at 2021/06/15 00:47:10
Help i aam getting weeds

25,353 - Italy - Lizzanello Provincia di Lecce 40.3048°N 18.2228°E "Anonymous" from 087.010.017.xxx (host-87-10-17-72.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/06/14 14:54:57
Why is the garbage bin there on a Monday?
Mr. Grass replies at 16:30 - Nice spot ... since the trash pickup is on Wednesday. My old garbage bin was cracked and falling apart ... so I called for replacement and they came by this afternoon to swap 'em.

25,352 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/14 14:14:14
I still have the Birdcam running in the background ... and some interesting footage. While no Robin visits, a Blue Jay came by yesterday - probably hoping to get some "breakfast" as happened back in 2008. And interesting footage this morning of the Finches coming by ... but (probably coincidentally) the FOX at the same time.

25,351 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.142.xxx (191-113-142-216.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/14 14:06:10
Sr. Grass es mi idea o corto el pasto ?

25,350 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/14 10:01:55

25,349 - United Kingdom - Goole East Riding of Yorkshire 53.6788°N 0.7231°W "big dude joe" from 077.111.236.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/14 05:06:32
yum yum yum

25,348 - United States - Soldotna Alaska 60.4812°N 151.1306°W "Rayce" from 063.140.071.xxx (63-140-71-206-unallocated.acsalaska.net) wrote at 2021/06/13 16:25:44
Car go vroom

25,347 - Croatia - Zagreb City of Zagreb 45.8293°N 15.9793°E "Jam ZG" from 193.014.244.xxx (m193-14-244-179.cust.tele2.hr) wrote at 2021/06/13 13:39:41
Wow this is beautiful.

25,346 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/13 08:09:12

25,345 - Australia - Strathfieldsaye Victoria 36.8042°S 144.3492°E "Anonymous" from 049.192.020.xxx (n49-192-20-177.sun3.vic.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2021/06/12 22:40:27
gday bloke. Im a young and inspired fellow grass grower and was just wondering if you believe I can have a "Dad lawn" without actualy having "Little s***s" All i want is a good Dad lawn and some white new balance joggers. Thanks in advance your'e friend Willy

25,344 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-130.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/12 20:45:08
larga vida ah WGG :D

25,343 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/12 09:34:19

25,342 - China - Guangzhou Guangdong 23.1167°N 113.25°E "HAO" from 119.131.199.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/12 06:38:01
very comforting

25,341 - Finland - City N/A 60.1717°N 24.9349°E "skaye" from 095.217.229.xxx (static. wrote at 2021/06/11 17:15:34
hi my name is skaye and me and my boyfriend ADAM :), just watched this for 9 hours an it was great.

25,340 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/11 09:36:07

25,339 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/06/11 05:28:21
I see birds here though. I'm guessing when the "left", new birds are coming in and might reclaim the old spot unless there's an animal near by.

25,338 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/10 12:05:20
its sad that the bird is gone.

25,337 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.166.xxx (host-92-26-166-35.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/10 10:30:41

25,336 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Banjo" from 184.169.045.xxx (host184169454.direcway.com) wrote at 2021/06/10 08:38:14

25,335 - Colombia - Bogotá Bogota D.C. 4.6493°N 74.0617°W "Anonymous" from 190.084.036.xxx (dynamic-ip-1908436193.cable.net.co) wrote at 2021/06/10 07:28:37
s______quenme de Latinoam______rica D:

25,334 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-130.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/10 06:52:14
que tierna la ardilla :D

25,333 - United States - Rowland Heights California 33.9854°N 117.8972°W "Rem" from 104.032.203.xxx (cpe-104-32-203-170.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/06/10 02:51:49
ohh no worries ___3 i just thought id ask ty for the reply

25,332 - Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.6683°N 79.4205°W "Anonymous" from 136.228.227.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/09 11:18:14
some of my classmates are watching.

25,331 - United Kingdom - Newhaven East Sussex 50.7998°N 0.0486°E "LOL" from 092.026.175.xxx (host-92-26-175-209.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/09 11:15:06

25,330 - United States - Rowland Heights California 33.9854°N 117.8972°W "Rem" from 104.032.203.xxx (cpe-104-32-203-170.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/06/09 07:45:09
if i may as do you go a discord server mr.grass?
Mr. Grass replies at 08:15 - Sorry - no plans to do Discord - Twitter and YouTube is enough for me ...

25,329 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.020.xxx (ens224.proxy055.sn.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/06/09 05:23:12
grass is very nice and green

25,328 - United States - Rowland Heights California 33.9854°N 117.8972°W "Viz" from 104.032.203.xxx (cpe-104-32-203-170.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/06/09 00:16:41
By anychance Mr.grass will you ever make a discord? just a question? if so be more then happy to join it

25,327 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.132.xxx (191-113-132-106.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/08 16:54:55
larga vida ah WGG :D

25,326 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/06/08 13:01:36
Thank you for providing info in both languages, really appreciate it :)

25,325 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.171.xxx (host-92-26-171-108.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/08 12:42:38

25,324 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.022.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/08 06:25:31
this is very informative

25,323 - United States - Rowland Heights California 33.9854°N 117.8972°W "Viz" from 104.032.203.xxx (cpe-104-32-203-170.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/06/08 05:28:20
Just wanted to say hello to everyone that is watching this ___3

25,322 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/07 09:15:24

25,321 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/06/07 09:05:46
Yea, real sad that the Robin left the nest ... and it's now pretty certain the the Finches are NOT going to use it as seen in the time-lapse video below. If I find something "interesting" to put the 2nd camera on at the house, I'll let you guys know - Si encuentro algo "interesante" para poner la segunda camara en la casa, se lo hare saber.

25,320 - Norway - Drammen Buskerud 59.7491°N 10.1985°E "Andredre" from 139.164.245.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/07 02:44:56
Edwin hadde gitt denne siden en 3'er

25,319 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/07 00:43:35

25,318 - Italy - Milan 45.4707°N 9.1889°E "Anonymous" from 082.054.138.xxx (host-82-54-138-210.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/06/07 00:21:58
Rest in peace Bird Cam, you'll always live in our heart!

25,317 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.132.xxx (191-113-132-106.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/06 18:34:06
Sr. Grass me da mucha lastima que el ave ya no est______ pero seria divertido que igual pusiera la c______mara como otra visi______n de su casa :)

25,316 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.124.xxx (75-166-124-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/06/06 18:05:14
RIP. The bird cam.

25,315 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/06 12:49:00

25,314 - United States - Caldwell New Jersey 40.852°N 74.2842°W "Anonymous" from 071.187.216.xxx (pool-71-187-216-254.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/06/05 23:00:34
i am buzzing rn

25,313 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/05 11:25:29
Where is the bird?
Mr. Grass replies at 11:30 - I took down the BirdCam since after Momma Robin laid three eggs and had been on the nest continuosly every night since May 22nd, she flew off on June 2nd ... and has not been seen since ...:-(
More info/pics/video here.

25,312 - United States - Zachary Louisiana 30.6551°N 91.1366°W "XXXGRASSLOVER123" from 068.011.133.xxx (ip68-11-133-163.br.br.cox.net) wrote at 2021/06/05 10:50:43
I guess grass is the best type of plant

25,311 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/05 07:24:50

25,310 - United States - Huntington Beach California 33.7188°N 118.0033°W "sapphire and the GANG" from 047.146.161.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/04 18:46:03
i like your lawnmower

25,309 - United States - Houston Texas 29.7738°N 95.406°W "Anonymous" from 073.166.088.xxx (c-73-166-88-170.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/06/04 18:32:22
I'm at work :3c

25,308 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Roger Roger" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/04 15:30:29
This website is an enoyable experience

25,307 - United States - Zachary Louisiana 30.6551°N 91.1366°W "XXXGRASSLOVER123" from 068.011.133.xxx (ip68-11-133-163.br.br.cox.net) wrote at 2021/06/04 15:12:23
I Wanna see an Elmo plush sitting there. Forever and ever. Don't take him off the grass. I think he will like it.

25,306 - United States - Zachary Louisiana 30.6551°N 91.1366°W "Anonymous" from 068.011.133.xxx (ip68-11-133-163.br.br.cox.net) wrote at 2021/06/04 15:05:16

25,305 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.069.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/06/04 13:55:07
is the bird gone or im unlucky with my timezone?

25,304 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.694°N 73.9901°W "Anonymous" from 165.155.160.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/04 10:53:54
Why is this website still alive

25,303 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/04 09:27:24

25,302 - Chile - Las Condes Santiago Metropolitan 33.3648°S 70.5105°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.166.xxx (191-113-166-209.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/04 09:20:49
Sr. Grass en el nido est______n los huevos? es raro que el ave se fue...

25,301 - Chile - Las Condes Santiago Metropolitan 33.3648°S 70.5105°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.166.xxx (191-113-166-209.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/04 08:54:27

25,300 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.694°N 73.9901°W "Anonymous" from 165.155.160.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/04 05:48:12
Day two of school watching grass and birds grow

25,299 - United States - Daly City California 37.6811°N 122.4806°W "Anonymous" from 067.169.107.xxx (c-67-169-107-23.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/06/03 19:54:29

25,298 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 024.216.189.xxx (024-216-189-036.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/06/03 16:33:26
It seems the bird is replaced by two trash cans.

25,297 - Germany - Lathen Lower Saxony 52.8667°N 7.3167°E "Margaret Thatcher's decaying carca**" from 178.142.087.xxx (dyndsl-178-142-087-007.ewe-ip-backbone.de) wrote at 2021/06/03 14:02:34
a poem about the grass :) grass is growing to the skies green is grass very nice! grass is spiky when i walk me cut grass very short!

25,296 - United States - Medfield Massachusetts 42.1815°N 71.3011°W "Anonymous" from 151.203.075.xxx (pool-151-203-75-174.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/06/03 11:42:41

25,295 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/03 08:31:55

25,294 - United States - Broken Bow Oklahoma 34.027°N 94.7623°W "Kaleb" from 104.160.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/03 05:21:16
ah yes, bird

25,293 - United States - Mesa Arizona 33.3429°N 111.6347°W "Anonymous" from 184.103.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/03 05:11:45
came from the backrooms wiki - Icosi

25,292 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3534°N 4.9087°E "Anonymous" from 192.040.057.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/03 01:05:01
As the homeschooling mode kicks in again we're back down to business on the best website ever! G'day fellas

25,291 - United States - Saint Paul Minnesota 44.971°N 93.0498°W "Anonymous" from 024.118.209.xxx (c-24-118-209-186.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/06/02 20:34:07
Just made the backrooms wiki see this, lol. - Just A Guy Here.

25,290 - United States - Broken Bow Oklahoma 34.027°N 94.7623°W "Kaleb" from 104.160.100.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/02 19:43:28
ah yes, grass

25,289 - United States - New Milford Connecticut 41.5782°N 73.415°W "Anonymous" from 075.135.189.xxx (075-135-189-109.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/06/02 19:36:20
I just saw a man walking 2 dogs that was cute

25,288 - Australia - Hunters Hill New South Wales 33.8223°S 151.1312°E "Anonymous" from 124.158.017.xxx (moriah.nsw.edu.au) wrote at 2021/06/02 18:44:40
the bird was gone

25,287 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/02 14:09:34
Why is the bird cam mirrored?

25,286 - United States - Birmingham Alabama 33.395°N 86.8348°W "Anonymous" from 068.113.121.xxx (068-113-121-158.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/06/02 13:35:28
happy pride month everyone !! :___

25,285 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/02 12:15:06

25,284 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.694°N 73.9901°W "Anonymous" from 165.155.170.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/02 10:54:56
Watching this in school :)

25,283 - United States - City N/A Michigan 42.4652°N 83.3713°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.192.xxx (mobile-107-77-192-106.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/06/02 08:06:05
I have been watching the bird cam for the last few days its really cool!

25,282 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "TFG" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/06/02 07:53:09
yoooo did the website update niceee

25,281 - Australia - Old Guildford New South Wales 33.8643°S 150.9839°E "Anonymous" from 001.041.108.xxx (n1-41-108-102.bla2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2021/06/02 03:40:58
YOOOO from sydney australia

25,280 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/02 01:57:21

25,279 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/06/01 15:14:48
wow, i am very EGGsited for the new bird cam

25,278 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/06/01 14:43:19
I am back! the bird cam is eggcellent

25,277 - United States - Vacaville California 38.3862°N 121.991°W "Weedkiller58" from 063.199.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 13:57:24
Woah sick a bird cam!

25,276 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9064°N 93.2406°W "Jason Jirsa" from 205.215.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 12:50:23
Ok, this is so...SO poggers

25,275 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9064°N 93.2406°W "William" from 205.215.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 12:42:33
Ah shiiiiiiii barbeque ralba ralba

25,274 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9064°N 93.2406°W "Jesse Stinkman" from 205.215.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 12:37:26
Ayo mista White we need to make da stuffs yo

25,273 - United States - Grand Rapids Michigan 42.9282°N 85.5473°W "Mr. Christians Student" from 069.214.026.xxx (69-214-26-194.lowell.k12.mi.us) wrote at 2021/06/01 12:03:41
Mr. Christians Class is now 10 times better!!!!

25,272 - United States - Ocean City New Jersey 39.2733°N 74.5876°W "Anonymous" from 050.201.011.xxx (50-201-11-149-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/06/01 12:01:38
this is epic

25,271 - United States - Grand Rapids Michigan 42.9282°N 85.5473°W "Mr. Christians Class" from 069.214.026.xxx (69-214-26-194.lowell.k12.mi.us) wrote at 2021/06/01 11:55:06
this is the most life-changing website I have ever been on. Absolutely changed my life forever, thank you, Mr. Grass.

25,270 - Chile - San Antonio Region de Valparaiso 33.5929°S 71.6191°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.189.xxx (191-113-189-73.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/01 11:00:35
Sr. Grass apenas se fue el ave volvi______ a su nido

25,269 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.7224°N 84.5205°W "grassy" from 104.129.206.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 09:47:58
hey guys im back they banned this in my school for a lil bit then its back. so im back

25,268 - Chile - San Antonio Region de Valparaiso 33.5929°S 71.6191°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.189.xxx (191-113-189-73.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/06/01 07:06:58
esta pagina cada dia es mas interesante :D

25,267 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (ckr01.rsdmo.org) wrote at 2021/06/01 06:06:57
Is it just me, or did the BirdCam move/zoom in and get a little blurry
Mr. Grass replies at 06:29 - Yea, I zoomed it in for a closer view of Momma Robin. It is a bit blurry at night due to the lack of light - I may try to improve the situation if she takes a break from the nest.

25,266 - Italy - Ascoli Piceno 42.8501°N 13.5765°E "Anonymous" from 077.032.033.xxx (77-32-33-36.dyn.eolo.it) wrote at 2021/06/01 05:41:28
What's your Civic Number?

25,265 - United Kingdom - Belfast 54.5829°N 5.9326°W "Anonymous" from 085.031.139.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/06/01 03:13:11
the bird stoped moving
Mr. Grass replies at 06:28 - Momma Robin is taking a well deserved nap! ;-)

25,264 - Poland - Klembow Mazovia 52.4065°N 21.3365°E "Adam" from 083.006.144.xxx ( wrote at 2021/06/01 01:55:42
watching from school B)

25,263 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3787°N 4.7941°E "not french flag but dutch" from 145.102.245.xxx (UNASSIGNED) wrote at 2021/06/01 01:44:53
donuts come from the netherlands

25,262 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3787°N 4.7941°E "Anonymous" from 145.102.245.xxx (UNASSIGNED) wrote at 2021/06/01 01:38:18
birb birb birb

25,261 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Mr. Birb" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/31 20:25:21

25,260 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "furry" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/31 20:22:54
uwu nuzzles n wuzzles ur bulgy wulgy

25,259 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/31 20:20:02

25,258 - Chile - San Antonio Region de Valparaiso 33.5929°S 71.6191°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.189.xxx (191-113-189-73.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/31 11:15:27
el pasto cada dia esta mas hermoso :D

25,257 - Canada - Denare Beach Saskatchewan 54.6667°N 102.0833°W "fern" from 216.174.135.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/31 10:54:03
bird cam :D

25,256 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.124.xxx (75-166-124-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/31 10:31:59
Ahh yes. I finally get to see the bird cam live.

25,255 - Chile - San Antonio Region de Valparaiso 33.5929°S 71.6191°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.189.xxx (191-113-189-73.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/31 08:43:11
me dan ganas de tomar miles de fotos al pasto al igual que el ave

25,254 - Vietnam - City N/A 16.0023°N 105.9999°E "gia hung 0602" from 116.108.070.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/31 06:34:59
hmm ..... I can't see the owner forever. come out and show me ...
Mr. Grass replies at 10:02 - Here's a hello from Mr. Grass on the BirdCam ...
0531 robin with mr. grass

25,253 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.148.xxx (191-113-148-192.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/30 12:09:54
Sr. Grass usted en primavera y con lluvia y aca en chile en oto______o y con sol :v algo anda mal... pd: ESTA ES LA MEJOR PAGINA :D

25,252 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.148.xxx (191-113-148-192.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/30 10:45:27
me encanto lo que hizo con las c______maras Sr. Grass y el corte nuevo bastante bien :D

25,251 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/30 09:47:12
On the remote chance you get bored watching the GrassCam, I have added the BirdCam as an option to the main page. She has laid three eggs with the last one on May 25th ... so should see some hatching a few weeks after that.
bird cam

three eggs

25,250 - United States - Feasterville Pennsylvania 40.1533°N 74.9937°W "Anonymous" from 068.080.212.xxx (c-68-80-212-181.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/30 06:28:41
I appreciate the indulgence. You are a true gentleman. --Mike

25,249 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/29 20:50:55
A WGG Fan requested a Diagonal Cut with the Lawn Mower ... so Mr. Grass did exactly that today! ;-)

25,248 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.124.xxx (75-166-124-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/29 14:27:23
Happy late 16th birthday to LINK DELETED

25,247 - Romania - Deva Hunedoara 45.8875°N 22.8969°E "Stefan Alexandru" from 062.121.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/29 06:39:29
The best thing to ever exist :D

25,246 - United States - Angier North Carolina 35.4897°N 78.7249°W "CELINE DI'ON-CAPRIO 2" from 045.037.015.xxx (cpe-45-37-15-75.nc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/05/28 15:57:34

25,245 - United States - West Bloomfield Michigan 42.597°N 83.3796°W "Anonymous" from 216.011.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/28 06:28:33
This is more entertaining than my history teacher's class

25,244 - Sweden - Gothenburg Västra Götaland 57.7066°N 11.9672°E "Anonymous" from 185.113.099.xxx (185-113-99-244.cust.bredband2.com) wrote at 2021/05/28 03:07:52
This is so so so so so so so intense and entertamning

25,243 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/27 13:05:15
That was a funny joke : D

25,242 - United States - Cranston Rhode Island 41.7689°N 71.4758°W "cow" from 199.184.247.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 12:02:46
What do you call a cow eating grass? - A Lawn Moo-er

25,241 - United States - Manchester Connecticut 41.7958°N 72.5241°W "Dean Lauro" from 174.242.129.xxx (145.sub-174-242-129.myvzw.com) wrote at 2021/05/27 10:40:48
Subscribe to Watching Grass Grow

25,240 - United States - Cranston Rhode Island 41.7689°N 71.4758°W "Anonymous" from 199.184.247.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 10:37:29
i love grass baka

25,239 - United States - West Chester Pennsylvania 39.9845°N 75.586°W "jj" from 204.108.148.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 10:08:14
sussy baka....

25,238 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 08:43:08
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. ___beep___ A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ___ding___ Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

25,237 - United States - Califon New Jersey 40.7162°N 74.8152°W "Anonymous" from 096.057.181.xxx (ool-6039b5aa.static.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/05/27 07:35:47
Yeah, I've seen that "system" guy around before. Weird troll.

25,236 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 07:25:17
It's probably just a troll wanting some type of attention. If Mr.Grass or anybody in his family died, I don't think some person in the UK would automatically know. BTW Mr.Grass, how is the Bird's Nest doing?

25,235 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MR GRASS fan" from 189.058.067.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/27 07:19:02
is that real???? @mr grass

25,234 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/27 07:10:29
Hello everyone, we are so excited to announce that watching grass grow will continue. Now the reason we are actually putting a note on here is due to an extremely sad time that happened on 26/05/21 sometime during the night John died. Yall won't know who he is but he was an important part of our team. If you have a minute please take a one minute silence at 3 pm no specific area just whenever is 3 pm in your area. Please be kind and pray his family will get through this tough time (for extra information keep reading) ( John Dumphrey was a 56 year old who died hear failure, which he has been fighting since he was 47. John lived a fulfilled life had 7 children named Maggie (33 years old) Bill (27) Alan (22) George (19) Georgia and Georgi (twin girls both 14) Aimee (4) and his wife who loved him very dearly Laura who was 39. ( He re-married when he was 39) Please be kind and pray for his family. Your sincerely Mr Grass's team.

25,233 - United States - Rensselaer New York 42.6359°N 73.7219°W "michaela" from 024.194.160.xxx (cpe-24-194-160-122.nycap.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/05/26 18:36:28
yay for garbage day!

25,232 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "grass" from 210.055.073.xxx (210-55-73-247.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/26 15:06:44
grass grass grass

25,231 - Canada - Kingston Ontario 44.2454°N 76.5813°W "Anonymous" from 067.193.221.xxx (d67-193-221-170.home3.cgocable.net) wrote at 2021/05/26 14:19:24
d***, I've gotta study for a chemistry test, what am I doing here?

25,230 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/26 13:07:25
Are you gonna mow the grass tomorrow at 7 am

25,229 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "dip" from 050.121.012.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/26 08:30:47
my grassy comment :)

25,228 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "grass guy" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/26 08:03:03
white car go brrr

25,227 - Ecuador - City N/A 1.9998°S 77.4966°W "Anonymous" from 157.100.075.xxx (host-157-100-75-160.ecua.net.ec) wrote at 2021/05/26 08:01:37
bye white car D:

25,226 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/26 06:37:33
Bazinga babooey

25,225 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "Mr.Grass fan" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/26 06:21:28
mr grass how do you do this stuff daily, like responding to the blog and checking every day.

25,224 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "bob the blob" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/26 06:08:52
good for her

25,223 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/26 00:59:40
Momma Robin lays her 2nd egg (link to real-time video) as she lets out a sigh of relief! ;-)
Do WGG Fans think this might be exciting enough to compete with Watching Grass Grow?

25,222 - United States - Loveland Colorado 40.4236°N 105.0935°W "Grass is great!!" from 073.229.228.xxx (c-73-229-228-9.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/25 19:47:24
That is an LOL

25,221 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/25 13:45:12
Tomorrow i will be watching the bin men come lol

25,220 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "just a grass guy" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/25 12:17:56
grass is lit,grass is life,i've been watching for around 300 hours all around lol

25,219 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 209.056.142.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/25 11:33:33
Last day of school poggy woggy soggy Bobby

25,218 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/25 11:15:59
Minecraft grass

25,217 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6462°N 73.9559°W "Mario!" from 165.155.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/25 10:31:54
mama mia! pizza for you!

25,216 - United States - Romeo Michigan 42.84°N 83.0388°W "just a grass guy" from 064.088.088.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/25 08:12:29
oddly addicting I love this

25,215 - United States - Lowell Indiana 41.284°N 87.4219°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.243.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/25 08:03:51
Das some very noice grass right there

25,214 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/25 07:28:08
Suns out bums out

25,213 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.159.xxx (191-113-159-17.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/25 06:49:43
EL PASTO ESTA CADA DIA MAS HERMOSO pd: larga vida a wgg :D

25,212 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/25 02:56:45
Bin day tomorrow can't wait gonna get my mum to come watch it with me

25,211 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/25 01:38:28
Bin day tmr can't wait !!!!

25,210 - United States - Feasterville Pennsylvania 40.1533°N 74.9937°W "Mike" from 068.080.212.xxx (c-68-80-212-181.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 17:09:12
Mike from PA checking in. I think the diagonal cut would work great!!! Give it a try.....

25,209 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 14:42:01
Mister grass have some among us grass

25,208 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 14:22:56
Where's the bird cam

25,207 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-140.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 11:35:48
How do you access the bird cam?

25,206 - Italy - Albano Laziale Rome 41.7275°N 12.659°E "Anonymous" from 005.095.018.xxx (net-5-95-18-28.cust.vodafonedsl.it) wrote at 2021/05/24 10:59:35

25,205 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 174.128.182.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/24 10:16:32

25,204 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.125°N 80.267°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.000.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/24 10:01:19

25,203 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 09:19:40
I was gonna say that!

25,202 - United States - Califon New Jersey 40.7162°N 74.8152°W "Anonymous" from 096.057.181.xxx (ool-6039b5aa.static.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/05/24 08:00:03
My gosh, what a beautiful lime green today with this lighting.

25,201 - Singapore - Singapore 1.2929°N 103.8547°E "skdksojsjedjks" from 058.182.064.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/24 07:39:19

25,200 - United States - Columbus Ohio 40.0946°N 83.0118°W "pogchamp" from 192.052.109.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/24 07:34:22
uh I think the grass cam is frozen...

25,199 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.159.xxx (191-113-159-17.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/24 06:38:03
Sr. Grass el pasto esta hermoso :D

25,198 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh 55.951°N 3.1972°W "Mario Gee :)" from 046.226.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/24 06:37:18
Love the part when the grass grew! ;)

25,197 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/23 18:11:54
I've genuinely never been on when a car has been parked, this is wild.

25,196 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/23 14:01:05
Are you gonna restart watching paint dry?
Mr. Grass replies at 14:39 - We don't have any plans to paint ... although our garage door will be replaced in a month or so ... so maybe Garage-Door Cam?!? ;-)

25,195 - United Kingdom - Kettering Northamptonshire 52.3984°N 0.7257°W "Anonymous" from 082.041.235.xxx (maid-09-b2-v4wan-162663-cust383.vm41.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/23 13:51:02
I see 2 bikes riding lol

25,194 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-140.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/23 09:51:36
Just graduated high school

25,193 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 14:48:50
I was just in time for the mowing how do i view the bird cam?
Mr. Grass replies at 16:03 - The Bird-Cam is currently NSFW ... ;-)
robin mating

25,192 - United Kingdom - Redhill Surrey 51.2337°N 0.2131°W "Anonymous" from 086.025.130.xxx (cpc118544-reig6-2-0-cust569.6-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 13:56:17
beautiful grass matey

25,191 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/21 13:31:42
For those that missed the lawn mowing, I've got a triple feature for 'ya.
Video #1 is the "standard" time-lapse as captured by the webcam.
Video #2 is REAL-TIME that also includes play-by-play AUDIO from Mr. Grass himself! ;-)
Video #3 is the recently installed BirdCam ... stay tuned on that one ... ;-)

25,190 - United States - Owatonna Minnesota 44.0794°N 93.2188°W "Anonymous" from 066.188.185.xxx (066-188-185-117.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/21 12:58:35

25,189 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.194.xxx (mobile-107-77-194-166.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 11:55:59
Mowing in 5?

25,188 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 11:44:31
I missed the mowing again! It keeps on happening to me...

25,187 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 11:30:22
Just watched the mowing! it made my day

25,186 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Roger Roger" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 11:27:20

25,185 - United Kingdom - Steyning West Sussex 50.9288°N 0.3274°W "LOL" from 092.026.164.xxx (host-92-26-164-226.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 10:40:51
I am excited for the mowing!!!!!!

25,184 - United States - Westminster Maryland 39.5693°N 76.9869°W "Anonymous" from 167.102.157.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 10:09:39
I love grass

25,183 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "isplayed Publically" from 189.058.075.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/21 10:07:18
126172902 i love grass

25,182 - United States - Lakeville Minnesota 44.6707°N 93.2588°W "golum" from 068.117.048.xxx (068-117-048-243.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/21 09:48:28
my precious

25,181 - United States - Rochester Minnesota 44.0484°N 92.4948°W "@AerialR6 on twitter" from 066.191.131.xxx (066-191-131-228.biz.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/21 09:42:51
everett u succ

25,180 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "GRAss" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/21 09:22:41
I see the mower, when are you gonna mow Mr.Grass if you havent already?
Mr. Grass replies at 09:52 - Probably about Noon. I tried something new this morning as I wore a portable microphone and synced it to the webcam real-time video - WOOT! ;-)

25,179 - United States - Chicago Illinois 41.9928°N 87.8054°W "Kevin" from 071.201.120.xxx (c-71-201-120-17.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/21 09:12:46
HI LANA! Will this be the best grass mowing? We'll see TBD

25,178 - United States - Auburn Indiana 41.3569°N 85.0497°W "Anonymous" from 208.080.028.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 08:59:03
About to mow the grass. I am prepared

25,177 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Chris" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/21 08:03:03
Man with dog walks past 6:01

25,176 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/21 05:52:17
Mr Grass how old was the old cable? It looks to be at least 3 years

25,175 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "ivan eggbar" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 05:29:31
i am ivan foocing egg bar

25,174 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "eee" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 05:23:50
leave me be

25,173 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "Hotc***007" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 05:18:34
wa**up me man blob

25,172 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "Bob" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/21 05:17:17
Hello there

25,171 - United States - Lexington South Carolina 33.9739°N 81.2345°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 15:43:53
the big ol grass. Yeet

25,170 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "poop" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 14:14:11
Mahewwwww is poopy

25,169 - United Kingdom - Manchester 53.4809°N 2.2374°W "Mr, Grass" from 082.029.224.xxx (cpc109019-salf6-2-0-cust32.10-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 14:07:03
I love grass

25,168 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "poop" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 14:03:22
I pooped my pnts

25,167 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 13:42:29
At this rate we should be looking at crossing the 3000 comment threshold for this year!!! Of course, quality is preferred

25,166 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 13:38:41
Thanks Mr. Grass!!!!!!

25,165 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "GRAss" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/20 13:25:33
The most satisfying thing is when a cloud covers the sun and the grass goes threw like 10 different shades of green

25,164 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 13:25:16
badgy button

25,163 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/20 11:03:48
FYI that I just replaced the Ethernet Cable that went to the Grass Cam - it was really rusted - amazed it even worked. So now you can Watch Grass Grow even ... faster! ;-)

25,162 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 10:11:55
Too green for me..................

25,161 - United States - Califon New Jersey 40.7162°N 74.8152°W "Anonymous" from 096.057.181.xxx (ool-6039b5aa.static.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 08:24:47
Very green!

25,160 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "Mr Grass's team" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 07:15:25
As we all know, watching grass grow has been aired on Google since 2006. Our last extremely lucky year was in 2018, but however since the start of February we have gotten a lot more people to watch. Most of our views come from the grass cutting, their is a lot more then that to see. If your lucky you can see foxes, wolves, and some random curious dog, and if your even lucky enough you will see Mr Grass leaving, which is a great treat. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all the support

25,159 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 07:09:23
System Update: Please do not spam on 'Watch Grass Grow'. By preventing spamming, you will be able to see more of Mr Grass's important messages that his team forgot to pin. Please use this resource responsibly and respectfully. Your truly, Mr Grass and his team.

25,158 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/20 07:03:17
System update:All users name which include of annoynmus, lover, or any other silly names. You will be forever BANNED from watching "watch grass grow". Please only use your birth name. You will be banned with the start of July. Please use your birth given name, please and thank you, from yours truly. Mr Grass's team.

25,157 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/20 04:21:36
I love this

25,156 - United Kingdom - Congleton Cheshire East 53.1511°N 2.2316°W "J-Dawg X!" from 087.242.209.xxx (host-87-242-209-130.static.onetel.net.uk) wrote at 2021/05/20 04:05:40
Yo yo yo, what's hippidy-hoppiting with the stickity-stockiting? This is a cool article dude, totally way out man, like wow!

25,155 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.020.xxx (ens224.proxy123.sn.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/05/20 03:49:28
there is a virus that on my computer that sent me here

25,154 - United States - Murrieta California 33.5674°N 117.1758°W "Anonymous" from 075.083.104.xxx (cpe-75-83-104-151.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/05/20 00:28:17
big fan of the grass

25,153 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/19 18:13:52
I found a rat 5/5 stars

25,152 - Ecuador - City N/A 1.9998°S 77.4966°W "Anonymous" from 157.100.075.xxx (host-157-100-75-160.ecua.net.ec) wrote at 2021/05/19 15:31:58
Follow ralsei_sexy_fluffy_boy in Rule 34 Paheal ;)

25,151 - Canada - Mississauga Ontario 43.5873°N 79.614°W "Oz" from 192.000.169.xxx (192-0-169-67.cpe.teksavvy.com) wrote at 2021/05/19 14:11:28
omg I saw a dog walk by! epic! :D

25,150 - United States - Traverse City Michigan 44.8155°N 85.5803°W "Anonymous" from 068.188.158.xxx (068-188-158-143.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/19 14:03:37
i love grass!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!!!!!!1

25,149 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 13:00:27
im back peeps

25,148 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:54:46
You're a poopy head

25,147 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:47:39
krobin ur sussy baka stop being susys baka

25,146 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:41:33
hello justane how do you know that im watching u

25,145 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:35:59
hii korban ____________

25,144 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:30:49
dont be sussy baka

25,143 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:22:06
This website is temporarily called watching bins getting bored;-)

25,142 - United States - Olive Branch Mississippi 34.9441°N 89.8544°W "Anonymous" from 076.008.237.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:21:58
im bored so i agree

25,141 - Canada - Aurora Ontario 43.9982°N 79.4625°W "Anonymous" from 099.254.123.xxx (cpef81d0f8ba1e3-cmf81d0f8ba1e0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/05/19 12:00:32
This is poggers

25,140 - United Kingdom - Redhill Surrey 51.2337°N 0.2131°W "Anonymous" from 086.025.130.xxx (cpc118544-reig6-2-0-cust569.6-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/19 11:26:14
when are the bin men coming
Mr. Grass replies at 14:01 - Recycle and Trash was picked up not long after you asked ... ;-)
recycle pickup

trash pickup

25,139 - United States - Lakewood California 33.8474°N 118.1158°W "Anonymous" from 172.113.157.xxx (cpe-172-113-157-33.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/05/19 11:01:05
This is better than watching paint dry!

25,138 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 087.080.093.xxx (57505d61.skybroadband.com) wrote at 2021/05/19 10:13:34
i love grass so much i once ingested a whole bag of it i love grass so much GRASS this website keeps me alive otherwise i would off my self from grasslover Swanepoel

25,137 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Average Grass Enjoyer" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 10:09:05
The most entertaining thing I have every watched.

25,136 - United States - Califon New Jersey 40.7162°N 74.8152°W "Anonymous" from 096.057.181.xxx (ool-6039b5aa.static.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/05/19 10:00:06
Truly glorious

25,135 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.149.xxx (191-113-149-12.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/19 08:36:08
con esta vista hermosa quien quiere una vista de playa :D esta Hermoso el pasto

25,134 - United States - Independence Missouri 39.1146°N 94.3519°W "Anonymous" from 204.185.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 08:20:09
dang bro this is very bruh

25,133 - United Kingdom - Hatfield Hertfordshire 51.7639°N 0.2236°W "rah rah" from 217.180.033.xxx (ens224.nosslfilter.proxy10.th1.hfl.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/05/19 07:44:59
mr yarney stinks

25,132 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/19 06:36:05
Hello from Chris

25,131 - Australia - Woodside South Australia 34.9521°S 138.8848°E "Alex" from 058.170.248.xxx (cpe-58-170-248-87.bpw7-r-961.way.sa.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2021/05/19 04:47:16
4:46:40 a car drove past

25,130 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "GSA from derby" from 194.081.019.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/19 04:29:02
Hello GSA students

25,129 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Anonymous" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/19 02:56:20
Cant wait for 7.45 ____________

25,128 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 193.117.251.xxx (193-117-251-178.virtual1.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/19 02:51:59

25,127 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/19 00:22:10
.... . .-.. .-.. --- / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / .. - / .. ... / -- . / .-.. --- .-.. / .. / .-.. .. -.- . / .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. / --. .-. .- ... ... / --. .-. --- .-- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-

25,126 - Australia - Carrum Downs Victoria 38.0698°S 145.1753°E "Alex" from 139.130.121.xxx (dep3235936.lnk.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/05/18 23:07:15
Grass grow is fun

25,125 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.149.xxx (191-113-149-12.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/18 18:21:38
el pasto esta hermoso :D larga vida a wgg

25,124 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "watch watch watch watch" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/18 14:17:32
To: Ocean man, the comment just says "can anyone read this secret comment". i was dissapointed as well..

25,123 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/18 11:56:48
Yes! and i just saw Mr. Grass with a bin!

25,122 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/05/18 11:03:30
the morse code comment says can anyone read this seacret cooment

25,121 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/18 10:57:05
-.-. .- -. / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / .-. . .- -.. / - .... .. ... / ... . -.-. .-. . - / -.-. --- -- -- . -. - ..--..

25,120 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "EDUARDO" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/18 10:52:48

25,119 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Anonymous" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 10:04:53
Happy birthday Rook! (;

25,118 - Chile - Paine Santiago Metropolitan 33.8167°S 70.75°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.175.xxx (191-113-175-28.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/18 10:00:09
no se si es una conejo o una ardilla pero esta en el pasto y se ve muy tiern@

25,117 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Roger Roger" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:45:32
help it thinks me and my friends are the same person i have to wait after they type.

25,116 - United States - Mineral Point Missouri 37.9156°N 90.7193°W "Rook" from 204.184.008.xxx (trojans.potosir3.org) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:44:32
My birthday is on Sunday guys! The big 18.

25,115 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Joseph Mother II" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:37:35
I saw a squirrel!

25,114 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "mr grass jr" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:23:12
I love you mr grass

25,113 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Joseph Mother II" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:17:55
Unpopular Opinion: TheInfant is better than DaBaby

25,112 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.2532°N 84.3877°W "Patrick" from 198.110.115.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 09:01:08
school third hour: study skills. Its an experience we dont have much work rn. I suppose it is only the smart choice to do what a real man does when bored... watch grass grow. its an experience sarcastic humor, Humor most people dont get. I watch grass because I have nothing else to do exactly but its nice its chill its boring and sometimes thats ok. one of those years ya know. its not really about having something to do its just about finding your zen ya know. maybe the whole world should just watch grass grow sometimes. obviously not at once though I doubt my man has a server grid to hold the traffic.

25,111 - United States - Rogers Arkansas 36.317°N 94.1568°W "david" from 066.204.004.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 08:43:03
school second hour

25,110 - United States - Lowell Indiana 41.284°N 87.4219°W "Joseph Mother" from 165.138.243.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 08:42:16
Same as Canada Student

25,109 - Canada - Levis Quebec 46.8049°N 71.1755°W "Canada student" from 142.112.031.xxx (ipagstaticip-f0987d5c-230b-045a-9f4d-4d99a9f18067.sdsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2021/05/18 08:10:25
I'm at school waiting for time to pass by.

25,108 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Tom" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/18 07:05:59
Saw lots of porch lights turn on in the morning when squirrels ran by. Very intuiging.

25,107 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "Sleggs" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 07:02:07
I was watching around 3 ish am and a fox came out very cute may is say

25,106 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "dababy" from 169.244.037.xxx (gw.rsu1.org) wrote at 2021/05/18 06:30:56
nice grass my g

25,105 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/18 06:03:32
The grass looks very green and nice

25,104 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/18 03:36:35
Due to some unfortunate circumstances, we are unable to continue with Watching Grass Grow. It will be took off the Internet completely on, June 1st, 2021 at 6:00 Am. We are so sorry for this grass breaking news.

25,103 - United States - Feasterville Pennsylvania 40.1533°N 74.9937°W "Anonymous" from 068.080.212.xxx (c-68-80-212-181.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 18:33:28
How about a diagonal cut for the next grass cutting...

25,102 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.146.xxx (191-113-146-230.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/17 18:12:23
que bacan, paso una persona en bicicleta y con lluvia espero que no se resfr______e ...

25,101 - United States - Freeport Maine 43.8576°N 70.1044°W "anonymous" from 073.143.074.xxx (c-73-143-74-131.hsd1.me.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 12:37:41
Nice vid mr grass!

25,100 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/17 12:32:54
For those saying they missed the fox and/or lawn mowing, scroll down for time-lapse video of the action!

25,099 - United States - Freeport Maine 43.8576°N 70.1044°W "kill me" from 073.143.074.xxx (c-73-143-74-131.hsd1.me.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 12:25:49
dope reddit poggers tpose momment 69

25,098 - United States - Oswego Illinois 41.6837°N 88.3499°W "Anonymous" from 107.001.119.xxx (107-1-119-254-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 11:49:41
id rather listen to juice wrld than this

25,097 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/17 11:46:58
this is just why?

25,096 - United States - New Braunfels Texas 29.7565°N 98.1983°W "CARLOS DE LA GARZA" from 104.153.241.xxx (nat-065.nbisd.txed.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 11:35:38
I lost my last brain sell on here

25,095 - United States - Valencia California 34.4463°N 118.5356°W "s****eesh" from 172.014.254.xxx (172-14-254-35.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 10:30:13
I saw a biker WOOOOOOOOO

25,094 - United States - Valencia California 34.4463°N 118.5356°W "Anonymous" from 172.014.254.xxx (172-14-254-35.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 10:24:46
Mr. Grass, do your neighbors know that you have an almighty grass watching camera on your house?

25,093 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Anonymous" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/17 10:16:43
How long has it been since you mowed your roof?

25,092 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.146.xxx (191-113-146-230.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/17 10:02:17
que lindo dia hay en wgg (me encantan los d______as nublados) Sn. Grass tengo una duda por qu______ aveces lo veo salir con una c______mara ? :)

25,091 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "jhdj" from 169.244.037.xxx (gw.rsu1.org) wrote at 2021/05/17 10:00:38
wow cad and chas u guys r webs

25,090 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "wabbbbo" from 169.244.037.xxx (gw.rsu1.org) wrote at 2021/05/17 09:55:24

25,089 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 09:44:18
I missed it to.

25,088 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/17 09:25:23
Awww man i missed the fox

25,087 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Joseph Mother II" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/17 09:13:14
Im very upset, I missed the friday lawn mowing.

25,086 - Mexico - City N/A 19.4371°N 99.0111°W "Gallo" from 187.190.179.xxx (fixed-187-190-179-179.totalplay.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 08:22:52
Fantastic live

25,085 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/05/17 07:20:06
this is grate thats really some good grass

25,084 - United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.1915°N 0.8986°W "isobel" from 212.219.063.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/17 04:22:06
fantastic view. love the stuff ___3

25,083 - Spain - Pamplona Navarre 42.8158°N 1.6404°W "Erricherx" from 176.012.082.xxx (iesplaza.red.educacion.navarra.es) wrote at 2021/05/17 04:20:33
pino es popo

25,082 - United States - Mesa Arizona 33.3825°N 111.875°W "Anonymous" from 174.074.170.xxx (ip174-74-170-115.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/17 00:44:49
Love the hippo

25,081 - United States - Lowell Indiana 41.284°N 87.4219°W "Anonymous" from 165.138.243.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/16 19:03:11
There was a bunny Im satisfied

25,080 - Ireland - Dublin Leinster 53.3338°N 6.2488°W "Anonymous" from 080.233.034.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/16 16:47:08
hello dog walking guy

25,079 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "MR OBAMA" from 054.037.018.xxx (136.ip-54-37-18.eu) wrote at 2021/05/16 16:22:14
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

25,078 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/16 12:32:09
Hi Mr Grass I really like the fox in the front yard video:-)

25,077 - Venezuela - Caracas Distrito Federal 10.5048°N 66.9208°W "jankenm***" from 186.185.115.xxx (186-185-115-75.genericrev.telcel.net.ve) wrote at 2021/05/16 12:11:33
i love you mr grass

25,076 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/15 10:50:11
The fox has an extended visit in the front yard this morning. Notice how it looks back (and returns) several times - I suspect the youngster was still in my back yard. And when my wife went out to get the newspaper (you can't see her when she first came out), the fox had a bit of a face-off with her (that the neighbor across the street later told me they saw and was WOOOOOO) ... so she gave it their space.

25,075 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/15 10:31:25
For those that missed the 2nd lawn mowing yesterday ... ;-)

25,074 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/15 00:39:22
Same grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass

25,073 - United States - Tewksbury Massachusetts 42.6028°N 71.2319°W "obamette" from 108.049.245.xxx (pool-108-49-245-193.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 20:16:23
i hope this website never goes down

25,072 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 14:51:13
Thanks for the detail photo of your lawn hippo, Mr G! Hehe! You should get some "fish in the garden" to keep him company.

25,071 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 200.028.075.xxx (200-28-75-99.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/14 10:21:42
que emocionante verlo cortar el paso esta es mi segunda vez :D

25,070 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 200.028.075.xxx (200-28-75-99.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:53:28
Sr. Grasa porque esta la cortadora de c______sped afuera ?

25,069 - United States - Rogers Arkansas 36.317°N 94.1568°W "thiccaso" from 066.204.004.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:52:58
i wonder what he does with the cut grass

25,068 - United States - Rogers Arkansas 36.317°N 94.1568°W "Anonymous" from 066.204.004.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:41:08
i like turtles alot

25,067 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:37:59
Imagine if someone steals the lawnmower

25,066 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 174.128.182.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:29:15
Sheesh mowing time babyyyyyy

25,065 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Hippo enjoyer" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:28:19
I enjoy concrete hippo

25,064 - United States - Elk Grove Village Illinois 42.0048°N 87.9954°W "caca" from 098.226.210.xxx (c-98-226-210-104.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:25:28
eeeeee boi bro

25,063 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Joseph Mother II" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:14:38
Mr. Grass has been doing this actively for 12 years. He______s not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.

25,062 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:12:48
Mr. Grass what time is the lawn mowing?

25,061 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Anonymous" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/14 09:00:58
Imagine the lawn mower is just a way for him to tease us.

25,060 - United States - City N/A Wisconsin 43.0382°N 87.91°W "Coop" from 166.182.251.xxx (169-251-182-166.mobile.uscc.com) wrote at 2021/05/14 08:42:20
Are you gonna mow??

25,059 - United States - City N/A Wisconsin 43.0382°N 87.91°W "Coop" from 166.182.251.xxx (169-251-182-166.mobile.uscc.com) wrote at 2021/05/14 08:30:52
I think he's gonna mow his lawn

25,058 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/14 08:30:18
Yes, the lawn mower is out ... as the grass grows real fast this time of the year ... plus rain is forecast for the next couple of days. Someone asked what is in front of the rocks - that's a (concrete) hippo! ;-)
hippo webcam

hippo closeup

25,057 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "COOPAH" from 169.244.030.xxx (OHMS-NC-NonStaff.ohchs.sad17.k12.me.us) wrote at 2021/05/14 08:13:04

25,056 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.3371°N 79.9901°W "Anonymous" from 173.013.054.xxx (173-13-54-173-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 08:03:43
Omg I saw a guy walking

25,055 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "Finn" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/14 07:50:07
I am currently watching this distracting myself from my boring Biology lesson on a Friday

25,054 - Sweden - Savedalen Västra Götaland 57.7312°N 12.0699°E "Anonymous" from 194.218.005.xxx (194-218-5-74.customer.telia.com) wrote at 2021/05/14 06:44:09
Love this site!

25,053 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "7" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/14 05:57:24
your mom lol

25,052 - United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.214°N 94.7191°W "Anonymous" from 104.183.106.xxx (104-183-106-125.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/05/14 05:39:08
what is that thing in front of the rocks?

25,051 - United States - Forest Grove Oregon 45.5981°N 123.1818°W "Anonymous" from 050.038.089.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 19:11:52
me waiting for a car to go by o:

25,050 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 200.028.075.xxx (200-28-75-99.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/13 17:59:04
si esa es una muy buena idea :D

25,049 - United States - Baldwin Park California 34.0964°N 117.9682°W "Avoiding Homework" from 047.145.147.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 17:07:28
that would be cool actually... mr.grass can you plant a tree? :D

25,048 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Tonaliz" from 098.149.162.xxx (98-149-162-43.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:49:15
Is there a watching tree grow?

25,047 - United States - Cypress Texas 29.8772°N 95.6938°W "The one and only Silky" from 098.195.023.xxx (c-98-195-23-27.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:48:49
We are the bad thoughts we coming atcha we coming atcha cuz we are the bad thoughts bad thoughts

25,046 - United States - City N/A Georgia 33.7485°N 84.3871°W "leeza" from 107.077.234.xxx (mobile-107-77-234-150.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:43:52
grass is green so why arent cows

25,045 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Tonaliz" from 098.149.162.xxx (98-149-162-43.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:43:43
Why am I here?

25,044 - United States - Baldwin Park California 34.0964°N 117.9682°W "Avoiding Homework" from 047.145.147.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:43:30

25,043 - United States - Cypress Texas 29.8772°N 95.6938°W "The one and only Silky" from 098.195.023.xxx (c-98-195-23-27.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:42:31

25,042 - United States - Baldwin Park California 34.0964°N 117.9682°W "Avoiding Homework" from 047.145.147.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 15:06:19
I'm a big fan of grass go grass woo yeah

25,041 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 12:11:13
I would rather be watching grass grow.....

25,040 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9064°N 93.2406°W "Surfshack Tito" from 205.215.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 11:56:53
super poontang duper

25,039 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 11:34:46
Yeah grass is cool

25,038 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Roger Roger" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 11:22:47
Wow, grass is very cool

25,037 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 200.028.075.xxx (200-28-75-99.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/13 10:51:14
Sr. Grass lo acabo de verlo salir de su casa con una gran c______mara :o

25,036 - United States - Palm Desert California 33.7237°N 116.3803°W "Anonymous" from 173.205.179.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 10:10:16
Mr. Grass, what are those two rocks down on the grass? I've been wondering for so long what they are!!!!!

25,035 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 09:41:32

25,034 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Joseph Mother II" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 09:22:49
Nobody: Mr. Grass: hey guys want to grass

25,033 - United States - Aberdeen South Dakota 45.4636°N 98.4829°W "Anonymous" from 206.176.082.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 08:48:38
I love this

25,032 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 08:20:44
for some reason when i refresh the page some times the webcam goes black :l might just be me.

25,031 - United Kingdom - Derby 52.9453°N 1.4953°W "Reply Skylar" from 194.081.019.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 07:22:08
I'm going to knock out skylar if she keeps acting like this!

25,030 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "maria" from 179.177.123.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 06:59:56
sus essa grama esta muito bonita hoje

25,029 - United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.2738°N 0.4977°E "Sue hodgekinson" from 194.081.238.xxx (hide.schools.kpsn.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 06:58:48
I need someone to plow my lawn if you know what i mean ;)

25,028 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 06:21:01
lets goooooo 25k

25,027 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 06:16:49
I'd rather watch grass grow!

25,026 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/13 05:47:38
wowo the Blog hit 25k comments! i remember gettign the 15k comment back in 2018. go take a look for yourself if you dont believe me

25,025 - United States - Charleston South Carolina 32.8215°N 80.0568°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.165.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 05:16:54
lets goooooooooooooo

25,024 - United Kingdom - Leeds 53.7881°N 1.6008°W "grassus" from 194.083.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 04:36:04
when the grass is sus

25,023 - United Kingdom - Leeds 53.7881°N 1.6008°W "Anonymous" from 194.083.175.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/13 04:23:08
amogus sus

25,022 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/13 01:45:42

25,021 - United States - Chico California 39.7458°N 121.8444°W "Anonymous" from 073.185.035.xxx (c-73-185-35-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 23:58:54
this is the best website EVER

25,020 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-140.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 21:43:53
This is the most comments we have ever had in a day in a very long time!

25,019 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-238.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/12 18:06:36
Sr. Gras tengo una duda, usted riega con aspersor o manguera y cada cuenta riega es una pregunta que he me hecho todo el tiempo :)

25,018 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Skylars biggest hater" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 17:52:46
hello world

25,017 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-238.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/12 17:30:35
la hierba se ve muy hermosa :D

25,016 - United Kingdom - Long Eaton Derbyshire 52.9°N 1.2667°W "skylars biggest hater" from 086.005.054.xxx (cpc144476-stap13-2-0-cust84.12-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 17:08:33
Have we got a problem here?

25,015 - United Kingdom - Long Eaton Derbyshire 52.9°N 1.2667°W "Anonymous" from 086.005.054.xxx (cpc144476-stap13-2-0-cust84.12-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 17:02:12
are you piping up skylar?

25,014 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-140.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 16:52:22
Mr. Grass. I have a question. Are you gonna delete some of the comments that kinda inflated the total comment count?
Mr. Grass replies at 22:01 - It was pretty chaotic ... but we got to the 25,000th comment ... so I think best to just leave things as-is.

25,013 - United Kingdom - Preston Lancashire 53.9027°N 2.8036°W "strikel." from 090.202.174.xxx (5acaaec2.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2021/05/12 16:09:34
death grips is watching grass grow music

25,012 - United Kingdom - Long Eaton Derbyshire 52.9°N 1.2667°W "Anonymous" from 086.005.054.xxx (cpc144476-stap13-2-0-cust84.12-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 15:33:00
Mr Grass who is it?

25,011 - United Kingdom - Long Eaton Derbyshire 52.9°N 1.2667°W "ur mum" from 086.005.054.xxx (cpc144476-stap13-2-0-cust84.12-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 15:27:26
Whose Candice?

25,010 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 15:13:04
IM LATE aww man well i least im 25,009

25,009 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "acontecimentos do site" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 15:12:47
______ mentira ninguem passou por aqui

25,008 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "acontecimentos do site" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 15:09:51
pessoa pasa e da tcahu para a camera

25,007 - United States - Windsor Colorado 40.4837°N 104.8994°W "Skylar #25,007" from 064.124.121.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 14:53:43
Thanks to class, I'm now 7 comments late.

25,006 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "rhiannon" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:49:11
i agree! ngl it took a long time to get to 25k but it was kind worth it. because that is 25k comments!

25,005 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/12 14:39:27
So much for Quality over Quantity ... glad that frenzy is over! ;-)

25,004 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MR GRASS fan" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 14:37:57
sorry,mr grass.

25,003 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 14:32:48
eu nao acho que e o melhor site de 2021 eu acho que e o melhor do mundo

25,002 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MR GRASS fan" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 14:31:59
24,989 - "MR GRASS fan" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:40:06 we like your site so much that we're looking for your home 24,988 - "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:38:45 eu sou o 24.988 comentario 24,987 - "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:36:28 So close to 25,000th comment 24,986 - "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:23:39 o SR grama ______ um genio amogus

25,001 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:27:29
oof i wanted the 24999 comment :(

25,000 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:26:24

24,999 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:25:18
. Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 3 times in the last 24 hours, 15 in the last week, 23 in the last month, and 23 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please ...

24,998 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:22:23
can i be the 24999 comment?

24,997 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:21:13
(Plays End Game music)

24,996 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:17:38
Soooooooooo close!!!!!!!!!!!

24,995 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:17:10
.Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 3 times in the last 24 hours, 16 in the last week, 43 in the last month, and 43 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please ...

24,994 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:11:49

24,993 - United States - Windsor Colorado 40.4837°N 104.8994°W "Skylar #24,993" from 064.124.121.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 14:09:33
Quality over quantity please!

24,992 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 14:06:44
Mr.Grass when we get costume icons and merch

24,991 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:54:19

24,990 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:44:18
best site of 2021.

24,989 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MR GRASS fan" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:40:06
we like your site so much that we're looking for your home

24,988 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:38:45
eu sou o 24.988 comentario

24,987 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:36:28
So close to 25,000th comment

24,986 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:23:39
o SR grama ______ um genio amogus

24,985 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:14:57
I can hear the grass grow...........

24,984 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "aspen" from 138.043.099.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 13:02:27
i think i can see it growing

24,983 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 13:01:36

24,982 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "MARCELO" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 12:59:33

24,981 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 12:55:26
The bins are back!

24,980 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "chug jug" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.173.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/05/12 12:55:23
just wiped out tomato town

24,979 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "chug jug with you" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 12:24:31
(Get down)Ten kills on the board right now

24,978 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "chug jug" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 12:20:43
yeah, fortnite we about to get down

24,977 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 12:19:02
Victory royale

24,976 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "chug jug with you" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 12:15:05
We Gota number one

24,975 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "eu so muito sus comi sua grama ein" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 12:06:56
eu sou muito sus e quem ta lendo isso ______ o impostor e eu comi a grama de que ta lendo

24,974 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "yummy" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 12:01:08
eu amo grama

24,973 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 11:59:20
Mr.Grass when we get costume icons and merch

24,972 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-238.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/12 11:43:59
Sr. Gras tengo una duda, usted riega con aspersor o manguera y cada cuenta riega es una pregunta que he me hecho todo el tiempo :)

24,971 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 11:41:04
arthur vc ______ muito sus cara

24,970 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "A" from 179.182.246.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 11:38:59
o cara de cima ______ sus

24,969 - Brazil - Foz do Iguaçu Parana 25.4317°S 54.4559°W "Anonymous" from 189.058.089.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 11:35:42
amogus_________ _________ _________

24,968 - South Africa - Johannesburg Gauteng 26.2309°S 28.0583°E "SpaceFish" from 102.065.108.xxx (102-65-108-223.ftth.web.africa) wrote at 2021/05/12 11:15:16
Watch the grass just catch fire and never grow again :)

24,967 - South Africa - Johannesburg Gauteng 26.2309°S 28.0583°E "Anonymous" from 102.065.108.xxx (102-65-108-223.ftth.web.africa) wrote at 2021/05/12 11:09:54
Most interesting web show I have ever seen

24,966 - United States - Aberdeen South Dakota 45.4636°N 98.4829°W "Anonymous" from 206.176.082.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 09:29:01
This is so fun

24,965 - United States - Aberdeen South Dakota 45.4636°N 98.4829°W "Anonymous" from 206.176.082.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 09:21:43
I think it just grew an inch!

24,964 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 09:19:37
You will not be the 25,000 commenter skylar

24,963 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:57:32
I remember when i started watching the grass grow in November 2017. its amazing how in less than 4 years weve gotten over 10000 comments

24,962 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:55:05
10/10 grass

24,961 - United States - Windsor Colorado 40.4837°N 104.8994°W "Skylar #24,961" from 064.124.121.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/12 08:54:13
You will all fail! I will be the 25,000th commenter!

24,960 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:43:46
We are almost to 25,000 comment

24,959 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:30:08
this is the last 24k comment.

24,958 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:20:23
Indeed, long live WGG. BTW, would you ever do merch Mr.Grass for your websie?

24,957 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-238.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:13:40
la hierba se podo hace poco y siento que a crecido muy veloz supongo que es una hierba muy querida :D ( ESTE ES EL MEJOR SITIO WEB ) larga vida a wgg

24,956 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/12 08:11:10
THe lawn looks so green with the sunlight hitting it the way it does right now.

24,955 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.9538°N 1.1571°W "Anonymous" from 213.205.192.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:39:51
Hi Mr.Grass

24,954 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:39:37
The grass is looking velvety this morning. NICE!

24,953 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:35:59
Sworry Mr grass uWu

24,952 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/12 07:34:02
A reminder to those doing repetitive blog posts (especially to reach #25,000) that when it comes to Grass, quality is better than quantity ... so I "pulled" some of the "weedy" comments ... ;-)

24,951 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Joe Mama" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:27:24
Calm down mr Phoenix Arizona

24,950 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.491°N 112.2491°W "Not Anonymous" from 174.074.203.xxx (ip174-74-203-62.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:20:08
All these UK comments came from one person

24,949 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 07:10:07
25k soon maybe today?

24,948 - Denmark - Norresundby North Denmark 57.0488°N 9.935°E "Grassy b****" from 194.239.103.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/12 03:20:03
Much grass

24,947 - Italy - Rovereto Province of Trente 45.8904°N 11.0405°E "Giulione Micheletti" from 079.017.104.xxx (host-79-17-104-91.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/05/12 02:30:40
this is the pinnacle of life, it only gets worse from here

24,946 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/11 19:05:02

24,945 - United States - Jonesborough Tennessee 36.291°N 82.5001°W "Anonymous" from 068.046.248.xxx (c-68-46-248-51.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 18:44:56
big poggers

24,944 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/11 18:01:28

24,943 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 17:14:35

24,942 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 14:31:38
So who is going the 25,000 commenter

24,941 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 14:09:55
Yesssssssss one of my favourite websites.

24,940 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "25k comments is coming close!" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 13:56:28
hello there all users. we are very close to getting 25k comments in total on the Grass Blog! keep up the good work on Chatting on the Grass blog! lets see how long it will take for us to get 25k comments!

24,939 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 13:46:01
wow the snow is already gone now

24,938 - United States - Hudson Iowa 42.3905°N 92.4549°W "Anonymous" from 140.082.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 13:45:19
Average Flower fan vs average Grass enjoyer

24,937 - United States - Lowell Indiana 41.284°N 87.4219°W "Green Man" from 165.138.243.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 13:16:01
Much Grass

24,936 - Slovakia - KoÅ¡ice Kosice 48.7771°N 21.2116°E "grass enjoyer" from 088.212.037.xxx (nat-88-212-37-26.antik.sk) wrote at 2021/05/11 12:24:52
i love grass. very grass.

24,935 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Uhhh" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:51:55
Here you can see what others have said about ... uhhhh ... Watching Grass Grow and toss in your two cents for everyone to see. People all over the world enjoy it as you can see from the country flags below ... mouse-over 'em for more info. You are limited to 1000 characters (no HTML) and pls keep it

24,934 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:44:51
--. --- --- -.. / -... -.-- . / ... -. --- .--

24,933 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Agent P" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:31:30
Hands down the best website of all time.

24,932 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Roger Roger" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:25:31
This website is poggers

24,931 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:22:37
Does anyone in his neighborhood know he just recording his grass

24,930 - United States - Vancouver Washington 45.6378°N 122.5239°W "Anonymous" from 169.204.230.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 11:18:17
I just saw the ups truck lol

24,929 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 10:43:57
Yay the snow is gone

24,928 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 10:43:51
.-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. / --. .-. .- ... ... / --. .-. --- .-- / --. .-. .- ... ... / --. .-. .- ... ...

24,927 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 09:50:38
this is no longer my streak lol XD so this is how much i have. Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 1 times in the last 24 hours, 11 in the last week, 38 in the last month, and 38 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please ...

24,926 - United States - Pensacola Florida 30.4594°N 87.2075°W "grass kid" from 098.174.040.xxx (wsip-98-174-40-2.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 09:38:20
100000000000000 dollars for the grassy flip flops

24,925 - United States - Milwaukee Wisconsin 42.9778°N 87.891°W "pay your taxes" from 075.011.024.xxx (75-11-24-35.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 06:05:40
hlooyl crAp1!1!1!1111!!!!1 its snow ing!!111

24,924 - Italy - Marrara Provincia di Ferrara 44.7233°N 11.686°E "Anonymous" from 151.036.000.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/11 03:56:57
omg it is nowing

24,923 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/11 00:11:20
Now it is watching snow melt!

24,922 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 22:19:17
woah, that grass is white

24,921 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 22:15:35
Snow - this place will take over Buffalo's reputation.

24,920 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.491°N 112.2491°W "Not Anonymous" from 174.074.203.xxx (ip174-74-203-62.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 21:04:12
Yay 24,920

24,919 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "no" from 138.043.098.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 20:20:46
im live on twitch

24,918 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 20:03:59
espero que a la hierba no le cueste mucho recuperarse de ese hielo :v

24,917 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 19:14:25
nieve admitelo ya es primivarea la hierba necesita agua NO HIELO

24,916 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "snow hater" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 18:54:55

24,915 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 18:24:11
la hierba empieza a congelarse... no por favor no ha estado muy linda

24,914 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 15:46:48
Your opinion is true

24,913 - United States - Owatonna Minnesota 44.0794°N 93.2188°W "Anonymous" from 206.009.208.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 15:09:04
Grass is nice

24,912 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Not Anonymous" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 15:02:51
Plz keep the numbers even Anonymous

24,911 - Italy - Pozzonovo Padua 45.1963°N 11.7917°E "Anonymous" from 079.051.047.xxx (host-79-51-47-47.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/05/10 14:31:43
let's go boys

24,910 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "Groot" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 14:16:29
Groot likes watching grass

24,909 - United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.3349°N 111.817°W "lol" from 072.214.231.xxx (wsip-72-214-231-250.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 14:10:36
I am watching grass during school class

24,908 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 13:05:02
Hi Mr. Grass when will be the next lawn mowing?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:08 - Probably Thursday or Friday - the grass is really growing with all this wet weather!

24,907 - United States - Saint Cloud Minnesota 45.5722°N 94.2042°W "Grass Seedling" from 209.237.123.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 12:18:35
Grass Grass GRASS! Wow the grass was cut, Time to watch it grow up and for Mr. Grass to kill the grass children :(

24,906 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 11:31:56
cosas que me enseo esta hermosa pagina la pazienzia te lleva al exito. a veces el lag es algo que no podemos evitar. las cmaras de seguridad no solo son para seguridad. una simple pagina te puede distraer de tu colegio (pd: es no es muy bueno mientras que escribo esto estoy en clase de lenguaje :v) conclusion ... VIDA ETERNA A WGG :D

24,905 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 11:24:43
me acuerdo la primera vez que vi pasar un auto era de noche y era un auto un poco pequeo no y luces rojas atrs, me emocione tanto :') xd entro a este sitio web desde noviembre de 2020 se volvi mi favorito con el tiempo supongo que soy una fan de wgg :D

24,904 - Poland - Warsaw Mazovia 52.163°N 21.0674°E "Why am i here?" from 089.070.049.xxx (89-70-49-55.dynamic.chello.pl) wrote at 2021/05/10 11:13:36
I'm not disappointed, it's more intersting that watching LoL championship live! Thanks anyone that recommended me this site!

24,903 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 09:04:06
el Sr. Gras en primavera y lloviendo y aca en chile en oto______o y con calor :v

24,902 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 08:57:46
falta muy poco para llegar a los 25.000 comentarios :D

24,901 - United States - Windsor Colorado 40.4837°N 104.8994°W "Skylar #24,901" from 064.124.121.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/10 08:46:17
I will be the 25,000th comment! 99 comments remain!

24,900 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh 55.951°N 3.1972°W "Mario Gee" from 046.226.002.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 06:58:43
Pog grass my man!

24,899 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.158.xxx (191-113-158-183.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/10 06:23:07
estoy acostumbrada a entrar a este sitio web todas las semanas y el s______bado no entre y siento que no entro hace semanas :v (pd: este es el mejor sitio web :D )

24,898 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "Anonymous" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/10 06:01:19
greetin from business class

24,897 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.173.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/05/10 02:02:33
and i thought me posting 3 in a week was a lot

24,896 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/10 00:15:25
Mine is: Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 1 times in the last 24 hours, 10 in the last week, 14 in the last month, and 14 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please ...

24,895 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/09 16:07:18
.Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 2 times in the last 24 hours, 9 in the last week, 36 in the last month, and 36 so far this year. Remember, quality over quantity please ...
Mr. Grass replies at 16:39 - I think the blogging software is trying to tell 'ya someting ... ;-)

24,894 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "DABABY???" from 054.037.073.xxx (125.ip-54-37-73.eu) wrote at 2021/05/09 15:49:35

24,893 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/09 10:22:48
i love how I typed chicken and it said that it was inappropriate XD

24,892 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/09 09:24:34
This website never gets old.

24,891 - Belgium - Roeselare West Flanders Province 50.9475°N 3.1205°E "charz" from 178.118.089.xxx (178-118-89-218.access.telenet.be) wrote at 2021/05/08 23:08:40

24,890 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/08 16:45:05

24,889 - United States - Wamego Kansas 39.21°N 96.3153°W "Paul" from 068.171.184.xxx (68-171-184-231.wtcks.net) wrote at 2021/05/08 14:53:03
Ssshhhhh. Be vewy vewy quiet... I see a wabbit...

24,888 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/08 14:48:37

24,887 - Kuwait - City N/A 29.3375°N 47.6581°E "ththrthrtth" from 031.214.055.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/08 06:34:07
i love grass with f*jdfgoierjgenroia;

24,886 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/08 05:53:04
Good morning grassssssssssssssss

24,885 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 21:27:15
goodnight XP

24,884 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 19:19:07
unos humanos jugando enfrente de la casa del Sr. Grass... mas les vale no tocar el pasto :)

24,883 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 19:10:06
Sr. Grass es mi idea o fue con una camara ?

24,882 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 18:16:35

24,881 - United States - Naperville Illinois 41.7688°N 88.1425°W "Anonymous" from 073.073.115.xxx (c-73-73-115-209.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 17:06:00
nice grass

24,880 - United States - Tucson Arizona 32.3039°N 110.8368°W "A grass connoisseur" from 066.210.005.xxx (wsip-66-210-5-136.tc.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 16:12:01
Woah, this is grassy alright

24,879 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 16:09:05

24,878 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.173.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/05/07 14:50:06
cam is dead again :(
Mr. Grass replies at 15:17 - Yea, sorry it dropped out again ... I did a full-on power reset, so hopefully will be OK going forward ...

24,877 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/07 13:11:15
I missed the mowing! I closed my Chromebook for like 10 minutes and I missed the first mowing!
Mr. Grass replies at 13:20 - Here's the 30 second time-lapse for 'ya ... extended real-time version here.

24,876 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Hmm" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:34:53
when will be the next grass mowing?

24,875 - United States - Chicago Illinois 41.6984°N 87.7031°W "Skylar" from 050.234.091.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:29:46
I missed it :(

24,874 - South Africa - Cape Town Western Cape 33.9165°S 18.4155°E "Anonymous" from 105.225.106.xxx (106-225-105-146.south.dsl.telkomsa.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:19:46
Wen grass mowing time, Sir?

24,873 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:13:53
That was amazing Mr. Grass. I have been looking forward all day to mowing time ;-)

24,872 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:13:49
27 fotos tomadas del Sr. Grass cortando el pasto y no hace falta decir las otras fotos que he tomado de d______as anteriores (jamas crei que cortaba el pasto tan r______pido aprox7 min ) :o

24,871 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:00:58

24,870 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 12:00:30
Sr. Grass ya son las 12:00 ....

24,869 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.194.xxx (mobile-107-77-194-177.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 11:57:30
3 minutes!!!!

24,868 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "Unpatient Grass Watcher" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/07 11:08:45
i hope i dont miss grass mowing time, i wish it was earlier :)

24,867 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 11:08:18
Sr. Grass necesito verlo cortar el pasto al menos ya solo falta una hora :)

24,866 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.173.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/05/07 11:00:00
can't wait already, only 1 hour left!

24,865 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "GRASSGRASSGRASS" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/07 10:45:16
i hope im not late for mowing time, mowers still out.

24,864 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 09:50:49
lawn mowing in 2 hours!!

24,863 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 09:26:10
Cant wait for the lawn mowing nice comment Mr. Grass ;-)

24,862 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/07 08:07:06
Mr Grass the Web Cam is down!
Mr. Grass replies at 08:20 - Sorry about the drop-out ... back up now ... hopefully that does NOT happen at Noon today for the lawn mowing! ;-)
grass pictures

24,861 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 07:41:17
000000000 said Liam

24,860 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 07:14:25
chicken :P

24,859 - Chile - Penaflor Santiago Metropolitan 33.6167°S 70.9167°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.179.xxx (191-113-179-178.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/07 06:18:41
no importa si estoy en clase lo tengo que ver cortar el pasto :)

24,858 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/05/07 04:06:11
cant wait for the grass to get mowed

24,857 - United Kingdom - Caterham Surrey 51.2823°N 0.0789°W "God" from 062.254.108.xxx (178.108-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk) wrote at 2021/05/07 03:41:02
Wow I love watching grass grow this is all I have done for the past five days it sure is fun

24,856 - Indonesia - Surabaya East Java 7.2484°S 112.7419°E "Najos" from 202.146.231.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/07 03:27:36
Love your website, i stumbled upon your website back in my middle school days and now im at my office procrastinating at your website!

24,855 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Max" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/06 22:36:21
Thanks again Mr. Grass for making this amazing website which has halved my work productivity!

24,854 - New Zealand - Whangamata Waikato 37.2°S 175.8667°E "boss man" from 122.056.077.xxx (122-56-77-225.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/06 15:20:23
i love to watch grass grow its my life now

24,853 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.173.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/05/06 14:56:45
Mr. Grass gets free notifications about everything that happens on his front lawn in exchange for giving people a camera of grass growing and I think that's a pretty good deal

24,852 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/06 14:50:53
I just saw a mailman drop a parcel at a letter box lol

24,851 - Chile - Las Condes Santiago Metropolitan 33.3648°S 70.5105°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.166.xxx (191-113-166-92.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/06 12:30:24
Sr. Grass hay estare :D

24,850 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/06 12:00:00
24 hours from now (Friday at High Noon MDT), Mr. Grass will do the first lawn mowing of the season - this is a BIG ANNUAL event at WGG. So be sure to surf on by as I fire up the Lawn Mower ... and assuming it starts (!), watch me mow the grass! ;-)

24,849 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.190.xxx (191-113-190-234.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/06 11:04:54
soy la ______nica que siente que el pasto se ve muy lindo como a las 8:00 am (esta es la mejor pagina del mundo)

24,848 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Grass Is Great!" from 216.017.242.xxx (ip-216-17-242-10.rev.frii.com) wrote at 2021/05/06 10:40:10
Did Mr.Grass mow already?

24,847 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/06 09:38:45
This is good to watch during quarantine.

24,846 - United States - Chicago Illinois 41.6984°N 87.7031°W "Skylar" from 050.234.091.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:41:12
The grass looks so lush and beautiful today!

24,845 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:41:04
Can't wait for the first mow of the year. The grass is looking extra green today!

24,844 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.190.xxx (191-113-190-234.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:23:43
un ave muy negra caminando por el ciempies uwu

24,843 - United States - Van Buren Arkansas 35.4563°N 94.3298°W "Thine Mother" from 066.204.023.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:21:12
The grass be lookin extra thicc

24,842 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:14:35
First mow tomorrow at Noon Mountain time?
Mr. Grass replies at 12:00 - You read my mind ... as I just posted that I'll fire up the Lawn Mower 24 hours from now for the WGG fans! ;-)

24,841 - United States - Van Buren Arkansas 35.4563°N 94.3298°W "Thou Mother" from 066.204.023.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/06 08:14:34
Imma clap the grass

24,840 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.184.xxx (191-113-184-2.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/06 06:35:13
me pregunto como se ve el ciempies bajo esas 2 piedras pd:me encanta este sitio web espero que nunca se acabe

24,839 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.184.xxx (191-113-184-2.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/05 21:58:26
el Sr. Grass me respondi ... HSHHAHHAHAHAH Sr. Grass HAHAHAHAHHAHA entro todo el tiempo a esta pagina hhahahha hahah espero que nunca desaparezca esta pagina

24,838 - United States - City N/A Georgia 33.7485°N 84.3871°W "Anonymous" from 107.077.233.xxx (mobile-107-77-233-23.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 21:07:18
I love grasses, I want some juicy grass

24,837 - United States - City N/A Georgia 33.7485°N 84.3871°W "Anonymous" from 107.077.233.xxx (mobile-107-77-233-23.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 21:01:33
i love it!!!

24,836 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.184.xxx (191-113-184-2.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/05 20:48:08
hay unos humanos que estaban sacando una cuantas piedras de la casa del Sr. Grass y pisando un poco el pasto.. acaso no se dan cuenta que esta casa esta con la mejor vigilancia del mundo o que ...
Mr. Grass replies at 21:40 - Gracias por cuidar el cesped y avisarme si alguien lo pisa ... io si un perro lo hace caca! ;-)

24,835 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "angus bell" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 17:46:03
a group of 3 people walking a small white dog walked past

24,834 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "EXTREME GRASS WATCHER" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/05 14:03:54
you just got mail...and so did your neighbor.....mailman looks nice...............but is slow... he better not walk on the grass...

24,833 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 13:28:56
My favourite is all of them....

24,832 - United States - Saint Cloud Minnesota 45.5722°N 94.2042°W "Nolan J" from 209.237.123.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 12:13:45
Mr. Grass, What is your favorite part of the day. Mail man time, Trash time, Dinner Time, When the wife comes home time or Night time. Or whatever time you really like.
Mr. Grass replies at 13:13 - Favorite time is just chilling out watch the grass grow ... although for serious excitement, I'll fire up the lawn mower! ;-)

24,831 - United States - Pensacola Florida 30.4594°N 87.2075°W "grass kid" from 098.174.040.xxx (wsip-98-174-40-2.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 11:43:53

24,830 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "The OG grass watcher" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/05 10:57:48
Mr.Grass can you take the time limit down please, i want to watch the grass with out being interrupted. thank you.

24,829 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 10:00:07
Mr grass has a pretty much free sucrity service watching his house 24/7

24,828 - United States - Fresno California 36.8613°N 119.7669°W "Anonymous" from 073.235.021.xxx (c-73-235-21-180.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 09:54:57
oooh it's trash day yall... my favorite!

24,827 - United States - Valencia California 34.4463°N 118.5356°W "The GodFather" from 172.014.254.xxx (172-14-254-35.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 09:38:02
Why listen to a monotone voice read a book while you major in english, when you have, GRASS!

24,826 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 09:10:05
What about your trash cans Mr.Grass?
Mr. Grass replies at 09:53 - I actually sometimes don't have enough trash to put out ... so don't be alarmed if you don't see 'em out there. But yea, I kinda forgot this morning ... so thanks for the reminder - Trash & Recycle! ;-)

24,825 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 07:53:12
Wow this grass is so coool

24,824 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "1" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 07:47:07
Reece francis is a grass fiend

24,823 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 07:44:12
Sajan is a grass noob

24,822 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Deez" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 07:41:49
Joe bishop loves grash

24,821 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6643°N 73.9763°W "Mario!" from 165.155.139.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/05 06:05:26
mama mia, anybody want some pizza from the pizzeria!

24,820 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.020.xxx (ens224.proxy057.sn.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 05:04:52
when the imposter is sus

24,819 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.020.xxx (ens224.proxy057.sn.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/05/05 04:57:34
coc clan return to monke join it

24,818 - United Arab Emirates - Ras al-Khaimah Ra's al Khaymah 25.7895°N 55.9432°E "emak" from 083.110.097.xxx (bba453763.alshamil.net.ae) wrote at 2021/05/05 00:19:21
the best grass is found here

24,817 - United States - Wirtz Virginia 37.0818°N 79.7573°W "grasses lil btch" from 104.225.187.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 20:23:20
grass is the only thing i want, I love grass, so beautiful and underrated, I love grass.

24,816 - New Zealand - Whangamata Waikato 37.2°S 175.8667°E "Anonymous" from 122.056.077.xxx (122-56-77-225.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/04 20:09:57
i love love love grass so much the blades are delectable

24,815 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "GRASS" from 210.055.073.xxx (210-55-73-247.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/05/04 19:15:59

24,814 - United States - Jasper Arkansas 36.0038°N 93.2048°W "Burdy" from 068.171.087.xxx (dsl.rittct.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 19:07:13
Tfw the lenny face breaks

24,813 - United States - Jasper Arkansas 36.0038°N 93.2048°W "Burdy" from 068.171.087.xxx (dsl.rittct.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 18:47:44
What happens at 25,000? Also, nice grass ( ____________ ____________ ____________)

24,812 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7318°N 104.9669°W "Skylar #28,812" from 174.016.114.xxx (174-16-114-140.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 17:48:10
We now have less than 200 comments left until the dreaded number of 25,000!

24,811 - Italy - Rozzano Milan 45.3774°N 9.1594°E "L4ura" from 093.035.244.xxx (93-35-244-133.ip57.fastwebnet.it) wrote at 2021/05/04 16:13:03
i became obsessed with this! Greetings from Italy (:

24,810 - United States - Long Beach California 33.763°N 118.1774°W "Anonymous" from 096.041.080.xxx (096-041-080-034.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/05/04 15:45:06
very awesome i love this website

24,809 - United States - North Bergen New Jersey 40.793°N 74.0247°W "Anonymous" from 192.241.151.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 15:16:42
why does it feel good to watch grass?

24,808 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 14:36:09
I can hear the grass grow....

24,807 - United States - Saint Cloud Minnesota 45.5722°N 94.2042°W "public school student" from 209.237.123.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 11:21:20
i have come here many times just to watch this gracious grass grow, my friends are impressed. i am the best grass watcher, taking all of my class time to do the amazing job of, watching grass. grass is nice

24,806 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5119°N 101.9316°W "Darth vader" from 066.076.019.xxx (66-76-19-58.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 10:46:08
Yo dudes, the empire is pretty chill. You shoud like, join it or something

24,805 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "Random public school student" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/04 10:45:28
i have come here many times just to watch this gracious grass grow, my friends are impressed. i am the best grass watcher, taking all of my class time to do the amazing job of, watching grass. grass is nice

24,804 - Canada - Denare Beach Saskatchewan 54.6667°N 102.0833°W "Anonymous" from 216.174.135.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 10:04:11
thats some nice grass

24,803 - United States - Saint Cloud Minnesota 45.5722°N 94.2042°W "Grass MAN!" from 209.237.123.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 09:40:26
i like smoking grass!

24,802 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Anonymous" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/05/04 08:52:34
grass grass grass i'm gonna step on the grass

24,801 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "BOB" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/04 08:21:38
grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grasss grass grass grass grass grass grass grass grass

24,800 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Anonymous" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:48:01
I am sorry that i said that

24,799 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:42:25
that was my car

24,798 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Anonymous" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:41:52

24,797 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Anonymous" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:30:38
grass is green Tim is green

24,796 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Guy" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:25:02
shoutout to tim lad

24,795 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Anonymous" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:17:10
I love grass

24,794 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9881°N 1.6194°W "Anonymous" from 159.242.069.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/04 07:10:08
yummy grass

24,793 - United Kingdom - Stratford Newham 51.5468°N 0.0096°W "Anonymous" from 217.181.022.xxx (ens224.proxy010.sn.ifl.net) wrote at 2021/05/04 06:58:54

24,792 - Brazil - São José dos Campos Sao Paulo 23.0954°S 45.9267°W "grass watcher 099" from 187.002.099.xxx (bb0263bf.virtua.com.br) wrote at 2021/05/03 18:38:23
15+ years watching the grass grow and watching it getting mowed...

24,791 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 17:51:06
The hippopotamus is wallowing

24,790 - United States - Midland Texas 31.9973°N 102.0779°W "YES" from 069.094.180.xxx ( wrote at 2021/05/03 15:00:35
wow, just wow....Grass am i right guys! ;D

24,789 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 13:11:29
Thanks for the comment Mr. Grass every day i will take a screenshot to see how the grass grows lol

24,788 - United States - Van Buren Arkansas 35.4563°N 94.3298°W "waluigi" from 066.204.023.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/03 12:44:49
Just aced a big test and to celebrate came here.

24,787 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 11:10:31
Yes I would never ever get bored of this website!!
Mr. Grass replies at 11:32 - Yep - never a boring moment at WGG. As an example, I cleaned out the garage and washed the car on Saturday - WOOT! ;-)

24,786 - United States - Columbus Ohio 40.0946°N 83.0118°W "pogchamp" from 192.052.109.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/03 10:11:37
Watching grass grow is fun!

24,785 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Anonymous" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 09:19:43
That's mama Luigi to you, Mario

24,784 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6643°N 73.9763°W "mario" from 165.155.139.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/03 08:11:00
mama mia pizzareia for yourself

24,783 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Gavin Cicarelli" from 154.013.001.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/03 08:04:58
Is this in Cheyenne Wyoming it looks like it just saying please reply, Im a huge fan of this website.

24,782 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 07:41:52
do you live in denver?

24,781 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/03 06:44:06
Those foxes are making me want a fox.

24,780 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/02 12:57:32
Here's a quick time-lapse of this morning's critters - bird, squirrels, and foxes - lots of wildlife at WGG! ;-)

24,779 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/02 12:01:50
Is there a flowering tree across the street?
Mr. Grass replies at 14:44 - Yea, the trees are in full bloom ... but a monster rain/hailstorm came through late this morning and knocked a bunch of stuff down which is what you see across the street. My wife barely made it home in time on her bike.

24,778 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/05/01 18:20:11
English please

24,777 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.150.xxx (191-113-150-28.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/05/01 10:39:20
hoy 1/5/2021 puse alarma calculando la hora de EE.UU para ver al Sr.Grass y sip lo estoy viendo tiene muchas cosas en pasto hasta una escalera :v pero me quedare aqu______ hasta que termine el Sr.Grass

24,776 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/05/01 10:32:43
Since it is 80F° today, I thought it might be a good time to post a time-lapse video from just over a week ago showing the last (?) snow melting.

24,775 - Australia - Highgate Hill Queensland 27.4909°S 153.0142°E "mat383" from 143.238.158.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/05/01 07:05:25
grass lookin a wee bit dry now

24,774 - Spain - Alcobendas Madrid 40.5458°N 3.6443°W "Anonymous" from 086.127.224.xxx (86-127-224-48.digimobil.es) wrote at 2021/05/01 05:11:17
hola soy espao

24,773 - Canada - Arnprior Ontario 45.4334°N 76.3494°W "Jyration" from 050.100.220.xxx (bras-base-hmtnon0218w-grc-37-50-100-220-139.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2021/04/30 22:11:23
I can't tell whether I just saw a blade of grass grow or I just lost my mind!

24,772 - United States - Virginia Beach Virginia 36.7323°N 76.0363°W "Nicholas" from 074.099.083.xxx (pool-74-99-83-151.nrflva.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/30 18:05:06
I like how the tab slowly spells out Watching grass grow - WOW!!!!!!!!!

24,771 - United States - Haverford Pennsylvania 40.0111°N 75.3029°W "Mo" from 216.162.095.xxx (p116.216_162_95.mciu.k12.pa.us) wrote at 2021/04/30 12:12:26
the 12930th blade to the right and 54783568 down is so tall

24,770 - United States - Tigerville South Carolina 35.0477°N 82.353°W "Mr. Grass pls adopt" from 205.186.050.xxx (205-186-50-98.generic.c-light.net) wrote at 2021/04/30 12:01:07
what camera did you use

24,769 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/30 10:35:16
Those are really good fox pictures so beautiful

24,768 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/04/30 10:10:38
Thanks Mr. Grass ;) i like foxes

24,767 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/30 09:47:13
Here's a few more pictures of the nearby foxes ...
2021_04_29 fox 1

2021_04_29 fox 2

2021_04_29 fox 3

24,766 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Anonymous" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/30 08:28:01
grassy boi

24,765 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/30 05:51:16
me when grass :flushed:

24,764 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.9538°N 1.1571°W "Anonymous" from 213.205.192.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/30 03:15:00
mr grass is cool

24,763 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/29 16:30:59
Here's a snapshot of Mr. Grass spreading the Fertilizer earlier this morning. I agree that the lawn mowing is more "exciting" ... which I MIGHT do this weekend ... stay tuned.
fertilizer spreading

24,762 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar #24,762" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 16:30:05
Today is my Birthday! 238 comments left to 25,000!

24,761 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 14:21:58
The internet is a dangerous place the internet:

24,760 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "MochiMeitantei" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 12:58:42
Oh, hello - I'm new.

24,759 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 12:18:15
Bird and car at the same time!

24,758 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.182.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 12:14:35
Bird! Bird on grass!

24,757 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:43:48
Dang, you missed quite the event, but the first mow of the year is coming up and I think that beats fertilization.

24,756 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:38:29
Darn it! MIssed the fertilization!

24,755 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:32:00
I missed the fertilization stream! I went Af* and my chromebook died and I logged on and I missed it?

24,754 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.195.xxx (mobile-107-77-195-73.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:30:59
Mr Grass where are you?

24,753 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:26:21
That was the most hype fertilization I have ever seen

24,752 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:12:28
Great to see you here AJF15000

24,751 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:04:18
you should also timelapse this mr grass

24,750 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.195.xxx (mobile-107-77-195-73.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 11:03:10
Mr Grass where are you?

24,749 - Canada - Denare Beach Saskatchewan 54.6667°N 102.0833°W "Fern" from 216.174.135.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 10:26:29
wow grass, nice

24,748 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 10:11:13
so apparently i missed out on that day of 700+ people but ill try to be here for the fertillizer. ive been doing school most days.

24,747 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/29 09:43:31
Spreading fertilizer on the front lawn sometime after 11'ish - be sure to surf on by for the excitement! ;-)
fertilizer ready

24,746 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "GrassWatcher" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/29 09:00:05
The grass is looking greener than yesterday

24,745 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.9044°N 1.2326°W "GrassLover83" from 080.003.181.xxx (cpc80673-stap13-2-0-cust359.12-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 08:52:46
i love grass so much.

24,744 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 07:00:53
dang back to the regular view count :(

24,743 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "h" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/29 06:09:39
Grass is very sus!

24,742 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Grass" from 173.215.099.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 20:42:19
Grass is very yummy

24,741 - United States - West Union Ohio 38.8017°N 83.5333°W "king of grass" from 071.072.193.xxx (cpe-71-72-193-64.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/28 15:50:59
i eat grass

24,740 - Venezuela - Porlamar Nueva Esparta 10.95°N 63.85°W "Anonymous" from 190.077.222.xxx (190-77-222-164.dyn.dsl.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 13:57:32
uwu deberia estar haciendo tarea pero buenO

24,739 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 13:53:54
The highest I've ever seen on here. Could it have been that Instagram Page?

24,738 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Grass Is Great!" from 216.017.242.xxx (ip-216-17-242-10.rev.frii.com) wrote at 2021/04/28 11:24:10
That's a TON of people watching!! Awesome!

24,737 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 10:23:15
Anonymous Dude, same, I've been here for three years. This place is the only thing keeping me sane these days.

24,736 - Canada - Red Deer Alberta 52.2346°N 113.8264°W "Anonymous" from 204.209.247.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 10:20:24
Day 482, I've been here for years. The grass has placed me into a trance. Send help, or don't. If you don't, it just means I get to watch more grass.

24,735 - Italy - Cremona Provincia di Cremona 45.1167°N 10.0333°E "Anonymous" from 185.039.240.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 10:02:04
Type in yuor grassy comment hereeee.......

24,734 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 09:50:37
Who sent you, people??

24,733 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.131.xxx (191-113-131-10.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/28 09:45:37
HAHAH Sr. Grass que genial ver tanta gente!! aprox desde noviembre del 2020 veo esta pagina y el en 2021 e entrado todo el tiempo gracias a eso lo e visto sacar nieve, recoger el diario arreglar el auto y no es necesario decir todo la gente y animales que e visto zorros, gatos, perros, ardillas y p______jaros esta p______gina es la mejor y me emociona mucho saber que este fin de semana cortara el pasto espero estar hay en ese momento gracias por hacer esta agina Sr. Grass

24,732 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.195.xxx (mobile-107-77-195-73.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 09:38:20
To the 700 new people, who sent you here?? Please comment who sent you

24,731 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 09:19:37
I will eat your grass mr sir. I love yoU!!

24,730 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 09:16:39
Wow there are so many people watching!

24,729 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 08:57:19
Are we on the news again? Is this what its like when the first mow of the year happens? What's going on????
Mr. Grass replies at 09:00 - Funny you mention that since the first lawn mowing of the year will probably be this weekend.

24,728 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 08:50:24
Mr. Grass replies at 08:57 - Yea, appears some BIG Instagram account mentioned WGG - anybody know more?

24,727 - United States - Columbus Ohio 39.9653°N 83.0235°W "AJF15000" from 107.077.195.xxx (mobile-107-77-195-73.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 08:44:04
Mr Grass is the site getting raided? There's like 700 people watching right now!

24,726 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/04/28 08:42:04
The foxes are adorable! please try to get more pics!!

24,725 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Patrick Bateman" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:55:15
Now lets see Paul Allen's grass grow...

24,724 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:47:23
now lets see paul allens grass grow

24,723 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:43:44
Americans :(

24,722 - United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.9538°N 1.1571°W "Anonymous" from 213.205.192.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:40:44
Sajan and reece sym

24,721 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:39:01
curtis has grass for brainz

24,720 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:37:45
Sajan Bazra is a fat neek

24,719 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "(gr)a**-master" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:34:51
Very grassy yard

24,718 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Anonymous" from 077.075.110.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:32:01
grass grass grass

24,717 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/04/28 07:13:34
i am with rat lady, she rat, tht true uwu

24,716 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.131.xxx (191-113-131-10.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/28 06:48:41
el pasto esta muy lindo uwu

24,715 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "Anonymous" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/28 01:47:20

24,714 - United States - Boise Idaho 43.6339°N 116.2942°W "talin" from 174.027.031.xxx (174-27-31-108.bois.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 20:35:59
this is a good time waster, i enjoy this a lot!

24,713 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar #24,713" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 18:00:51
And with that, we are not less than 300 comments away from 25,000

24,712 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Christopher Vigorito" from 143.244.035.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/27 17:41:53

24,711 - United States - Sykesville Maryland 39.4567°N 76.9696°W "Joe" from 073.135.157.xxx (c-73-135-157-68.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 12:23:00
The Best Website

24,710 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 12:09:03
deaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaa aaaa aaaath

24,709 - United States - Kenton Ohio 40.6426°N 83.6151°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.163.xxx (kenton.k12.oh.us) wrote at 2021/04/27 12:08:50
fard poogerty

24,708 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 11:47:41
g-grass-senpai :weary: :weary:

24,707 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "baci" from 149.019.033.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/27 11:44:17
when i see grass it makes me so h****

24,706 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 10:19:54
:flushed: grass

24,705 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 10:13:24
10 letters :P

24,704 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 09:25:56
why are we here just to suffer? every nigth i can feel my legs, and my arms, even my fingers.

24,703 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 08:17:16
eeeeee ee e eeeee eeee eeeee eeee eeeee

24,702 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Name" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 08:12:03
real fun l o l

24,701 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "ffffffffffffffff" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/27 08:06:39

24,700 - United States - Sylva North Carolina 35.3482°N 83.2028°W "grass_fan_lolz" from 152.026.014.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/27 07:37:32
grass is neat-o

24,699 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/27 03:26:28
woo woo grass

24,698 - United Kingdom - Plymouth 50.4189°N 4.0647°W "jimbo" from 109.176.133.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/27 02:36:24

24,697 - United States - Seattle Washington 47.6008°N 122.3248°W "Anonymous" from 023.129.064.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:55:28
come to brazil please. no. come to brazil please. no! come to brazil please. NO. grunty sniffing HFFFFFFH- slams table YOU ARE GOING TO BRAZIL FRIENDLY SCREAMS OF FIERY DEATHS

24,696 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6537°N 73.999°W "Anonymous" from 162.247.074.xxx (korematsu.tor-exit.calyxinstitute.org) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:49:28
What the h___Ell

24,695 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6537°N 73.999°W "Joe Biden" from 162.247.073.xxx (mario-louis-sylvester-lap.tor-exit.calyxinstitute.org) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:45:55
yo shut the fruck up

24,694 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3534°N 4.9087°E "fatty" from 192.042.116.xxx (this-is-a-tor-exit-node-hviv127.hviv.nl) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:44:16
That's correct

24,693 - France - City N/A 48.8582°N 2.3387°E "The Flucking grass" from 051.075.021.xxx (vps-8e613202.vps.ovh.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:43:00
Joe biden isn't my president

24,692 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 17:38:30
Beautiful foxes, Mr. Grass!

24,691 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Rosemary225" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 13:30:51
Top Notch!

24,690 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Mr. Optional" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 13:16:06
Hey! 13:15!

24,689 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Mr. Optional" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 13:09:53
I just thought of something, what was the highest amount of viewers watching grass grow?

24,688 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Mr. Optional" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 13:01:33
Yeah, it would be appreciated for you not to spam anything. Especially annoying memes.

24,687 - United States - Ashland Virginia 37.7395°N 77.4784°W "Mr Grass Jr" from 075.146.022.xxx (75-146-22-201-Richmond.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 12:56:28
no spam weirdo

24,686 - United States - Front Royal Virginia 38.9301°N 78.1887°W "Anonymous" from 050.230.012.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/26 11:59:58

24,685 - United States - Mercer Island Washington 47.5601°N 122.2326°W "Anonymous" from 073.254.191.xxx (c-73-254-191-2.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 11:48:14
amog us ____________

24,684 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Grass" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/26 11:41:08

24,683 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.3371°N 79.9901°W "Anonymous" from 173.013.054.xxx (173-13-54-173-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 11:29:20
Yoooooo u saw a dog

24,682 - United States - Longmeadow Massachusetts 42.0508°N 72.5672°W "macil" from 076.119.069.xxx (c-76-119-69-109.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/26 07:29:42
its a good idea

24,681 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "asdasd" from 091.249.234.xxx (leasedline-static-091-249-234-086.ewe-ip-backbone.de) wrote at 2021/04/26 00:40:22
me llamo alex. soy de alemania, como estas? que tal? me gusta tu p**la

24,680 - Chile - Buin Santiago Metropolitan 33.7333°S 70.75°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.144.xxx (191-113-144-60.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/25 13:07:04
Sr.Grass todo bien con su auto ? pd: esta es la mejor pagina del mundo

24,679 - United States - Hollywood Florida 25.9972°N 80.3259°W "bored" from 073.001.208.xxx (c-73-1-208-155.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/25 12:41:28
grass is cool

24,678 - Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.8591°S 151.2002°E "grass" from 139.099.209.xxx (ns564364.ip-139-99-209.net) wrote at 2021/04/25 12:05:10
banana man is cool (its clearly not banana man)

24,677 - Romania - Bucharest Bucuresti 44.4022°N 26.0624°E "banana man" from 082.079.208.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/25 11:57:23
grass is cool

24,676 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/04/25 10:50:20
MR GRASS i like foxes.

24,675 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/25 09:48:53
I've mentioned the foxes that are running around - they have a Den close by with babies (pups or kits) and I'm pretty sure I have a good idea where it is as I saw them all cavorting after dusk last night. I went out this morning with my camera - pups were probably still sleeping, but I got a few pictures of the parents. The one running in the first picture I call "Gimpy" ... because his back right leg is semi-lame. The squirrels were fully aware of their presence and sounding the alarm so as not to end up as breakfast! ;-)
2021_04_25 fox 1

2021_04_25 fox 2

fox scratch

2021_04_25 fox 3

24,674 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.9509°N 93.3366°W "grass man" from 023.030.244.xxx (23-30-244-86-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/24 14:24:10
god i love grass

24,673 - United States - Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.009°N 76.3631°W "Lllll" from 174.054.055.xxx (c-174-54-55-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/24 09:24:07
I still see a patch of snow
Mr. Grass replies at 09:49 - Temperatures are going to be mid-60's today ... and sunny and mid-70's the next two days ... so that patch will be gone soon.

24,672 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 107.127.049.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/24 02:58:54
i love grass. been watching since 2008

24,671 - United States - Gainesville Florida 29.6138°N 82.386°W "youdontknowme" from 070.168.102.xxx (wsip-70-168-102-45.ga.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 21:13:26
I like all types of grass - bermuda grass, st. augustines grass, you know bamboo's a grass, so is wheat

24,670 - United States - Gainesville Florida 29.6138°N 82.386°W "youdontknowme" from 070.168.102.xxx (wsip-70-168-102-45.ga.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 21:07:59
im here because i like grass

24,669 - United States - Derby Kansas 37.5544°N 97.2586°W "jonathan" from 068.102.134.xxx (ip68-102-134-14.ks.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 12:32:44
I'm at home because I had my wisdom teeth removed so here is grass to watch

24,668 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.143.xxx (191-113-143-139.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/23 11:43:14
soy la unica que se preocupa cuando el Sr. Grass no va a recoger el diario ? pd: amo esta pagina es bacan uwu

24,667 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Mr. Optional" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 11:13:54
I'm watching everything BUT the grass! lol

24,666 - United States - Pflugerville Texas 30.4421°N 97.6339°W "Anonymous" from 066.090.190.xxx (66-90-190-250.static.grandenetworks.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 09:53:50
Most interesting thing I've seen is a squirrel getting run over. Quality content :)

24,665 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/23 08:28:58
Can't wait to see the first mow of the year. Oh hey, newspaper

24,664 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 21:05:51
Now you see snow, now you don't! Welcome to Spring!!!

24,663 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 18:20:39
Type in your grassy comment here ... NOTE: You have blogged 7 times in the last 24 hours, 7 in the last week, 22 in the last month, and 22 total. Remember, quality over quantity please ...

24,662 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/22 16:47:06
So much activity is happening

24,661 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 12:48:15
dang its warm outside

24,660 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Anonymous" from 098.043.034.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/22 11:51:14
its grass it seems like it has snowed

24,659 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 11:39:42
wow a person

24,658 - United States - Buford Georgia 34.0797°N 83.9328°W "The Squid" from 050.202.175.xxx (50-202-175-243-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 10:20:51
It's been a while but hi from the squid glad we keep this website up. It's been 15 years which is wild so keep up the good work Mr, Grass.

24,657 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 08:57:09
wow a person walking a dog

24,656 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "this is just a window" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 08:34:48
this is just a window

24,655 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.148.xxx (191-113-148-199.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/22 07:43:16
lo vi .... vi al Sr Grass y alguien mas y de paso el Sr Grass tomo el diario pero no saludo esta es mi tercera ves que lo veo haha

24,654 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 07:18:38
window window window window window window window Window Window window window window

24,653 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Sus boi" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 06:09:32
When the grass is sus

24,652 - United States - Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.009°N 76.3631°W "Eposmx" from 174.054.055.xxx (c-174-54-55-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/22 04:40:19
Hey guys friendly reminder not to eat grass

24,651 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "rrrrrrrrrrrrrr" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 19:43:14
salt o . o

24,650 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 13:49:23
there's a freaking cute dog

24,649 - United States - Hernando Florida 28.9223°N 82.39°W "Grass lover" from 104.225.188.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/21 13:29:32
watching during class

24,648 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/21 12:13:47
When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!When the grass is sus!

24,647 - Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.648°N 79.4141°W "cheesy" from 099.239.125.xxx (cpe589630b0a630-cm589630b0a62e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/04/21 11:54:07
watching grass go during class lol

24,646 - Portugal - Leiria 39.7477°N 8.805°W "Z______CA GALH______O" from 148.071.007.xxx ( wrote at 2021/04/21 10:32:44
ur awsome!! ;D

24,645 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 09:35:49
I worry when the newspaper is still out at 9:30 and the trash isn't

24,644 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Ned Flanders" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 08:25:31
Hididdlyho neighboreno

24,643 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Bruh" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 08:15:24
Ooga Booga

24,642 - United Kingdom - Newtonhill Aberdeenshire 56.9773°N 2.2184°W "fin, @themoodyp12345 on ig, themoodyp on sc" from 194.247.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/21 07:29:40
shut up nebs dont make me come to lancashire and smack ur fat slab head in

24,641 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/21 06:35:03
Thy hath spotteth a newspaper

24,640 - United Kingdom - Croston Lancashire 53.6877°N 2.7409°W "nebs" from 084.021.152.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/21 05:00:24
gracias Grass is always green on the other side

24,639 - United States - Los Angeles California 34.0549°N 118.2578°W "Hamish Aldous" from 185.230.126.xxx (mail.colorfulworkplace.com) wrote at 2021/04/20 21:45:58
I love Weed

24,638 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Riley Roberts" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 21:45:04
i just farted

24,637 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Elijah Hawkins" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 21:34:10
I like men

24,636 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/20 18:20:40
Okay I wanna know the story behind the Hulk.

24,635 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/20 14:35:37
I posted a video back on April 3rd of a Red Fox walking by ... and turns out they are a frequent visitor to WGG. Here's two recent snippets of them taking the same path.

24,634 - United States - City N/A Oregon 45.5245°N 122.6692°W "Liam Gittlein" from 136.228.206.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 14:07:51
someone was walking their dog lol

24,633 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "knappster" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 13:32:23
grass is love grass is life

24,632 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Da baby" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 12:53:58
When the grass is SUS!

24,631 - Canada - City N/A 43.6319°N 79.3716°W "Anonymous" from 072.136.017.xxx (cpef81d0f9ce733-cmf81d0f9ce730.cpe.net.fido.ca) wrote at 2021/04/20 12:39:11
grass is sus

24,630 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Da baby" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 12:10:02
When the grass is sus!

24,629 - Chile - City N/A 33.439°S 70.6432°W "LINK DELETED" from 186.067.234.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 11:13:16
ola fans cmo tan uwuwuwuwu

24,628 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.195.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/04/20 09:06:38
i watch this website for 6 years already and this is the first time I saw a person shoveling snow

24,627 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.148.xxx (191-113-148-199.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/20 09:03:57

24,626 - Chile - City N/A 33.439°S 70.6432°W "LINK DELETED" from 186.067.234.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 08:56:49
omg WAUUUU incre______ble la nieve, soy fan

24,625 - United States - McKinney Texas 33.1974°N 96.6177°W "Snail Mail" from 208.094.128.xxx (mailptr44.mckinneyisd.net) wrote at 2021/04/20 08:51:55
America's favorite pastime

24,624 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/20 08:21:59
Snow. Oh and a newspaper. Fun.

24,623 - United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.2125°N 0.1518°E "Paula Jefferies" from 212.219.116.xxx (vpn.strode-college.ac.uk) wrote at 2021/04/20 07:43:54
Harvey shut up, go and unload the dishwasher i regret giving birth to you.

24,622 - United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.2125°N 0.1518°E "Harvey Jefferies" from 212.219.116.xxx (vpn.strode-college.ac.uk) wrote at 2021/04/20 07:38:21
Who wants to be my big tiddy goth gf?

24,621 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.148.xxx (191-113-148-199.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/20 06:33:56
la persona que entrega el diario tiene superpoderes o que no dudo que con una tormenta seguir______ entregando el diario. pd amo esta pagina uwu

24,620 - United Kingdom - Newtonhill Aberdeenshire 56.9773°N 2.2184°W "Fin" from 194.247.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 02:42:16
my wife demitri just died, ate too much grass, rip wife, who wants to be my new wife taking applications

24,619 - United Kingdom - Newtonhill Aberdeenshire 56.9773°N 2.2184°W "Fin" from 194.247.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 02:09:35
shoutout my wife demitri, she loves eating the grass out my lawnmower

24,618 - Poland - Plock Mazovia 52.5402°N 19.71°E "Adam" from 078.154.093.xxx (xdsl.195.c93.petrotel.pl) wrote at 2021/04/20 02:06:23
4/20 and you can't even see the weed... just snow

24,617 - United Kingdom - Newtonhill Aberdeenshire 56.9773°N 2.2184°W "Anonymous" from 194.247.067.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/20 02:05:22
very nice yes nice

24,616 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/19 23:15:33
so much snow

24,615 - Australia - Hurstville New South Wales 33.9548°S 151.1089°E "A" from 103.095.039.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/19 22:04:26
Its snowy can't watch grass grow 1/10

24,614 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.4236°N 79.9825°W "p** master p** p**" from 071.182.200.xxx (pool-71-182-200-135.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/19 21:19:54
What happened to poop master poopy poo

24,613 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.4236°N 79.9825°W "gwyn reynolds" from 071.182.200.xxx (pool-71-182-200-135.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/19 21:13:24
I love grass more than I love my family

24,612 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/19 20:01:13
at 8pm we got to see a dog

24,611 - United States - West Union Ohio 38.8017°N 83.5333°W "ewewewewewe" from 071.072.193.xxx (cpe-71-72-193-64.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/19 12:36:39
ewww public nudeeeee people

24,610 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "yee yee" from 152.026.193.xxx (zen-c5-11c3.chlt.zs.ncren.net) wrote at 2021/04/19 09:00:25
This is so wholesome ..

24,609 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.130.xxx (191-113-130-132.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/19 08:20:30
VI O ZORRO :o me encanta esta pagina uwu

24,608 - United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.1587°N 85.2163°W "ocean man" from 096.004.231.xxx (static-30-231-4-96.hamilton.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/19 06:58:15

24,607 - United States - Jersey City New Jersey 40.7362°N 74.0422°W "Your Mom" from 065.202.036.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/19 06:37:30
I love grass maybe we should nuke it

24,606 - United States - Grand Forks North Dakota 47.8977°N 97.0394°W "Me" from 024.236.046.xxx (24-236-46-133-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/04/18 19:57:07
I saw a dog!

24,605 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 131.242.030.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/18 17:21:36
man, this website is a gem, i love it so much.

24,604 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar #24,604" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/18 14:26:24
Oh BTW, we now have less than 400 comments now!

24,603 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/18 14:17:28
This is a weedy comment

24,602 - United Kingdom - Storrington West Sussex 50.9379°N 0.472°W "LOL" from 092.026.170.xxx (host-92-26-170-87.as13285.net) wrote at 2021/04/18 14:12:40
This is why i love the internet

24,601 - United States - Cementon Pennsylvania 40.6543°N 75.5034°W "Anonymous" from 216.015.078.xxx (216-15-78-110.s11884.c3-0.drf-cbr1.atw-drf.pa.cable.rcncustomer.com) wrote at 2021/04/17 11:09:07
snowy grass is nice

24,600 - United Kingdom - City N/A 51.4964°N 0.1224°W "Imbored" from 159.253.162.xxx (host-80-162-253-159.as6l1.arqiva) wrote at 2021/04/17 03:36:17
Watching grass grow more like watching snow melt

24,599 - United Kingdom - Brentford Ealing 51.4862°N 0.3083°W "Anonymous" from 082.044.114.xxx (cpc87809-haye26-2-0-cust162.17-4.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/04/16 22:24:04
wow such high quality grass

24,598 - United States - Edmonds Washington 47.803°N 122.3739°W "Captanuki" from 071.227.203.xxx (c-71-227-203-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/16 16:49:37
Now that's some high quality snowy grass content right there.

24,597 - United States - Moberly Missouri 39.4192°N 92.4366°W "grass watcher" from 047.233.023.xxx (047-233-023-190.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/04/16 14:57:36
snowy grass

24,596 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/16 09:52:17
Cool Spring Clean video! I don't know why I still get surprised when I see your Spring snows. Just some nice watering for the lawn to come.

24,595 - United Kingdom - Harwich Essex 51.9419°N 1.2844°E "Anonymous" from 085.092.190.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/16 07:42:31
wow I can even see the snow falling on the cam looks like we are not gonna see the grass for a while

24,594 - United States - Morgantown West Virginia 39.5953°N 79.9229°W "Anonymous" from 168.216.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/16 06:59:00
That's a lot of snow...

24,593 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.136.xxx (191-113-136-185.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/16 06:41:33
Sr Grass me asuste cuando vi el video pense que ya corto el pasto y no vi la cortada de pasto por suerte todavia no me la he perdido pero la nieve no esta muy de acuerdo que los fans de viendo crecer la hiera miren la hierva :v pd: me encanta esta pagina

24,592 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/15 13:52:52
I forgot to post this video from last week when the lawn crew came out for their annual Spring Clean. Otherwise, I do pretty much all the yard work at WGG.

24,591 - United States - Pensacola Florida 30.4594°N 87.2075°W "grass kid" from 098.174.040.xxx (wsip-98-174-40-2.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 13:23:07
this is the most pog thing ever

24,590 - United States - Elgin Illinois 42.0382°N 88.262°W "epic grass watcher" from 099.022.087.xxx (99-22-87-62.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:45:34
when the grass does grow

24,589 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "not an idiot" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:40:45
your an idiot idiot

24,588 - United States - Elgin Illinois 42.0382°N 88.262°W "Anonymous" from 099.022.087.xxx (99-22-87-62.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:34:55
you sure pal

24,587 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "not an idiot" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:33:19
your an idiot idiot

24,586 - United States - Elgin Illinois 42.0382°N 88.262°W "Anonymous" from 099.022.087.xxx (99-22-87-62.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:21:09
when the grass and grassy and grassp

24,585 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "not an idiot" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:18:10
your an idiot idiot

24,584 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:08:41
when are we starting a wgg minecraft server

24,583 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "Evan" from 098.043.142.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/15 11:02:44
water it

24,582 - United States - Boulder Colorado 40.0176°N 105.2687°W "grass watcher" from 204.132.224.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/15 10:52:22
dylan bad he doesnt watch grass grow

24,581 - United States - Indianapolis Indiana 39.8704°N 86.2166°W "New Grass Gazer" from 096.064.141.xxx (96-64-141-157-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 10:23:36
I have have just been directed to this amazing site. Thank you Grassy Referral! Type in your grassy comment here ...

24,580 - United States - Racine Wisconsin 42.7712°N 87.7984°W "Anonymous" from 070.060.093.xxx (rrcs-70-60-93-194.central.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/15 09:32:17
this is very pog

24,579 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "o . o" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 09:06:00
ooooooooooo mg GRASS

24,578 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/15 07:00:16
The grass looks nice today

24,577 - United States - Plainfield New Jersey 40.6129°N 74.416°W "poop maker" from 100.008.158.xxx (pool-100-8-158-126.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 06:46:14
chocolate farts aka liquid poop

24,576 - United States - Plainfield New Jersey 40.6129°N 74.416°W "Anonymous" from 100.008.158.xxx (pool-100-8-158-126.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 06:39:43
poopy woopy farts

24,575 - United States - North Ridgeville Ohio 41.3959°N 82.0035°W "Anonymous" from 216.137.128.xxx (216-137-128-220.glwb.net) wrote at 2021/04/15 05:47:53
hey heather what do

24,574 - United States - Urbana Illinois 40.1047°N 88.2062°W "Big Big Rod Jesus" from 130.126.255.xxx (mobile-130-126-255-91.near.illinois.edu) wrote at 2021/04/15 05:21:17
What the uhhh is this website I googled an IP address sksksksksks shoulda left it in the drafts op

24,573 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/14 21:32:02
The grass is always greener over the camera

24,572 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "a grass fan" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-177.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/04/14 19:29:58
yo nice grass

24,571 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "___insert name here___" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 13:02:27
___insert text here___

24,570 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 12:55:51
Grass Rocks.

24,569 - Cyprus - Nicosia 35.1638°N 33.3639°E "Anonymous" from 062.228.091.xxx (62-91-56.netrun.cytanet.com.cy) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:53:40
This website is a fossil. Also I appreciate the fact that whoever chooses to write a comment here basically voluntarily doxxes themselves

24,568 - United States - Santee California 32.8466°N 116.977°W "rubn" from 068.008.003.xxx (ip68-8-3-174.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:53:13
hello, i think i just made history

24,567 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:36:43

24,566 - United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.6751°N 111.8166°W "Manaia" from 205.127.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:28:27
The first ever hate comment was: 5 - (smtp.corp.ca.gov) wrote at 2006_06_20_16:17:14.416: this s***** i hate you and your stupid family. I love you and your family :)

24,565 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:15:52

24,564 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 11:05:30

24,563 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 10:45:25

24,562 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 10:30:47

24,561 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "dasdsadreeeree" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:42:28

24,560 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mrs/Mr/:___.LGBTQIA+" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:40:07

24,559 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mr.Potato" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:31:59
The Forks Died Years ago And We Have United With The Golden Ring Empire We will take over the grasslands And become the strongest empire IN THE WORLD

24,558 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "name" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:29:02
no i will not do that.

24,557 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mrs.Spoon" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:26:34
The SporkDom Has Fallen! ALL HAIL THE SPOONDOM

24,556 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mr.Spork" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:21:27
The spork empire has fallen Long Live The King.

24,555 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/14 09:19:29
The snow is back :(

24,554 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "eerfa1ra" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 08:19:03

24,553 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/04/14 08:14:09
NOO the snow has returned

24,552 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 08:07:25
Grass grass :___

24,551 - Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.8657°N 97.0671°W "Anonymous" from 050.071.200.xxx (S010670037ed17974.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 07:57:25
Grass grass :___

24,550 - United States - Pottsville Pennsylvania 40.6832°N 76.2113°W "Anonymous" from 098.235.241.xxx (c-98-235-241-14.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 07:53:18
Ive been watching for hours now, I think i have a problem

24,549 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mr. Grass" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 07:18:43
grassy grassssss

24,548 - United States - Kingsport Tennessee 36.5491°N 82.5584°W "Mr.Spork" from 096.004.202.xxx (static-27-202-4-96.kingsport-city.tn.ena.net) wrote at 2021/04/14 07:07:01
The Sporkening Begin's Now!, Rise Up Brother's!

24,547 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.7224°N 84.5205°W "grassy" from 104.129.206.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/14 06:04:10
hello again

24,546 - Italy - Bovisio-Masciago Monza Brianza 45.6102°N 9.153°E "Anonymous" from 095.250.239.xxx (host-95-250-239-106.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/04/14 00:32:21
This website is awsome, delivering excting performances week in week out. Love it

24,545 - United States - Natchitoches Louisiana 31.7578°N 93.0908°W "Savy" from 047.211.222.xxx (47-211-222-5.bcstcmta05.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 20:32:53
I remember discovering this website back in middle school randomly browsing the internet. Now, six years later as a freshman in college, I still come back to it time to time to check if the grass is still growing. Lol!

24,544 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9636°N 96.7468°W "Anonymous" from 076.183.144.xxx (cpe-76-183-144-191.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/13 20:13:03
The fringes of the grass begin to turn green and I can hardly contain my excitement.

24,543 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/13 11:46:11
This site is older than me

24,542 - United States - Pensacola Florida 30.4594°N 87.2075°W "the grann muffin" from 098.174.040.xxx (wsip-98-174-40-2.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 10:40:39
i watch this every day im subed to your channel

24,541 - United States - Concord California 37.9448°N 122.0279°W "Anonymous" from 024.006.141.xxx (c-24-6-141-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 10:34:15
i dont need cable, i dont need streaming services, all the action is right here!

24,540 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 10:08:53
I'm really starting to wonder how old your house is.

24,539 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.134.xxx (191-113-134-185.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/13 10:08:11
yo esperando que el Sr Grass salga a buscar el diario y salude :... Sr Grass tengo clase ... ;-;

24,538 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.9349°N 84.3922°W "Anonymous" from 050.204.237.xxx (50-204-237-34-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 09:49:41
Pretty nice dogType in your grassy comment here ...

24,537 - United States - Tigerville South Carolina 35.0477°N 82.353°W "Anonymous" from 205.186.050.xxx (205-186-50-98.generic.c-light.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 09:26:04
its in alaska

24,536 - United States - San Angelo Texas 31.4193°N 100.4803°W "Anonymous" from 066.076.023.xxx (66-76-23-165.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/04/13 08:00:03
where is this in the world

24,535 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.134.xxx (191-113-134-185.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/13 07:09:55
Sr Grass el diario espero que tenga una bolsa esta lloviendo uwu pero el pasto esta disfrutando la lluvia ( es la mejor pagina del mundo

24,534 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.134.xxx (191-113-134-185.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/13 06:16:04
al pasto de seguro disfruto esa ag______ita uwu entro a esta pagina todos los d______as

24,533 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/04/13 05:46:37
I got my Drivers License!! Time to go see all the grass of the midwest!

24,532 - United States - Schaumburg Illinois 42.0128°N 88.0967°W "Anonymous" from 050.254.037.xxx (50-254-37-54-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/12 13:06:54
Can't believe people watch this lmaooo funny tho

24,531 - United States - Marion Indiana 40.5743°N 85.6741°W "Anonymous" from 012.013.099.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/12 11:21:25
this website is a time capsule

24,530 - United States - Park Ridge Illinois 42.0094°N 87.8354°W "Heykidsaiforadults" from 207.243.231.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/12 11:06:39

24,529 - United States - Westfield Indiana 40.0538°N 86.1433°W "Random Otaku" from 208.185.142.xxx (208.185.142.xxx.available.above.net) wrote at 2021/04/12 09:30:47
Any Anime fans here at the moment? -plus ultra -shinzou wo sasageyo -dattebayo

24,528 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.156.xxx (191-113-156-227.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/12 08:13:57
Sr. Grass por favor vaya a buscar el diario tengo clase... solo lo e visto 2 veces 1 recogiendo el diario uwu me encanta esta pagina

24,527 - United Kingdom - Newcastle upon Tyne 54.9735°N 1.5673°W "Anonymous" from 148.253.167.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/12 03:23:39
We pimp chimp in

24,526 - Italy - Parona Provincia di Pavia 45.2817°N 8.7506°E "Anonymous" from 079.020.161.xxx (host-79-20-161-241.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/04/12 00:25:13
It's finally Formula 1 race week again, looking forward to Imola

24,525 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/10 05:45:39
What paper graces the driveway?

24,524 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/09 20:25:49
Grow grass grow

24,523 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.142.229.xxx (host86-142-229-6.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/04/09 13:29:55
looks like your grass is starting to green up mr g

24,522 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/09 12:43:42
Da baby is car

24,521 - United States - City N/A Missouri 38.5774°N 90.6709°W "Chab" from 107.077.209.xxx (mobile-107-77-209-23.mobile.att.net) wrote at 2021/04/09 12:36:57
Very epic and poggers :)

24,520 - United States - Middletown Ohio 39.5378°N 84.3895°W "Doggy" from 216.048.134.xxx (fr.o1.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/04/09 11:33:00
my birth day is today and im watching grass grow!!!:( best bday ever.

24,519 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5119°N 101.9316°W "B day boi" from 066.076.019.xxx (66-76-19-59.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/04/09 11:13:33
Its gonna me my birthday on the 26th and im gonna spend it watching grass grow

24,518 - United States - Frederick Maryland 39.3487°N 77.382°W "Wham Bam Duel" from 216.200.228.xxx (uhs-cb.fcps.org) wrote at 2021/04/09 10:15:11
I am so happy this website still exists

24,517 - Philippines - Manila Metro Manila 14.5961°N 120.9669°E "Jose" from 119.094.007.xxx ( wrote at 2021/04/09 09:22:48
Hello! Been a grass fan for a couple of years now!

24,516 - Brazil - Praia Grande Sao Paulo 24.0014°S 46.4906°W "a grassy fan" from 177.062.157.xxx (177-62-157-171.dsl.telesp.net.br) wrote at 2021/04/09 09:21:22
hey mr grass did you know that there is lawnmower races?

24,515 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/09 08:16:12
"Hello mr grass

24,514 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.140.xxx (191-113-140-197.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/09 08:04:35
esta es la mejor pagina del mundo ya quiero ver cuando cortara el pasto Sr. Graas

24,513 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "big fella" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/09 07:19:24
i HATE mr.Grass. how DARE you film your STUPID grass growing. I HATE this website, and YOU, Mr.Grass. Completely UNNACEPTABLE.

24,512 - Italy - Corsico Milan 45.4364°N 9.1162°E "Il mio uomo che blinda la porta del River Plate" from 087.009.005.xxx (host-87-9-5-201.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/04/09 01:32:24
Watching grass grow? No, Franco Armani

24,511 - Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.6683°N 79.4205°W "Grass Coolio" from 005.149.253.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/09 01:14:42
Grass is my favorite thing in the world now

24,510 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "WE LOVE YOU GRASS" from 122.056.079.xxx (122-56-79-181.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/04/08 15:32:27
We need to encourage the grass to grow

24,509 - United States - Saint George Utah 37.1038°N 113.5764°W "AP" from 205.126.086.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 13:01:06
Who killed the grass?

24,508 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 13:00:48
yes and they are at his house

24,507 - United States - Huntsville Alabama 34.7777°N 86.5445°W "Grass_Fangirl" from 173.026.012.xxx (173-26-12-191.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/04/08 12:11:28
THERE ARE VEHICLES!!! I kinda feel like I've spotted Bigfoot or something lol

24,506 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 12:04:11
mr grass you should do time lapse with what the people are doing at your house. Also what are they doing

24,505 - Canada - Kelowna British Columbia 50.0528°N 119.2858°W "watching grass gro irl gang" from 204.174.167.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 11:10:19
when you realize you could just go outside and watch your backyard

24,504 - United States - Normal Illinois 40.5093°N 88.9844°W "hot grass" from 216.125.238.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 09:34:36
i can tell the grass as been through it:(

24,503 - United States - Normal Illinois 40.5093°N 88.9844°W "grassy af" from 216.125.238.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/08 09:29:07
i bet DaBaby eats grass for all 4 meals af

24,502 - United States - Rockville Maryland 39.0828°N 77.1674°W "Weeder" from 173.079.046.xxx (pool-173-79-46-11.washdc.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/04/08 06:48:25
Hmmmm, yes. The grass here is made of grass

24,501 - Italy - Seveso Monza Brianza 45.6467°N 9.143°E "Nr. 24.501" from 095.252.020.xxx (host-95-252-20-229.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/04/08 04:14:19
Yeah, road to 25K comments! Nice

24,500 - United States - Littleton Colorado 39.5884°N 105.0776°W "Skylar" from 075.166.127.xxx (75-166-127-167.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 21:47:42
Only 500 comments left til 25,000!

24,499 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "les gooooo" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 21:16:58
did i hear DA BABY?

24,498 - Denmark - Køge Zealand 55.4589°N 12.18°E "Kistrup hmu" from 002.131.195.xxx (002131195158.mbb.telenor.dk) wrote at 2021/04/07 20:39:52
Anyone els stuck watching an old lady sleep?

24,497 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 19:33:02
Now we need some rain to wake that grass up!

24,496 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 19:23:07

24,495 - United States - Jonesboro Georgia 33.5231°N 84.3579°W "Dababy" from 023.125.018.xxx (23-125-18-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 16:48:55
lets gooo Dababy

24,494 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "sariaki" from 095.091.192.xxx (ip5f5bc0a3.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) wrote at 2021/04/07 14:43:20

24,493 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 13:14:27
Why is grass green? IM SERIOUS

24,492 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 13:06:34

24,491 - United States - Fort Lauderdale Florida 26.0703°N 80.2248°W "Anonymous" from 169.139.008.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 12:59:08
da baby Type in your grassy comment here ...

24,490 - United States - Normal Illinois 40.5093°N 88.9844°W "ok" from 216.125.238.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/07 11:54:34
who else is watching during school??

24,489 - United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 45.1701°N 93.1913°W "A dude" from 066.041.098.xxx (c-66-41-98-175.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 08:12:12
That's a lot of people!

24,488 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.185.xxx (191-113-185-180.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/07 08:08:10
un pajarito en cer______mica de la casa del Sr. Grass

24,487 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "motherlicker" from 072.046.049.xxx (72-46-49-28.lnk.ne.static.allophone.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 07:39:08
daddy senpai put grassy is my holes

24,486 - United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.7597°N 96.6542°W "daddy" from 072.046.049.xxx (72-46-49-28.lnk.ne.static.allophone.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 07:17:23
i have a*** but i think i may be cured now thanks to this biggus grassus

24,485 - Chile - San Felipe Region de Valparaiso 32.75°S 70.7333°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.185.xxx (191-113-185-180.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/04/07 07:03:36
me fui para ver lo que estaba en clase y cuando volv______ el diario no est______ y alguien sali______ de la casa en bicicleta esta es la mejor pagina muchas gracias Sr. Grass esta es la pagina me distrae de las clases online

24,484 - United States - Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.009°N 76.3631°W "Hungry" from 174.054.055.xxx (c-174-54-55-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/07 04:50:50
Hey guys is grass edible? Asking for a friend.

24,483 - Spain - Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona 41.4911°N 2.1408°E "Dusk72" from 085.192.070.xxx (inspedralbes2.xtec.cat) wrote at 2021/04/07 01:50:38
hi :)))))))))))))

24,482 - United States - Chanhassen Minnesota 44.8668°N 93.5383°W "Hi again sam :)" from 173.019.117.xxx (173-19-117-65.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/04/06 22:13:25
ryzen 5 5600x, RTX 3060 ti, asus ROG strix B550-F, corsair vengeance RGB Pro 16gb DDR4 3600 c16, corsair RM750X fully modular, samsung 970 evo plus NVMe SSD m.2 drive + 2TB BarraCuda 7200 rpm HDD.

24,481 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 17:44:12

24,480 - United States - Excelsior Minnesota 44.9007°N 93.5773°W "indeed" from 209.237.126.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 13:23:15

24,479 - United States - Excelsior Minnesota 44.9007°N 93.5773°W "hi sam :)" from 209.237.126.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 13:16:15
I was gonna post the IP address but that would be mean

24,478 - United States - Mashpee Massachusetts 41.6181°N 70.4854°W "Anonymous" from 192.107.120.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 12:46:05
NICE GR_________

24,477 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 12:09:04
Mr. Grass, can you check if there is a ddos on the site?

24,476 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 12:03:53
So laggy....

24,475 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 11:52:47
the the the this that now big bon

24,474 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 11:47:24
the the the this that now big bon

24,473 - United States - Tempe Arizona 33.4306°N 111.9256°W "Anonymous" from 153.033.060.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 10:42:27
Wow I can't believe there are even fox fans for WGG!!!

24,472 - United States - Kingston Pennsylvania 41.2723°N 75.8887°W "am" from 174.059.144.xxx (c-174-59-144-237.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 10:32:29
i love grass

24,471 - United States - Barberton Ohio 41.0188°N 81.6174°W "Anonymous" from 204.011.186.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 09:11:33
Among Us grass

24,470 - Canada - Lacombe Alberta 52.4668°N 113.7353°W "Sneed" from 204.209.059.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/06 08:30:17
Sneed feed and seed. Formerley Chuck's

24,469 - France - City N/A 48.8582°N 2.3387°E "Soner Ninja" from 051.178.133.xxx (ns3169561.ip-51-178-133.eu) wrote at 2021/04/06 08:13:44
Soner Ninja

24,468 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 07:57:42

24,467 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 07:48:34
Newspaper! (Can we get a wave to the cam when you get it??)

24,466 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.3371°N 79.9901°W "Anonymous" from 173.013.054.xxx (173-13-54-173-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 07:15:22
Mmmmmmmmmmm Messa love grasss

24,465 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "Anonymous" from 101.167.051.xxx (cpe-101-167-51-225.qb52.nqld.asp.telstra.net) wrote at 2021/04/06 04:09:19
eye of the tiger!!!

24,464 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/04/05 16:15:28
While rabbits and squirrels are commonly seen on the front lawn, a fox is a bit more unusual. But here's some raw video from the camera showing a Red Fox trotting down the road from right to left, goes off-screen into the bushes, and comes trotting back down the sidewalk ... with a meal in its mouth!

24,463 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "Anonymous" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/05 13:13:36
ooh a doggo :D

24,462 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "Grassssssssssss" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/05 11:58:34
10/10 best way to waste time in spanish class

24,461 - United States - Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.009°N 76.3631°W "p**wee" from 174.054.055.xxx (c-174-54-55-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/04 20:48:52
I'm loving it

24,460 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/04 07:28:54

24,459 - Italy - San Donato Milanese Milan 45.4105°N 9.2684°E "Anonymous" from 079.017.157.xxx (host-79-17-157-208.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/04/04 07:20:13
Fratello italiano di Castelbuono, non insultare il signore ma professa la pace e l'amore, che la pasqua sia con te carissimo!

24,458 - Italy - Castelbuono Province of Palermo 37.9253°N 14.0867°E "dio cane" from 185.100.167.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/04 03:11:04
dio cane porcoddio

24,457 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/03 17:44:44
I got COVID-19 (What took so long I dunno lol) and I'm quarantining from the entire house of my family for 10 days. This site is the only thing keeping me sane. Excited to see the first mow of the year soon!

24,456 - Venezuela - Altagracia Nueva Esparta 11.0962°N 63.9404°W "Anonymous" from 201.211.140.xxx (201-211-140-204.genericrev.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/04/03 15:49:43
It seems that today it is very hot there, spring has arrived

24,455 - Venezuela - Altagracia Nueva Esparta 11.0962°N 63.9404°W "Anonymous" from 201.211.140.xxx (201-211-140-204.genericrev.cantv.net) wrote at 2021/04/03 15:44:17
27°C on Colorado, wow!

24,454 - Belgium - Brussels Brussels Capital 50.8351°N 4.3179°E "A" from 109.129.169.xxx (205.169-129-109.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) wrote at 2021/04/03 12:28:08
Metric system appreciated. And thank you for improving my day.

24,453 - N-A - City N/A 47°N 8°E "Dante" from 138.199.029.xxx (unn-138-199-29-162.datapacket.com) wrote at 2021/04/03 12:12:01
Long time watcher here (I know, "why" right?) It a shame to see the lawn in this state, hopefully it will rain and pep that lawn up some.

24,452 - Republic of Lithuania - Jurbarkas Jurbarkas District Municipality 55.0872°N 22.7394°E "Juozas" from 046.036.079.xxx (ip-79-42.rev.kli.lt) wrote at 2021/04/03 08:43:27
watvhing this grass grow for 5 minutes and listening to this fancy music did my day hapier !:D P.S. never end this livestream !

24,451 - United States - Lakewood Washington 47.158°N 122.5462°W "Mewthree" from 073.239.129.xxx (c-73-239-129-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/02 19:57:04
Grass is growing. That's the comment. have a good day guys

24,450 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/02 14:01:23
It's greenin' up. Will the rabbits be around this weekend?

24,449 - United States - West Union Ohio 38.8017°N 83.5333°W "grass eater 9000" from 071.072.193.xxx (cpe-71-72-193-64.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/02 08:14:24
i eat grass

24,448 - United States - Cementon Pennsylvania 40.6543°N 75.5034°W "Mattias" from 216.015.078.xxx (216-15-78-110.s11884.c3-0.drf-cbr1.atw-drf.pa.cable.rcncustomer.com) wrote at 2021/04/02 07:41:13
i hope you guys have a great spring for grass :D

24,447 - United Kingdom - Skegness Lincolnshire 53.1941°N 0.3336°E "alan eason" from 086.144.065.xxx (host86-144-65-201.range86-144.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2021/04/02 06:43:16
happy easter to mr g and family and all the grass watchers

24,446 - United States - Dracut Massachusetts 42.6764°N 71.3171°W "Anonymous" from 073.149.169.xxx (c-73-149-169-198.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/04/01 20:35:33
Thank you, very cool.

24,445 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.674°N 73.9701°W "477fhgfnhgng" from 184.075.121.xxx (rrcs-184-75-121-198.nyc.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2021/04/01 13:39:50
why is this somewhat entertaining

24,444 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/01 09:11:49
It is so odd for me to come back every once and a while to fresh snow. Where I am we get snow like once every 4 years, but now I just want this snow to leave so I can see the glorious lawn!

24,443 - United States - Ballwin Missouri 38.5759°N 90.5167°W "Owlster1YT" from 204.184.029.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/04/01 07:19:49
There's something on your driveway... It might be the newspaper Mr. Grass

24,442 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/04/01 05:56:15
First Mow When?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:19 - No changes from my post a couple of weeks ago - usually late April/early May. I'll certainly let Grass Fan know ... since the first lawn mowing is a BIG deal at WGG!

24,441 - United States - City N/A 37.751°N 97.822°W "christheduck" from 208.127.225.xxx (netblock-208-127-225-11.dslextreme.com) wrote at 2021/04/01 05:43:54
I always look forward to stalking your lawn every morning.

24,440 - United States - Blackwood New Jersey 39.7897°N 75.0355°W "Anonymous" from 073.215.139.xxx (c-73-215-139-93.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 20:59:21
been a fan since 2009, keep up the good work!

24,439 - United States - Londonderry New Hampshire 42.8674°N 71.3793°W "xXChad_VickXx" from 073.249.237.xxx (c-73-249-237-156.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 20:09:20
Love to watch this in my freetime

24,438 - United States - Edison New Jersey 40.5802°N 74.3594°W "Anonymous" from 071.172.201.xxx (pool-71-172-201-218.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 19:38:54
Lol this is funny XD

24,437 - United States - Lake Havasu City Arizona 34.4801°N 114.3527°W "Anonymous" from 024.121.248.xxx (24-121-248-226.lkhvcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 18:53:54
I wonder when the next rainfall will be

24,436 - United States - Quincy Florida 30.5868°N 84.6088°W "Anonymous" from 068.059.088.xxx (c-68-59-88-2.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 16:40:29
nice car mr.grass!

24,435 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 11:36:13
Looks like your grass could use some warm sunshine and some rain soon.

24,434 - United States - Moundridge Kansas 38.206°N 97.5088°W "jonathan" from 204.009.025.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/31 11:28:03
Im back after focusing on school work. also i have finals this week

24,433 - United States - Alamogordo New Mexico 32.8954°N 105.948°W "SkoalPeach" from 066.018.166.xxx (hs-166-135.ala.tularosa.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 11:17:48
Aliens are real

24,432 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "Mason H" from 104.225.162.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/31 09:22:46
I love the family of grass watchers this website has formed :)

24,431 - United States - Tucson Arizona 32.0839°N 110.9004°W "Anonymous" from 068.228.111.xxx (wsip-68-228-111-14.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/03/31 09:11:43
I am currently watching this in class. Kinda weird but better than this crap we call school.

24,430 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/31 08:35:51
We are all a little weird for being on this website but it is such a great family and we all share a common hobby (watching grass grow baby!)

24,429 - United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.2842°N 80.8719°W "Anonymous" from 075.181.140.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/31 08:24:12
I suppose i will have to show everyone i know this and hope that they dont think i'm weird, am i?

24,428 - United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.6653°N 77.5364°W "Mason H" from 104.225.162.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/31 07:09:39
You know, this is actually a smart thing to do. You basically have 24/7 surveillance on your house.

24,427 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 076.189.121.xxx (cpe-76-189-121-236.neo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/03/30 20:40:30
This is so stupid i love it

24,426 - United States - San Jose California 37.3304°N 121.7913°W "jenknee" from 075.050.086.xxx (75-50-86-80.lightspeed.snjsca.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/30 18:51:05
That's some nice grass

24,425 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "crazy Jane" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/30 18:34:54
Happy Birthday to my sister and everyone it fits today.

24,424 - United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.491°N 112.2491°W "Anonymous" from 068.003.062.xxx (ip68-3-62-2.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2021/03/30 14:08:44
Hope everyone is having a good day today

24,423 - United States - Saint Paul Minnesota 44.9825°N 93.1863°W "Grass Lover" from 065.117.099.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 13:34:25
This site is old but still popular!!! ;)

24,422 - Turkey - City N/A 41.0214°N 28.9948°E ":)" from 085.108.215.xxx ( wrote at 2021/03/30 13:33:33
wow, 122 viewers!

24,421 - United States - Demarest New Jersey 40.9561°N 73.9625°W "Yay" from 108.035.026.xxx (pool-108-35-26-82.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/30 13:24:54
The snow is gone ____________

24,420 - United States - Atascadero California 35.4658°N 120.6672°W "snow enthusiast" from 207.062.043.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 12:27:30
Nice pile of snow

24,419 - United States - Fort Atkinson Wisconsin 42.9229°N 88.8467°W "Soggy pizza" from 047.035.185.xxx (047-035-185-098.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/03/30 09:09:51
Ohh it snowed

24,418 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-16.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/03/30 08:31:08
lo vi ..... VI RECOJER EL DIARIO HAHAAHHHA puedo morir en paz

24,417 - Chile - Santiago Santiago Metropolitan 33.4513°S 70.6653°W "Anonymous" from 191.113.138.xxx (191-113-138-16.baf.movistar.cl) wrote at 2021/03/30 08:00:42
espero ver al sr. Grass recoger el diario no importa si estoy en clases (esta es una de las mejores paginas del mundo) uwu

24,416 - Italy - Desio Monza Brianza 45.614°N 9.1976°E "Anonymous" from 087.002.041.xxx (host-87-2-41-234.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/03/30 07:38:06
Newspaper spotted, Mr. Grass give us a friendly wave as you go pick it up!
Mr. Grass replies at 08:35 - How about a "shake" of the newspaper causing the accumulated snow to tumble off of it?!? ;-)
newspaper snow

24,415 - Germany - Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg 48.7662°N 9.1833°E "ew no" from 037.049.066.xxx (HSI-KBW-37-49-66-191.hsi14.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) wrote at 2021/03/30 06:48:22
I just came here from a channel.

24,414 - United Kingdom - Pontypool Torfaen County Borough 51.7011°N 3.0444°W "grass watcher 69" from 195.224.138.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 06:18:40
why am i here is this really just someones cctv

24,413 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/30 06:09:17
NOO it snowed

24,412 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 04:44:43
Warning: Anonymous" from 047.035.185.xxx LINK DELETED). Please do not right about you personal self as things may get leaked. Thank you have a Grassy One!

24,411 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "System" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 03:51:31
NOTE: You have blogged 3 times in the last 24 hours, 3 in the last week, 3 in the last month, and 3 in total. Remember, quality over quantity please...

24,410 - United States - Fort Atkinson Wisconsin 42.9229°N 88.8467°W "Anonymous" from 047.035.185.xxx (047-035-185-098.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/03/30 03:43:34
Hope its a good one I showed my mom this and she thought it was funny also any tips on how to find the spooder that is in my room

24,409 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "NO" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 03:39:08
why do no cars or trucks etc ever drive past their house even at 3 am, but night shift. WHERE ARE THE CARS

24,408 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "no" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 03:27:42
yeah i checked last Tuesday and the car was their now its gone

24,407 - United States - Fort Atkinson Wisconsin 42.9229°N 88.8467°W "Anonymous" from 047.035.185.xxx (047-035-185-098.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/03/30 03:19:04
Are y'all on vaycay haven't seen the car in 2 hole dats

24,406 - United Kingdom - Glasgow Glasgow City 55.867°N 4.2621°W "anonymous" from 185.058.166.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/30 02:50:28
wheres their car

24,405 - New Zealand - Christchurch Canterbury 43.5333°S 172.6333°E "the daniel hating fan club" from 151.210.163.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/29 22:28:37
daniel is a racist and HATES HATES HATES grass

24,404 - United States - Fort Atkinson Wisconsin 42.9229°N 88.8467°W "Anonymous" from 047.035.185.xxx (047-035-185-098.res.spectrum.com) wrote at 2021/03/29 20:43:25
Grow grass grw

24,403 - United Kingdom - Manchester 53.4798°N 2.3307°W "Matt" from 081.107.220.xxx (cpc94228-ward11-2-0-cust71.10-2.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 18:57:11
I can't believe this website is still up. I remember first finding this site on the Nintendo Wii web browser of all things.

24,402 - United States - Demarest New Jersey 40.9561°N 73.9625°W "Koran" from 108.035.026.xxx (pool-108-35-26-82.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 13:53:57
Lol 696969 grass is cool

24,401 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 12:11:22
One tiny patch of snow to go!

24,400 - United States - Lubbock Texas 33.5119°N 101.9316°W "Guy that speaks facts" from 066.076.019.xxx (66-76-19-58.com.sta.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 10:32:08
The person below me states the truth

24,399 - United States - Mountain View California 37.4043°N 122.0748°W "Anonymous" from 209.058.142.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/29 10:22:06
this is the best website ever

24,398 - United Kingdom - Blackpool 53.8119°N 3.0226°W "Anonymous" from 082.036.025.xxx (cpc1-blac9-2-0-cust493.18-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 08:38:07
i liked the part where the grass grew

24,397 - United States - Demarest New Jersey 40.9561°N 73.9625°W "Anonymous" from 108.035.026.xxx (pool-108-35-26-82.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/29 07:26:02
Hi guys. Lol 69

24,396 - New Zealand - Whangamata Waikato 37.2°S 175.8667°E "rat" from 122.056.077.xxx (122-56-77-225.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/03/28 19:24:49
i hecking hate that awful annoying snow sutpid snow___:((

24,395 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/28 11:53:50
What is the splotch on the sidewalk?

24,394 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "Anonymous" from 185.220.101.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/27 21:05:40
Grass is cool

24,393 - United States - Show Low Arizona 34.2998°N 110°W "Grass Enthusiast" from 160.003.111.xxx (160-3-111-18.cpe.sparklight.net) wrote at 2021/03/27 20:23:35
woot woot always happy to see the grass again after the snow!!!

24,392 - Turkey - City N/A 41.0214°N 28.9948°E ":)" from 085.108.215.xxx ( wrote at 2021/03/27 15:20:57
watching snow melt

24,391 - Albania - Delvine Delvinë District 39.9511°N 20.0978°E "Ergi" from 046.252.040.xxx (ptr.abcom.al) wrote at 2021/03/27 09:47:26
Very cool!

24,390 - United States - Cheney Washington 47.4949°N 117.5789°W "Anonymous" from 067.110.213.xxx ( wrote at 2021/03/26 18:00:05
I got linked here from Micah's Fleshy Website and I have no regrets.

24,389 - United States - Huntsville Alabama 34.7777°N 86.5445°W "Goldfish_198" from 173.026.012.xxx (173-26-12-191.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2021/03/26 14:11:19
I prefer watching this over watching the Emoji movie.

24,388 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/26 14:00:59
Bro, Earlier this year, I got a 110 on a quiz I knew NOTHING about.

24,387 - United States - Mashpee Massachusetts 41.6181°N 70.4854°W "Toaster" from 192.107.120.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/26 12:40:29
Just got a 17/20 on a quiz I wasn't prepared for, yeah!

24,386 - United States - Boulder Colorado 40.0176°N 105.2687°W "bruh" from 204.132.224.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/26 11:30:10
colorado snow suck____________

24,385 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6372°N 73.9037°W "jared" from 096.246.180.xxx (pool-96-246-180-148.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/26 11:12:07

24,384 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/26 10:21:38
It looks nice there

24,383 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.2899°N 84.5291°W "Doggy" from 216.048.135.xxx (fr.o2.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/26 08:17:54
The snow is finally going away YAYAYAYAYY

24,382 - Italy - Somma Lombardo Provincia di Varese 45.6821°N 8.7076°E "Anonymous" from 079.031.205.xxx (host-79-31-205-80.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/03/26 01:27:56
The dog is just too cute, what's its name?

24,381 - New Zealand - Whangamata Waikato 37.2°S 175.8667°E ":)" from 122.056.077.xxx (122-56-77-225.n4l.sparkdigital.co.nz) wrote at 2021/03/25 17:51:27
grass is very cool hope i get to see something cool:)

24,380 - United States - Loveland Ohio 39.2454°N 84.2537°W "Anonymous" from 050.005.130.xxx (dsl-50-5-130-240.fuse.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 14:05:41
I just found out about this site! I love it! love the default music.

24,379 - Canada - Richmond Hill Ontario 43.8678°N 79.442°W "Anonymous" from 099.229.032.xxx (cpef85e424bb1a6-cmf85e424bb1a4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/03/25 13:54:55
Hi again Mr. Grass nice car :___

24,378 - Canada - Richmond Hill Ontario 43.8678°N 79.442°W "Anonymous" from 099.229.032.xxx (cpef85e424bb1a6-cmf85e424bb1a4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2021/03/25 13:49:42
This is the content we need more of on the internet

24,377 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:57:08
two people just walked by, today is really active, dang

24,376 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:49:14
Maroon Car, lets gooo!

24,375 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:44:43
I hope that all the people walking past know that they are being watched by 50 different people from all over the world.

24,374 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:42:24
GRASSS! this is what I have been missing in my life. I thought I needed friends. I thought I needed love. One only needs grass...

24,373 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "oooooowaaaaa" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:39:42
thank you mr. gra

24,372 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 12:19:18
welcome back Mr grass

24,371 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 10:20:43
what is going on? im so confused

24,370 - United States - Jonesboro Georgia 33.5231°N 84.3579°W "bababoey" from 023.125.018.xxx (23-125-18-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:58:03
ms sutherland bring back michelle

24,369 - United States - Peachtree Corners Georgia 33.9733°N 84.2231°W "Anonymous" from 099.056.003.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:56:01
hi ms stuehrland how are you

24,368 - United States - Alpharetta Georgia 34.024°N 84.2396°W "Anonymous" from 073.137.243.xxx (c-73-137-243-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:44:21
grass is cool

24,367 - United States - Norcross Georgia 33.9395°N 84.2008°W "JEREMYLOESSBABAA" from 108.064.127.xxx (108-64-127-28.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:38:08

24,366 - United States - Jonesboro Georgia 33.5231°N 84.3579°W "Anonymous" from 023.125.018.xxx (23-125-18-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:03:27
hello ms sutherland

24,365 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 09:01:47
This internet website is the pinnacle of my existence, the suburbian stereotype fueling the precise cultivation and therefore repeated trimming of grass resuscitates the bland culture of day-to-day life in the united states. I felt the need to express my profound love and adoration of grass and this holy website. My desire is to attract the attention of our lord Mr. Grass. My devotion to the forepart of Mr. Grass' land area in which the grass is grown is immeasurable and my appreciation will never falter. Please accept my humble gift of words and affirmation.
Mr. Grass replies at 13:16 - I appreciate the nice words ... ;-)

24,364 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 08:47:35
yay more grass

24,363 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 08:15:25
Yay more grass

24,362 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 08:01:59
Yay more grass

24,361 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/25 07:55:33
awesome dog mr grass

24,360 - United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2021/03/25 07:38:36
Since there have been a lot of questions recently about when I get the newspaper, here's yet another picture of me getting it early this morning ... with my "assistant! ;-)
dog newsp

24,359 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/25 07:34:51

24,358 - United States - Tigerville South Carolina 35.0477°N 82.353°W "Anonymous" from 205.186.050.xxx (205-186-50-98.generic.c-light.net) wrote at 2021/03/25 07:26:38
hello people

24,357 - United Kingdom - Harwich Essex 51.9419°N 1.2844°E "Anonymous" from 085.092.190.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/25 04:20:19
We can see the grass now woo

24,356 - Australia - Sunnybank Queensland 27.5819°S 153.0542°E "Anonymous" from 049.198.239.xxx (n49-198-239-20.mrk1.qld.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2021/03/25 00:38:08
d*** that grass be grassy greeen

24,355 - United Kingdom - Bristol 51.4769°N 2.5561°W "Anonymous" from 077.096.016.xxx (cpc147594-aztw34-2-0-cust184.18-1.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 15:54:47
should be writing my dissertation, but i'm watching the grass grow instead :-)

24,354 - United States - Leesburg Florida 28.8928°N 81.7852°W "Alex Grimborn" from 073.021.228.xxx (c-73-21-228-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 15:48:43
The snow is going finally

24,353 - United States - Jonesboro Georgia 33.5231°N 84.3579°W "Anonymous" from 023.125.018.xxx (23-125-18-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 14:38:02
the snow is melting happy days!

24,352 - United States - Quincy Florida 30.5868°N 84.6088°W "Anonymous" from 068.059.088.xxx (c-68-59-88-2.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 14:30:05

24,351 - United States - Denver Colorado 39.7628°N 105.0263°W "Anonymous" from 071.218.045.xxx (71-218-45-252.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 12:33:20
Hello other people watching grass grow!

24,350 - United States - Mashpee Massachusetts 41.6181°N 70.4854°W "Anonymous" from 192.107.120.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 12:32:07
Shoutout to Charles, also watching grass in class

24,349 - United States - Mashpee Massachusetts 41.6181°N 70.4854°W "Anonymous" from 192.107.120.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 12:26:41
Watching grass in class

24,348 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.3371°N 79.9901°W "Anonymous" from 173.013.054.xxx (173-13-54-173-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/03/24 12:15:18

24,347 - Brazil - Manaus Amazonas 3.1145°S 60.0278°W "DB" from 131.108.139.xxx (dhcp-131-108-139-132-speednetworks.com.br) wrote at 2021/03/24 09:35:05
shoutout to my bestie basil!

24,346 - United States - Orono Maine 45.0028°N 68.6431°W "grass enthusiast" from 169.244.228.xxx (nhs-nat.msad60.org) wrote at 2021/03/24 09:23:34
grass is white now pog

24,345 - United States - Highland Falls New York 41.3582°N 73.9746°W "Rocky" from 067.243.049.xxx (cpe-67-243-49-34.hvc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/03/24 08:12:41
last time i checked, grass wasn't white XD

24,344 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 08:12:24
Mr. Grass, What is your favorite color? (I have a sneaking suspicion it is green)

24,343 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9473°N 96.7028°W "Anonymous" from 165.199.181.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 08:04:57
Why is the snow back? :(

24,342 - United Kingdom - Marlow Buckinghamshire 51.5579°N 0.7774°W "Anonymous" from 185.193.232.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 07:13:52
teres dog taking sht

24,341 - United States - Morgantown West Virginia 39.5953°N 79.9229°W "Anonymous" from 168.216.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 06:56:43
Hey Mr. Grass, at what time do you usually get the newspaper?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:57 - Per Blog post #24,299, there's a picture of me getting it at last week at 7:07AM ... ;-)

24,340 - United States - Sunbury Pennsylvania 40.8541°N 76.7909°W "Anonymous" from 204.186.112.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 06:55:23
wow grass watch

24,339 - United Kingdom - Harwich Essex 51.9419°N 1.2844°E "Staunch" from 085.092.190.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/24 04:39:59
i actually love the man who did this

24,338 - Italy - Somma Lombardo Provincia di Varese 45.6821°N 8.7076°E "Anonymous" from 079.031.205.xxx (host-79-31-205-80.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/03/24 04:30:37
I never see anyone or any car passing by at 'round midnight. Is there any curfew regulation ongoing over there or something due to covid?

24,337 - United States - Medford New Jersey 39.8602°N 74.8247°W "Bennnnnn" from 096.248.118.xxx (pool-96-248-118-207.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/23 19:14:14
Oh look that Grass is made of Grass

24,336 - United States - Richardson Texas 32.9636°N 96.7468°W "Anonymous" from 076.183.144.xxx (cpe-76-183-144-191.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2021/03/23 18:53:54
The snow is melting, the greatest day of my existence. So glad I can see the grass.

24,335 - United States - Chelmsford Massachusetts 42.5945°N 71.3571°W "TCOrange" from 173.048.107.xxx (pool-173-48-107-107.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/23 17:27:07
d o g g o !!!!!!!

24,334 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/23 12:14:21
Man i love this website

24,333 - United States - Lawrence Kansas 38.9683°N 95.2695°W "Mr. Optional" from 066.045.132.xxx (66-45-132-98-dynamic.midco.net) wrote at 2021/03/23 11:58:14
Oddly enough this is more entertaining than school...

24,332 - United States - Jonesboro Georgia 33.5231°N 84.3579°W "deez nuts" from 023.125.018.xxx (23-125-18-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/23 11:34:56
mr grass there is snow on the grass. gonna do something bout it?
Mr. Grass replies at 13:02 - My "plan" is to let the forecast snow for Wednesday to fall ... and then after that, there's a big warming trend ... so I'm betting after a couple of days of sunny 60+°F temps, that snow will be gone for 'ya! ;-)

24,331 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Grass Lover" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/23 08:36:55

24,330 - Japan - Naha Okinawa 26.2644°N 127.7244°E "Chris" from 065.099.085.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/23 06:09:37
Been coming to this website periodically since I was like 11 years old! glad to see the grass is still growing!

24,329 - United Kingdom - Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire 53.6846°N 0.6662°W "Barry Scott" from 195.195.239.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/23 03:31:42
wow it really is growing

24,328 - United States - Chicago Illinois 41.8486°N 87.6288°W "Anonymous" from 107.181.180.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/23 03:22:38
Terrible to hear about the shooting, glad you're all safe and sound

24,327 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 22:25:30
SO Glad you and your loved ones weren't in harm's way, Mr G!

24,326 - United Kingdom - Liverpool 53.4113°N 2.9759°W "Anonymous" from 090.198.007.xxx (5ac6072d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2021/03/22 16:42:42
Hope everything is OK your end I hear there as been hooting where yu live
Mr. Grass replies at 19:54 - All OK here ... but what a terribly tragic situation.

24,325 - United States - Jasper Alabama 33.8927°N 87.1667°W "Anonymous" from 045.030.109.xxx (45-30-109-247.lightspeed.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 14:22:06
I can't see the grass what is this s***

24,324 - United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.6934°N 84.448°W "Anonymous" from 073.082.194.xxx (c-73-82-194-24.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 13:44:19
d*** snow daddy chill uhhhhh

24,323 - United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.1134°N 94.674°W "Anonymous" from 104.225.170.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/22 13:31:43
cut my lawn

24,322 - United States - Patchogue New York 40.7606°N 72.9844°W "Ur LINK DELETED" from 069.126.138.xxx (ool-457e8a03.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 13:08:49
Bro this is boring ima go watch fortnite

24,321 - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Amman Amman Governorate 31.9522°N 35.939°E "faisal" from 086.108.011.xxx (86.108.x.190.go.com.jo) wrote at 2021/03/22 12:43:44

24,320 - United States - Orlando Florida 28.3939°N 81.4216°W "grass lover" from 172.058.174.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/22 11:47:28
I love you!

24,319 - United States - Alliance Ohio 40.9165°N 81.1174°W "Anonymous" from 208.108.212.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/22 09:41:19
I hate snow and everything but this is beautiful

24,318 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 09:27:50
Will you be known as Mr. Snow for the duration?

24,317 - Netherlands - City N/A 52.3824°N 4.8995°E "Anonymous" from 089.039.107.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/22 07:24:57
This website is way more excting that the new Formula 1 circuit of Jeddah.

24,316 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/22 06:19:47
Mr Grass idk if its the weather or not but the wind indicators are showing N/A
Mr. Grass replies at 07:58 - Yea, the snowy weather can sometimes mess up the weather data - working now.

24,315 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.2899°N 84.5291°W "LOL LMAO" from 216.048.135.xxx (fr.o2.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 06:08:23
Watching Snow Grow should be the title

24,314 - United States - Banner Elk North Carolina 36.1705°N 81.8412°W "Anonymous" from 207.144.175.xxx (dial-47.r16.ncbldw.infoave.net) wrote at 2021/03/22 04:42:38
Snow grow more like it

24,313 - Netherlands - City N/A 52.3824°N 4.8995°E "Anonymous" from 089.039.107.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/22 01:09:35
God save the grass

24,312 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Sainte Jane" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/21 17:44:04
looks like there's enough white stuff to cover the bare grass and tops of shrubs Sainte Jane

24,311 - United States - Brooklyn New York 40.6372°N 73.9037°W "jared" from 096.246.180.xxx (pool-96-246-180-148.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2021/03/21 16:53:02
savbe the grass

24,310 - Netherlands - Amsterdam North Holland 52.3534°N 4.9087°E "Anonymous" from 192.040.057.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/21 04:36:11
In deze Website zit eigenlijk potentie in, wow!

24,309 - United Kingdom - Fort William Highland 56.8346°N 5.1344°W "Anonymous" from 185.072.109.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/21 03:33:26
this is cool

24,308 - United States - Purcell Oklahoma 35.0103°N 97.4255°W "Anonymous" from 164.058.213.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/20 16:30:11
omg people walked by who were they

24,307 - United Kingdom - Ilford Redbridge 51.5877°N 0.0784°E "Anonymous" from 082.046.094.xxx (cpc86641-seve26-2-0-cust111.13-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/03/20 11:36:10
so much SNOWWW!!!

24,306 - Italy - Bassano del Grappa Provincia di Vicenza 45.7666°N 11.7309°E "LN Lenost" from 005.090.202.xxx (mob-5-90-202-141.net.vodafone.it) wrote at 2021/03/20 07:44:14

24,305 - United States - Boulder Colorado 40.0176°N 105.2687°W "watchingsnowmelt2021" from 204.132.224.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/19 13:30:43
i love watching grass grow im so proud of this community

24,304 - United States - Boulder Colorado 40.0176°N 105.2687°W "grasslover2021" from 204.132.224.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/19 13:16:56
snow bad :(

24,303 - United States - Savoy Massachusetts 42.577°N 73.0233°W "Anonymous" from 141.193.147.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/19 12:49:24
we are watching snow melt not grass growing :)

24,302 - United States - Mansfield Missouri 37.1273°N 92.5936°W "Chuck" from 204.185.016.xxx (mansfieldschool.net) wrote at 2021/03/19 11:57:37

24,301 - United States - Virginia Beach Virginia 36.8282°N 76.0237°W "SNOW HATER" from 204.126.011.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/19 08:20:51

24,300 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.1091°N 84.6082°W "Anonymous" from 204.010.219.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/19 08:02:38
I don't see what the problem is. I personally think the cold weather is snow problem.

24,299 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/19 07:04:59
Some of the snow on the edge of the driveway looks red. Is that brake dust?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:34 - That's from a colorful sunrise this morning - I was admiring it when I went to get the newspaper.
red snow

24,298 - United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.2899°N 84.5291°W "Bobby" from 216.048.135.xxx (fr.o2.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/19 06:23:23

24,297 - Germany - City N/A 51.2993°N 9.491°E "My Party is Lawncare" from 185.220.101.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/18 19:08:32
Absolutely powerful lad, streaming his lawn for years straight. What a legend.

24,296 - United States - Newburgh New York 41.534°N 74.0492°W "buttymcbutt chin" from 069.206.019.xxx (mta-69-206-19-74.hvc.rr.com) wrote at 2021/03/18 14:25:02
there wasnt snow last time i checked. MR GRASS WHY!!!
Mr. Grass replies at 16:33 - Because you don't check often enough ... things can change real fast around here! ;-)

24,295 - United States - Purcell Oklahoma 35.0103°N 97.4255°W "Anonymous" from 164.058.213.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/18 13:36:05
mr grass will the snow ever go away

24,294 - United States - Purcell Oklahoma 35.0103°N 97.4255°W "Anonymous" from 164.058.213.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/18 13:28:21
we're grass me want only green grass no white snow

24,293 - United States - Virginia Beach Virginia 36.8282°N 76.0237°W "SNOW HATER" from 204.126.011.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/18 12:26:48

24,292 - United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.3371°N 79.9901°W "Ur mom" from 173.013.054.xxx (173-13-54-173-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2021/03/18 11:23:00
Mmmmm Mesa lovvveee grasss we need more grass no snow

24,291 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/18 05:52:30
Mr Grass any word on when the first mow will be?
Mr. Grass replies at 16:31 - Usually late April/early May ... we'll still see some more snow!

24,290 - United Kingdom - City of Westminster 51.5088°N 0.126°W "kaijun" from 212.241.215.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/18 03:55:43
d*** i love grass

24,289 - United Kingdom - Farnham Surrey 51.2144°N 0.7936°W "4543577775656444442247863258000" from 213.123.236.xxx (host213-123-236-39.in-addr.btopenworld.com) wrote at 2021/03/18 03:47:30
ooga booga

24,288 - Australia - City N/A 33.494°S 143.2104°E "grass" from 131.242.007.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/17 23:02:34
hello mmmmmmm grass

24,287 - United States - Colorado Springs Colorado 38.9488°N 104.7677°W "Anonymous" from 199.217.032.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/17 13:31:34
my family also got a tooooooon of snow

24,286 - Italy - Milan 45.4707°N 9.1889°E "Anonymous" from 079.025.164.xxx (host-79-25-164-104.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2021/03/17 09:17:49
Day 1 of waiting for Mr.Grass to paint the house so he can restart Watching Paint Dry

24,285 - United States - North Royalton Ohio 41.3197°N 81.7538°W "AJF15000" from 208.108.154.xxx (h15.154.108.208.lnoca) wrote at 2021/03/17 08:45:28
Mr Grass when will hulk come out again?

24,284 - Russia - Nizhnekamsk Tatarstan Republic 55.638°N 51.807°E "Artyom" from 176.052.032.xxx (ip122.32.52.176.kzn.tbt.ru) wrote at 2021/03/17 07:24:09
What do you think of this, Mr. Grass? bit . ly/3tvsUdG

24,283 - Spain - Madrid 40.4143°N 3.7016°W "FRANCO" from 083.035.137.xxx (250.red-83-35-137.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2021/03/17 05:47:08
viva espa______a y viva el rey

24,282 - United Kingdom - Ilford Redbridge 51.5877°N 0.0784°E "Grasslover123" from 082.046.094.xxx (cpc86641-seve26-2-0-cust111.13-3.cable.virginm.net) wrote at 2021/03/17 00:25:09

24,281 - United States - Venice Florida 27.0602°N 82.3533°W "Anonymous" from 174.058.061.xxx (c-174-58-61-207.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2021/03/16 15:36:18
Name of the storm / Yxlia

24,280 - Turkey - City N/A 41.0214°N 28.9948°E ":)" from 085.108.215.xxx ( wrote at 2021/03/16 15:21:01
watching grass grow more like watching snow grow hahaha no ill stop

24,279 - Colombia - Bogotá Bogota D.C. 4.6493°N 74.0617°W "ElSocio" from 186.083.068.xxx (dynamic-ip-1868368179.cable.net.co) wrote at 2021/03/16 15:19:58
It's so epic to watch this grass grow.

24,278 - United States - Middletown Ohio 39.5378°N 84.3895°W "The Snow p**'er" from 216.048.134.xxx (fr.o1.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/16 11:24:42
I pooped in the snow and p**'d in it

24,277 - United States - Middletown Ohio 39.5378°N 84.3895°W "Anonymous" from 216.048.134.xxx (fr.o1.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/16 10:58:22
No one likes snow not even gods c***

24,276 - United States - Middletown Ohio 39.5378°N 84.3895°W "Anonymous" from 216.048.134.xxx (fr.o1.swoca.net) wrote at 2021/03/16 10:53:11
There is snow

24,275 - United States - Jackson Michigan 42.229°N 84.4132°W "Anonymous" from 216.168.132.xxx (unresolvable) wrote at 2021/03/16 10:49:51
There is still snow

24,274 - United States - Reading Pennsylvania 40.3102°N 76.0388°W "Anonymous" from 073.230.139.xxx (c-73-230-139-228.hsd1.